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File: 152 KB, 1080x1290, Screenshot_20210222-115220_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29405921 No.29405921 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to cause this dip

>> No.29406007

Defi liquidations

Get fucked retards

>> No.29406032

The retarded Elon Musk, as usual

>> No.29406123

I just woke up bros and I see this, what do

>> No.29406185

newfags everywhere

>> No.29406297

spring festival

>> No.29406348
File: 187 KB, 718x705, 1610882263612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't wanna make a new thread for this but, please, everybody point and laugh at me for being a retarded faggot. I just bought my first bunch of crypto coins ever
> 50% LINK
> 45% VET
> 5% BAT

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.29406365

elon sellng

>> No.29406394

No investor confidence

>> No.29406437

The week ended

>> No.29406462

here let me fix that for you
in that order
you're welcome

>> No.29406469

Also unironically this
I look forward to his tweet that Tesla no longer owns BTC and the entire market tumbles to the 30ks

>> No.29406521

do yourself a favor and look at your folio once or twice a day. dips happen all the time when bitcoin gets dizzy from standing up too fast

>> No.29406598

Ahh fuck, if a LINK tard is buying BAT thats a huge sell signal

>> No.29406602

>t. 100$ poorfolio

>> No.29406803
File: 264 KB, 1125x786, 89498C2E-020D-4756-B3F0-3503C1815958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the dotted line in this graph signify? Is it the price at 00:00?

And if that’s the case, shouldn’t the graph turn green when the price goes higher than that line? Because it doesn’t.

Can someone explain? I don’t want to shit up the catalog for this.

>> No.29406867

>New Paradigm!!!

guess what comes next?

>> No.29406899

Imagine not buying BNT

>> No.29406897

its elon making a tesla logo for fun.
many companies will post advertisements on the bitcoin graph.

>> No.29406918

something something it can only go up scarcity institutions

>> No.29406924

CZ needed to liquidate some more long positions to buy another yacht.

>> No.29407024


it's not like you weren't warned by kek himself:

>> No.29407026

it's honeslty brilliant marketing. and investment..
paint a giant tesla add on the bitcoin daily.
a bunch of bitcoin holders looking at cars like tesla..
good move.

>> No.29407062


When I saw the first McDonalds "Golden Arches" on the bitcoin graph I shit myself.

>> No.29407076


>> No.29407185



>> No.29407191

bezos needs to step up.
make an AMAZON on the bitcoin daily.
it would be siiiick.

>> No.29407192
File: 36 KB, 647x647, 1543563376534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen niggers just make this real simple for me

>> No.29407201

I'm not worried since I liquidated my positions a day early. Yeah I missed on some gains but I'd be negative right now if I was greedy
Anyone should have been able to see that this was unsustainable and that it'd be coming down again

>> No.29407260

Stop loss hunting is my guess

>> No.29407282

f2pool sold shorted btc and dumped a bunch of coins, triggering stop losses in the process and walking away with a shitload of money.

>> No.29407289


>> No.29407314

so wale dumping and causing it to hit other people's stop loss

>> No.29407319

How much did you spend?

>> No.29407343

I thought he quit.

>> No.29407395

okay I will not.

>> No.29407454

Poorfags leave

>> No.29407715

For stocks, that line depicts the price at the previous day's close. Not sure if it's the same for crypto or not.

>> No.29407751

i think its the average value of the shwon timeframe

>> No.29407814

thank you, anon I'll check those out

I mean I consider myself a tard for just sitting by and watching /biz/ shill LNK for the last 4 years, starting back when it was at like 40 cents, so yea

I'd rather keep that to myself but it really wasn't a lot. Way below 5 figures

>> No.29407980

Oh shut up anon we know that poster posted something before that, saw they had TESLA id and then deleted their first post and created that FUDsterpiece.

>> No.29408050


thanks, anon, I cashed out the exact same coins. Now your money is mine and you can hold my bags for me.

>> No.29408081

Someone's going to beat his ass if they catch him out and about in minecraft

>> No.29408657

no way he actually did
Tesla needs SEC approval to do so and if he did no one would trust him again
institutions invest long term anon

>> No.29409052

how many times have you gotten a TESLA id?

>> No.29409233

if you search for a reason for latest BTC dip, you are a noob. What do you think, how many dips i saw since 2017? The market can tank all it wants and i sleep like a baby, dont even install Blockfolio. Get rekt and panic sell, bitches.

>> No.29409411


>> No.29409595

Whales scamwicking for profit and to shake out noobs.

>> No.29409940

this and sentiment was high for crash/correction so this ampliefied panic sell

a healty correction anon

>> No.29409982

Literally happens every week and people always sound surprised

lossstopfags and leveragefags btfod weekly

>> No.29410011

Sunday/Monday scamwick

>> No.29410179

I came in your mom's mouth

>> No.29411700

For crypto that would mean the price would always start on that line, right? And it doesn’t, it has a gap. That’s why I’m confused.

