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File: 112 KB, 795x396, HODL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29425970 No.29425970 [Reply] [Original]

What's your retirement plan? I'll be honest, I laughed both of these off at some point, sorry.

>> No.29426002

I have huge bags of both :)

>> No.29426058

is it too late for parsiq? I already have a huge dexg bag so im not too worried about getting rubic

>> No.29426057
File: 41 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy's id ends in 'fag'


>> No.29426101

Hold rubic for two years, withdraw, retire.

>> No.29426257

Only a bag of xcm at this moment. Looking to get into something else, might as well be prq

>> No.29426261

I already have a big bag of green cubes. Can someone give me the quick redshill to me on parsiq? I have seen it shilled but it's never with great fanfare or energy or details.

>> No.29426344

hahahah thanks for bringing this joyous information to our attention dear chum
2 years? you don't seem to realize what a piece of gem you are holding. For shame...

>> No.29426439
File: 406 KB, 1698x1422, LUAvsRBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RBC holder here, get a bag of LUA
Similar product but much lower marketcap (more room for gains!)

>> No.29426547

Anon looking to fill my bags with some LUA. How should I buy it? Looks like their is zero liquidity on uniswap, do I have to use the tomochain?

>> No.29426630

peep the information in the parsiq general thread and DYOR, it'll be worth your time.

>> No.29426758

I'm all in on PRQ. Will do the lending. Just gonna bum around in university for 4 years and let it moon to retirement.

>> No.29426839
File: 38 KB, 625x608, hahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you ever compare my time traveling wallet to your absolute shit meme exchange token made by the Mywish scamsters.

>> No.29426893


Cool, so you have no idea what it is or does then. Pass.

>> No.29426954

It's not too late to board the QUICK train before it moons to $1000.

$300 eod was fud as it turns out,

>> No.29426961

do your own research faggot, not your personal search engine.

>> No.29427014

Hmm...how can you claim to understand parsiq but no rubic? Either you are just a parrot with a 1k bag of PRQ picking a fight for no reason or this is bait, because I can't figure out any reason for your mindset, duality of man maybe or whatnot. But okay I bit, you can now laugh at this dunce

>> No.29427095

when will you gmetards leave

>> No.29427138

i honestly cant buy parsiq because the name sounds retarded

>> No.29427303

Parsiq is a block-chain agnostic reverse-oracle with automation made by a giga-autist chad. Rubick is a fucking EXCHANGE token made by Mywish people. Fucking christ. Like comparing gold to shit

>> No.29427332

just go on their exchange brother


>> No.29427363


>> No.29427384


>> No.29427443

>o-of course I understand it, it's uh, well you just need to look it up yourself

People were happy to explain what LINK did
Poeple are happy to explain what RUBIC does

Being unable or unwilling to explain the thing is a dead giveaway of a shit project with no energy going nowhere but the trash.

>> No.29427471

cry fag.

>> No.29427508

2 years? why not dump this fall sir, rebuy when low?

>> No.29427521

literally do not give a fuck if you want to buy in nigger. cry more about not getting spoonfed you fucking baby

>> No.29427574

Parsiq is currently powering Bitfury's tech right now. There's a breadcrumb. Why would I hard carry retards? The world is a meritocracy.

>> No.29427589

What makes you say PRQ is a scam?

>> No.29427662

>If f you know you

>> No.29427697

>What's your retirement plan?

>> No.29427749

what is tomochain?

>> No.29427780

dont ever compare parsiq to that shitcoin again

>> No.29427831

watch the video

>> No.29427868

How do people find out about these so early? And also like chain link and shit? I just dont get it? By the time, i hear about these, theyre mooned to tits. Please help so i can find these gems.

>> No.29427879

im not all people, go fuck yourself

>> No.29427881

>sir in ID
pajeet detected

>> No.29427898

you listen to kevin obviously, how new are you

>> No.29427931

why would we need a reverse oracle?

>> No.29427943

>By the time, i hear about these, theyre mooned to tits
because you're only using /biz/ and maybe twitter as a source of information

>> No.29427945

Srs question guys, why would anyone use Uni over Rubic when RBC features work? It would just pretty much insane just take all volume from uni, no?

>> No.29428003

Rubic needs to update their UI, add more tokens, get on binance, and partner with metamask first

>> No.29428017

why would your mom need my dick in her ass? idk but she still wants it

>> No.29428026

dont know maybe ask bitfury or binance or any of the other countless parters they have that place value into the service
and also watch the video are you kidding

>> No.29428030


>> No.29428031

theres tons of coins on twtitter though. Why choose rbc or fantom

>> No.29428093

check what? his statement? the date perhaps?

>> No.29428109

technicals + fundamentals anon. until you understand what you're investing in, none of this will make sense

>> No.29428145

whos kevin? Im like a year new

>> No.29428147
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>> No.29428221

fuck so most people that make it, they understand the coin too?

>> No.29428252
File: 71 KB, 1325x400, TOMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is tomochain?

