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29428539 No.29428539 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite stable coin?
This is mine

>> No.29428715
File: 128 KB, 376x588, 3973CB13-33AE-470B-B7AA-60F700D4EAD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so lazy reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.29428755

>did a x5 in the last month

>> No.29429376

Glad I'm not the only one with a fucked up sleep schedule.
Go to bed.

>> No.29429552
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x800, xcm night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's 2 am, not even that bad.
4 am is the absolute cut off point for me, i NEED to change that asap

what do you do anon? like for a living

>> No.29430083
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Am a software engineer.
Used to work full time, but now I'm self employed and only work like 30-40 hours a month.
Due to the tax laws here it didn't really set me back in terms of income.

What about you?

I'm in bed already so I can fall asleep any moment :D

>> No.29430453
File: 1.02 MB, 800x800, depresseddogPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about you?
... don't ask for sad stories this late.
Long story short I've been unemployed since early 2019, wasted a year doing jack shit, tried to change and get /fit/, instead I got fucked by lockdown and didn't do much, late 2020 I found kev, and now I still don't do anything - at least now I can afford not to do anything.

>> No.29431071

I dropped out of uni, spent a 3/4th year a neet, then got into uni again.
So you can still make it, or just become a crypto millionaire.
Don't they have 'rona gibs over there you can apply for?

>> No.29431076

Crypto is a 24 hour market. Part of the reason all the XCM and PRQ threads I started in the last two years died with no replies is probably because I start them around this time and only Europoors care.

>> No.29431321

I was just thinking we should have some cm threads on burger hours because there's almost no burgers in the tg, probably even more leafs than burgers.

Why don't burgers like our coins?

>> No.29431635

As retarded as this may sound, I don't like gibs, and will not take any.
I actually can do some frontend work for a guy I know for free just to fill up my resume, but I'm even too lazy for that.. I'm really not doing good, all I do is post info on biz and get insulted by anons telling me to go burger flipping
and the anon is right, I should apply to some shitty job but I'm.. lazy..
Used to be extremely fucking productive, so i know i can do it, but.. eh

>> No.29432322

I started telling you to flip burgers as a joke to buy more XCM and then thought it was funny to keep doing it when it became obvious how much money you would have made if you followed my advice. Take the fucking Gibs you idiot, you are German right? Money you take from your government is money they don't have to give to rapefugees.
I dropped out of college twice and never found a job in my field, I now work a low paying job I love so I can stop myself cashing out my crypto until I can retire.

>> No.29432476

Every stablecoin other than RSV is going to fail for reasons stated in their whitepaper
If youre not long on reserve youre ngmi

>> No.29433314
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>when it became obvious how much money you would have made if you followed my advice
even in august, i basically knew for a fact that xcm would reach €1, there were nights were i was sitting infront on my desk at 3am, thinking
"holy fuck i need to get a job yesterday, then put in everything on xcm, i might even make it for life if i do that"
but i didnt..
I don't try a lot but the few times i did try to get a job, i got rejected horribly
>Take the fucking Gibs you idiot, you are German right?
reee I don't wanna, plus the IRS or whatever its called here would probably monitor my account and then ask where the gains are coming from.
not that I would want to avoid tax, but still. kek not even sure if it works like that
and.. i don't think i can apply, unemployment gibs are for people who worked over a year somewhere, which i didn't, then there is something called harz4, have no idea how to get that, and like i said, even if i could, i wouldn't

>> No.29433803

What are you even doing in crypto with no real income? I was on a shit job I despised for less than 20k Euro a month and putting in every penny when I was last putting money into crypto. You are clearly gifted at picking 100x's but 100 times zero is zero.

>> No.29433867

leaf anon here. i’ve been on the metro since ico and did some swing trades to increase my measly stack and bought a few bonds. i support white males who run exchanges and i promote comfymetro to non whites too as long as they have money to buy xcm and pump it. no chinks though fuck them. and no niggers obviously. actually i only tell whites

>> No.29434285
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thanks :3
like you said 100x 0 is 0
but 100x 100 is 10k, I basically went all in with my money and how I have 10k, which is pretty comfy, but It'll be more soon

Maybe I'll use my cm frens as motivation to make it even harder