>> No.29411879

That would make sense however it only shows on the daily frame, not on month or year

>> No.29412018

>bitcoin slumps slightly from its ATH
>Bloodbath in the shitcoin markets
It's all so tiresome

>> No.29412195

Bitcoin is the game for bulls I am getting into alts and just found a gem $MCM can you guys check it out and tell me how it is?

>> No.29412353

doesn't it usually dip again after this? not sure whether to buy a fuckload now or buy a fuckload tomorrow, but definitely buying a fuckload at some point this week

>> No.29412432

what is up with that ugly little cunt, why is he such a little reptilian - the dude thrives off of acting like a jester reptilian.

>> No.29412465
File: 158 KB, 1857x694, lev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this illustrates what causes scamwicks.

>> No.29412575

Elon Musk literally bought then pumped the price then sold and FUDded the price. That's brilliant.

>> No.29412672

dead cat bounce

>> No.29412693


>> No.29412771

i did. and i would do it again if you dont fucking watch your mouth!

>> No.29412960

TESLA dumped its shit because of their stock dip. Unironically.

>> No.29412975
File: 54 KB, 688x694, photo_2021-02-21_23-19-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29413034

Literally laughing in Satoshi's face. Fucking genius use of PR.

>> No.29413122

I don't know what this means.

>> No.29413124
File: 76 KB, 1836x705, btc spex inmean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflows are ambiguous. Maybe it was right this time but it isn't a guaranteed dump indicator.

>> No.29413125


>> No.29413222
File: 143 KB, 1592x672, scamwick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's known as a "scamwick" - chinks are famous for it.

The purpose is to force liquidations on a significant number of positions that are following the long-term trend, and basically turn those coins over to the exchange/lending institution.

>> No.29413286

Hell no

>> No.29413306

Means someone got ready to cash out and actually did so today. For a grand total of 1.6B dollars. Has anyone found the transaction?
Was it motherfucking Elon?

>> No.29413845

depends where you bought retard

>> No.29414072

to add to your checking (if you wish for that otherwise just stick to yours except BAT ofc):
those are safe

>> No.29414232

welcome to bull markets where noobs get shaken out by -30% days.

It's necessary, need to deleverage all the retards being 100x. Need to clean the system, flush the leverage. Start fresh.

Don't panic, don't complain and just hold and enjoy the ride. At least 9 months left before this rocket runs out of fuel.

t. 2016 OG

>> No.29414321

>selling the dip

>> No.29414570

I just go completely emotionally mute whenever I see it drop and trust my gut. I have already decided when I want to sell and it’s not today, glad to see that it’s coming back up like I expected it to.

I think it’s good to be disciplined whether the price goes up or down. So don’t hype when it ‘moons’ but also don’t stress when it dumps. Just trust your plan.

>> No.29414653

I agree, I haven't sold once, but with how retarded the internet is when it comes to musk related things you never know

>> No.29414703
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, 2021-02-22-214105_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29414890

Most of us aren't born with iron hands, they are forged in the fire of rekt.

>> No.29415170

Imagine calling someone GAY FAGGOT when you use Coinmarketcap instead of Coingecko and use an absolute 2008 pleb tier screen resolution of 1920x1080.

Kek, get out newfag.

>> No.29415295

Think we're getting another dip? want to buy more some more

>> No.29415356

>You didn't bought enough last time.

>> No.29415539


miner pools dumping perhaps

>> No.29415585
File: 8 KB, 200x281, choke bobo down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monday + elon being a fgt and dumping on us

>> No.29415783

i hope you dont sell

>> No.29416057

how about you start using log charts and get perspective on long term trends newfag.

>> No.29416328

idk but DOT is rebounding and ready to go parabolic. I hope you traded any crappy ETH you had for it during the craziness.

>> No.29416607
File: 5 KB, 800x639, 1613181918510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the point retard the number keeps going up its gonna come down again like it always has .


>> No.29417007

Who said I'm in Bitcoin.

This cycle is far from over, gl hf trading the micro bubbles.
Do you really believe this macro cycle is about to end soon? Barely two months after ATH breaks on Bitcoin, and it's time for years and years of bear market again? Sure, anon. Thanks for the hearthy kek anon.

>> No.29417293

Quickly look if there's still a discount on some coins. Not all have fully recovered yet, though most are only 5-10% down. BNB seems to have found new resistance shortly below $275, might eventually shoot up again to the low 290s. But yeah, the real bargains are gone. You can hold on to your cash (if you even have any to spare) and hope for another dip. The next 24-48 hours will tell, though I would fully expect some prolonged crabbing as investors tread extra carefully.

>> No.29417972

blaaah blaaaaah blaah kid , keep holding.