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29427164 No.29427164 [Reply] [Original]

Hello to all of my fellow DeFiat chads, and welcome to any newcomers!

Here is some spoonfeeding material for any anons who have not found this gem yet.

>Testnet was released a few days ago, with mainnet and AnyStake coming within 1-2 weeks.
>AnyStake will allow users to stake up to 16 different assests, such as LINK, AAVE, QNT, TRB, and many more.
>16 assests released is just the beggining as they will be releasing more the week after AnyStake launch.
> DeFiat's AnyStake platform allows users to stake ERC-20 tokens in governance chosen liquidity pools, allowing the ability of idle crypto to work for passively you. To stake, you will need DFT; this creates BUYING PRESSURE.
>Everyone loves staking returns on the most fundamentally sound cryptos; this creates HODLING PRESSURE
>As more and more individuals clamor to interact with the AnyStake platform, transaction volumes will increase, which in turn increases deflationary burn; this creates DEFLATIONARY PRESSURE.

Initial assests to be able to be staked on AnyStake launch - $WBTC, $USDC, $USDT, $UNI, $YFI, $LINK, $MKR, $CEL, $SNX, $AAVE, $CORE, $AMPL, $QNT, $LTO, $UOS, $TRB and a few more.

Did I forget to mention that they will be reducing gas fees with staking on top of all of this?
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Look up the github and DYOR.

Medium - https://defiat.medium.com/

Github - https://github.com/defiat-crypto/defiat-frontend

Twitter - https://twitter.com/DefiatOfficial

>> No.29427335

I like. I bought.

They should offer support for PRQ staking

>> No.29427396

Saw this on /biz at $1 and one of my biggest regrets that I did not jump in with a few ETH, just bought the 8$ dip yesterday, hope we can hit some new ath’s after 24th and UI

>> No.29427539

Anon anon anon ya kek faggots

You want more spoonfeeding

Slick website, good Dev team (yeah they’re anon but guess what some internet sleuthing revealed one so he might as well be doxxed) and a working fucking test net. What else you need to know anon?

That all the link marines are gonna stake DFT

Ooos let it slip

Ur welcome anon

>> No.29427567

This shit rules. Comfy hold. Wish I bought sooner

>> No.29427591

This price is still a gift. Circulating supply is gonna drop fassstttt. 15mil marketcap will put us over $100 believe it or not.
Still got 20-50x left in the gas tank for sure. Also can’t wait to stake my Qnt & uos lol

>> No.29427594

This whole project smells strongly of curry.
DYOR. Read everything. Then ask yourself what the defian team stands to gain from their generous - bordering on charitable - efforts.

>> No.29427667
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Imma leave this here

>> No.29427802

Scooped some on the dip today. The token burn alone will make this fly. Anystake seems dope I’ll be staking my link

>> No.29427976
File: 3 KB, 125x113, 08FDA6E5-C1E1-49CF-9BB3-E028CF770DFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubled up on my stack at the $9 range tomorrow. Anons strap in it’s finally here

>> No.29428018

People look at the price but they should be looking at the market cap. 5 mil for a project like this is insanity.

>> No.29428331

Who is the possible doxxed dev?

>> No.29428486


>> No.29428559


>> No.29429298

Possible Fortune 500 executive, complete rumor though, may or may not be true.

>> No.29429344

The detective anon didn’t spill any beans but confirmed identity with the mod in TG. DYOR anon low market caps have high volatility but Dft has held strong today during the flash crash

>> No.29430613

They said they will be introducing new staking pools for other assests after the initial 16.

>> No.29430679

Bought a small stack.
Will see what happens with AnyStake
It's in my top five for smallcap gems for sure

>> No.29430757

No brainer at 3m marketcap imo

>> No.29430853

Any news on how Testnet is actually going?

>> No.29431157

Almost seems too good to be true, guys. I don't know

>> No.29431499

Yep Way too good to be true also liquidity gets unlocked right around the time that testnet gets released. Rug will be coming soon friend.

>> No.29432089


A legitimate project in the crypto space? No way, too good to be true. Foodswaps and pokemon yields are the only only things worth investing in.