TOMO is a big boi coin. And they are backing LUA

>> No.29428391

>so most people that make it, they understand the coin too?
jesus christ

>> No.29428413
File: 137 KB, 300x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck so most people that make it, they understand the coin too?
uhhh yes anon. that is the case

>> No.29428418
File: 126 KB, 360x450, 1614025846170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own both PRQ and RBC
We will both go to the Moon together

>> No.29428440

what do you mean fuck, i thought most people worked off meme magic here.

>> No.29428443

Seems like a video shilling PRQ, there is nothing that I see that indicates it is a scam which is what your post implied?

>> No.29428512
File: 37 KB, 1280x390, chinkerooni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29428619

smart anon
>which is what your post implied?
there is no need for me to imply anything, it's a scam and that's it, there is no working around that fact
read the rubic whitepaper, it's a complete fucking joke
it's what we call, a pump and dump.
not sure if bait, you're good at baiting if it is.

>> No.29428710

parsiq is a wallet, you store your coins there and it sends you messages once you makea transaction

>> No.29428758

this, just a wallet

>> No.29428819
File: 406 KB, 1706x1416, LUAvsRBC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get LUA my fellow RBC chads, works better and more room for growth!

>> No.29428963

not baiting. But you dont think theres people that just follow hype and get rich off that? like chainlink for example? But im tryna find people that are intellegent and just follow their ways. Ig, the only issue is yea on biz, its hard cause anonyminity makes it hard to differentiate panjeet from professor.

>> No.29429044

but yea who is kevin? Is he on twitter or something, or on a telegram?

>> No.29429128

>people that just follow hype and get rich off that
i guarantee you mate, anyone who bought LINK below $1 did not buy it for the "hype"

>> No.29429237

Can't wait for these to grow to $10+ so that I stop getting reckt by Sergey's contant betrayal.

Also : add UNN to complete the ultimate biz comfy holding bag

>> No.29429266

Oh okay, I see, I have a new perspective of things now. Ig, time to read up on books on crypto then. I bought doge years ago for my gf and then she broke up with me. so i got lucky this bullrun especially with elons pumps. Thats why I thought other people might be like that.

>> No.29429329

nah trust me after you spend some time here you will be able to differentiate panjeet from professor.
some people follow hype and make some money, but if you get what the project is about and how realistic is it for the project to reach its goal then you will probably go all in and make it if it pans out.
thats how the linkies did it and that how the whales keep doing it

here is something that should help you:
>How find out what coins are legit and which ones won't make it
no easy way to just tell, it's a bunch of small stuff that you'll notice after spending a lot of time doing research, like Team track record and competences, how team interacts with (potential) investors, tokenomics, if they're trying to fix an actual problem and how they're fixing it.
also watch the first part of this video https://streamable.com/xomcmu
also look at the shills when it comes to coins, generally its either very low quality memes or very high quality memes, no projects just comes out with a press kit loaded with pepe memes and 4chan shit, if you see that, run.
also its how they talk about it, if one ID just says "sounds legit" and never posts again, its probably not. Most of those threads are circlejerks with "am i going to make it?", "how big is your stack", "when moon" and other price speculation talk, always trying to trigger fomo.
See biz as a place to add projects to your to-investigate list, never fomo in.

kek, he's not some guy on twitter calling coins
he's the ceo of an exchange, smart guy, and you should be using the exchange by the way if you dont want to pay high fees, only problem is low liquidity as of right now
i say listen to him because every coin they pick for listing is actually a good project with a good future
if you were here in august and would have listened to him, you would have gotten into prq at 0.005 - 0.009 and made like 17000% or whatever the price is right now

>> No.29429364

ill throw you a bone anon; usually, by the time there are 5+ threads about something on /biz/ or twitter is talking about it, it's too late. the point is buying early before people like you hear about it

>> No.29429450

>books on crypto then
not a thing. crypto is the wild west, there are no books on how to survive the wild west.
stay away from biz meme coins with funny looking memes and only price discussion, look for people who talk fundamentals and then ask questions.
ALWAYS ask question, if you get insulted for asking questions, GET OUT and ignore the coin

>> No.29429453

Oh so you are implying Rubic is a scam, not PRQ gotcha.

In that case everything you say is completely worthless. Anyone with at least one eyeball and one finger can type out rubic.exchange, go there right now, and use the product for its intended purpose. Like, Rubic not being a scam isn't up for debate, its a demonstrably false claim as the product is right fucking there, and it works. It does exactly what they claim it will do.

This means you are one of two things
>so unimaginably stupid that you cannot manage to follow basic logic or use the internet
>intentionally lying

Which is it anon? There isn't a third option.

>> No.29429685

Man this is a gold mine, saving this page before the thread expires. Much luv mfers, no homo tho.

>> No.29429739
File: 373 KB, 1200x956, 1591569617260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no homo

>> No.29429806

MATIC & AMP are going to make me a millionaire.