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File: 7 KB, 300x126, cropped-cropped-STOX-only-e1413012688710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2941644 No.2941644 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly is it worth getting into the ICO? Will I make 2x at least? Or am I better off buying Bancor and waiting for them to use it as reserve post ICO? Yes I'm looking for quick gains. Sue me.

>> No.2941654

It does for long-time. Wait for 1year and its 4x MIN

>> No.2941657

2x is 95% guaranteed.

>> No.2941666

Both are scams.
Also over-hyped ICOs always grants terrible return to their investors.

>> No.2941669
File: 16 KB, 252x291, 74b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes of course, only 2x, i hope you meant 20x

>> No.2942011

I will cyberpolice the hell out of your ip adress and sue you little ico flipper.
Yes stox has a good chance to be way bigger than augur or gnosis.

>> No.2942039

>its 4x MIN
Why? Explain it using evidence and logic.

>2x is 95% guaranteed.
Why? Explain it using evidence and logic.

>> No.2942199

Way lower marketcap than competitors.
Will most likely have a functioning platform first.
Superior tech thanks to bancor.
Already huge userbase available.
Has proven to take the right steps to target normies by high profile advertising.

Meanwhile augur and gnosis cant do jackshit because they dont know how to handle a company.

>> No.2942206

> Superior tech
> Bancor


>> No.2942216

>Still doesnt realize that bancor is a huge innovation and with cross chain technology will be literally unstoppable.


>> No.2942228
File: 542 KB, 532x782, stoxomarines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the stox marines

>> No.2942236
File: 460 KB, 817x1464, 1501514532778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cross chain tech

so many are claiming that without being females and jews

>> No.2942301

>da joos
Nice non-argument nobanc subhuman

>> No.2942307

better buy some to get some gainz its almost reaching the cap 24k to go

>> No.2942316
File: 107 KB, 480x540, 1500995574027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dont be mean to le chosen ones!!!
kill yourself schlomo
>uses nobanc as an insult
thanks for the compliment

>> No.2942373

buy this cheaper once it makes an exchange i reckon

>> No.2942389

Wow you are retarded bancor will be able to be moveable due to its smart contracts and using cosmos technology. It will literally allow people to exchange every smart contractable token to be directly exchanged with each other. Nobancs are really sub brainlet iq

>> No.2942393

Can you stand further? I don't want filthy nobanc near my superior self.
There is the DGB loserdom for you.

>> No.2942492

11k left

>> No.2942496
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to add to blockfolio???

>> No.2942570

get a samrtphone

>> No.2942622

huge whale bought in I guess Ico finishes today.

>> No.2943531

it's not on exchanges yet idiot

>> No.2943582

kek. check the token balances of the stox ico contract https://etherscan.io/address/0x40349a89114bb34d4e82e5bf9ae6b2ac3c78b00a

>> No.2943609

wew. 4k eth buy in.

>> No.2943635

I am dumping the minute it hits exchanges. I'll be happy with 1.5x returns

>> No.2943652

Lol idiot

>> No.2943675

lol idgaf a fuck about this this shitcoin, it won't go anywhere as it doesn't bring anything new to the market.Ppost ICO dump incoming. I bought 65 ETH worth so I will fuck the price up solely by myself LOL

>> No.2944163

One chinese bought 1.3 million STX

>> No.2944251

Im not sure what stox is or how it works. Did I just get scammed?

>> No.2944379

No but you deserve to.

>> No.2944534


>> No.2945247

It has future as long as bancor delivers they will be equipped with a neat website form where you can just buy stx via a credit card.

>> No.2945768

6k left for hardcap

>> No.2946089


>as long as Bancor delivers

So it's fucked then lol

>> No.2946751

6k left get in or get regrets.

>> No.2946758
File: 173 KB, 600x400, NOSTOXBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nostox btfo!!! Futures trading at 20*!!!

>> No.2947080

Post a link or stop being a motherfucker.

t.1500 stox