>> No.29432259

We’ve had multiple “legitimate” projects rug hard af over the years. Don’t you think liquidity being unlocked right around release is super suspicious? This project sounds too good to be true anyways. How tf can you stake any token? Where are they coming from? Don’t redirect me to the GitHub, explain to me how staking other coins is even possible.

Buy as many bags as you want I’m not stopping you

>> No.29432459

Not to mention the fact that there’s a fat ass wallet with 65K dft that devs have access to at anytime. They can pull that out from under our asses whenever the fuck they choose to. Call me a fudder but it’s Better to be safe than sorry

>> No.29432545

my thoughts exactly, 5 mil is way too much for curry/chink shit

nice scam guys, you’re welcome newfag retards

>> No.29433291

My thoughts as well. Not natural discourse

>> No.29433631

>We’ve had multiple “legitimate” projects rug hard af over the years
Like what?

> Don’t you think liquidity being unlocked right around release is super suspicious?
No? How are you rationalising this? Virtually every project liquidity locks for 6 months.

>How tf can you stake any token?
You can do it now in the Testnet?

>> No.29433647

You haven't done enough research.

>> No.29434221

Roadmap doesn’t go past august of 2020, CONSTANT 4chan and Reddit shills, telegram full of immature weirdos who call any skepticism “FUD”. I’m in the telegram and you guys coordinate posts every day you can’t deny it. This coin sounds too good to be true because it is too good to be true. I don’t understand why they can’t just extend the liquidity lock before it even gets unlocked.

I’m not trying to “buy cheaper bags” I’m literally just pointing out that this shit seems fishy af. I recommend you sell now before liquidity gets pulled.

>> No.29434477

Most projects only lock liquidity for a set of months.
As for the coordinated posts, how else are we supposed to get the word out? You can have the best product ever but if nobody knows about it, it's worthless.

>> No.29435177

There’s a microcap called “MOD” that has absolutely no presence on Reddit or 4chsn and it’s already mooning right now as we speak. Not one thread was made. Dft has thousands of failed threads and it keeps getting “manipulated by whales” which is just the devs selling.

You will be rugged on the 24th It has been written

>> No.29435385

Hallo sirs. My name is Rajanesh from fortun 500 company. My coin DFT will make you and your village very rich Sirs. Pls refer to slik website for detail.

>> No.29435464

What happens when the team does lock liquidity on the 24th till Dec 31st? You guys gonna buy in at that time?
I’ve been using testnet and it’s working pretty damn good, no major issues. It’s all on track so far.

Also when you stake the more dft you have the higher rewards you get, the rewards will be in DFT. You can then swap dft for your Link ect. OR you can put that earned dft back in the pool, increasing your percentage. Most stakers will be mid/long term. Each dft that is staked is one taken out of circulating supply. R/R here is great, just wait 2 more days I guess. No biggie.

>> No.29435846

Can you post screenshots? I still have to ask how something as big as this can even deliver.

>> No.29437086

Check out the discord, there is a product testing group with all the info you will need.

>> No.29437121

Go try it yourself holy shit, it’s just code rn. Don’t put money into it if you can’t follow instructions that have been laid out on their last medium post. Or go to their discord, we have a whole product-testing thread where we are working on it and providing feedback. Jfc.

Come back in 2 days once we’re at $20+ liquidity is locked, testnet UI is out and buy then. Full launch this weekend or before, this fud is baseless, devs have been working for 6 months now. Peace 4chan fucks..

>> No.29437212
File: 138 KB, 750x1063, 20210217_222600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you wasting your time on this tread if DFT is not a project for you?
What is the most important commodity?
Please do a better use of yours

>> No.29438117

Here’s the testnet contract by the way.



>> No.29438959

Literally the most amount of spoon-feeding in this thread in recorded history.

>> No.29440010

And how should the thread go, you dumb faggot?
>"buy my coin sirs"
>"why, what does it do, also aspects X, Y, and Z, look like major problems and points of concern"
>"not gonna spoonfeed, dyor"

Kill yourself nigger. When threads go like that it is a 100% guaranteed pajeet scam.