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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 400x400, VesperFinance_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29406576 No.29406576 [Reply] [Original]

How we feelin' vespies?

>> No.29407465

super comfy desu
any updates on the vVSP earning rates? still at 0 in the app

>> No.29407617

didn't dump as hard as my other holdings so I'm happy

>> No.29407641

Ongoing. Should be resolved by tomorrow, hopefully.

>> No.29407671

When will this shit go to $500?

>> No.29407807


>> No.29407916
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Never. Sorry.

>> No.29408076

$100 by July

>> No.29408195

actually it should be today

>> No.29408288

Really bad, still 0% apy on vVSP. and it's already tuesday morning. Fucking devs can't do shit

>> No.29408317

we held the line, farming rewards are accruing

>> No.29408401

gtfo fagot, you literally have other pools to farm on + GYSR. it was stated it will be updated on monday, go fucking cry in your basement and masturbate

>> No.29408678

feel great, just waiting for them to fix the vVSP pool

this is a blue chip DeFi, undervalued at $50 (I bought at $39)

>> No.29408747

fuck this project, I'mma dump on your asses.

Stay poor pajeets. I doubt you can absorb my stack:

>> No.29408802

definately. i bought at $18 lets goooo

>> No.29408816

I give it a month to go to $100
A lot of shit in the pipeline, bancor and some AMMs were in telegram channel

>> No.29408917

> I doubt you can absorb my stack
Thats what your mother said

>> No.29409129

>Click on my GYSR stake
>Earned vVSP changes every time I refresh

>> No.29409291
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>> No.29409569
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>> No.29409973
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>> No.29410052

What does this mean?

>> No.29410162

1. read tokenomics
2. understand modular ekonomics and fees platform is generating
3. those fees are used to buy back VSP on opet market and return them to vVSP stakers
4. reload and repeat

>> No.29410308

it means VSP is already generating a ton of revenue, too much for the automated buyback system at launch to deal with

>> No.29410458

Never, it's a stablecoin for whales to park their money.
At least I bought at 30, selling at 50.

>> No.29410497

Shit poster how many pictures of shit do you have on hand rn

>> No.29410607
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>> No.29410838


>> No.29411065

i haven't received any coins yet and i can't withdraw nor deposit.

>> No.29411165

the vVSP staking pool is being manually dealt with but you should be able to deposit and withdraw. the UI is a little confusing, make sure you're looking at the VSP pool, the selection bar is at the top of the page

>> No.29411425

Is 50 vsp enough to make it?

>> No.29411493

How does $1750 sound?

>> No.29411496

my bags are vespies and gritties these pictures make it all seem like kismet

>> No.29411880

Sounds like the current price...

>> No.29412609

I wouldn't say 50 VSP will be "make it" money but consider that it's gaining fast on YFI and already has more than 30% of YFI's TVL

and at YFI's current market cap, each VSP would be worth $1000

>> No.29414184
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>> No.29415148


>> No.29415426

0xb1 is in

>> No.29415760

for the retards here who dont know who 0x_b1 is, google him. Hes the biggest defi wallet

>> No.29415834
File: 411 KB, 1080x1248, 20210222_165438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this in the telegram, still no word on when vvsp rewards will start rolling

>> No.29416036

yes but the good news is the rewards are coming, and the better news is that VSP is already generating so much revenue that they're having trouble distributing it

>> No.29416051

Eastern time

>> No.29416060

will the 450k and 250k be buybacks?

>> No.29416134

just checked and the wallet doesn't seem to hold any vsp?

>> No.29416372

the 250k is for buybacks, not sure about the 450k but probably

not yet, but he's generating fees (that are used to buy back VSP on the open market, thus raising the price) with his wBTC deposits

also raises TVL

>> No.29416410

hes farming it. he's got 12,463 vETH, 399 vWBTC and 22,643,344 USDC. Thats like $70M usd worth.

>> No.29416498

yes, right, forgot to mention, you also generate VSP by putting liquidity (ETH, WBTC, and USDC for now, others coming soon) in the pool

>> No.29416538

He also provides some liquidity for VSP on Uniswap

>> No.29416736

He is, but he has providing it all on uniswap / sushiswap liquidity pool

>> No.29416871

very cool info, actually didn't know about that wallet. crypto is so interesting lol you can learn something new every day

>> No.29416898

retards are still buying useless "governance tokens" instead of buying VSP that actually distributes 95% of revenue to holders.
It has not even been out a week and they already generated 250k

>> No.29417062

yeah, and the biz whale with $50MM portfolio is also a holder btw

>> No.29417157

also i believe that 0x_b1 is so balls deep that he cant market sell his entire farmed VSP because it would fuck his returns. he's got to be bullish long term imo given the amount he parked in vesper.

>> No.29417254

dont know about him, share his address pls. What did he say about vesper? whats his strategy, is he holding vsp or farming it?

>> No.29417308

>he's got to be bullish long term imo given the amount he parked in vesper.
if you're not bullish long term for Vesper you're a fucking retard

>> No.29417493

theres always a risk mate. we dont know how much tvl will be lost when vsp apy rewards dry up. Hopefully by then full product will be launched and it will attract investors nonetheless

>> No.29417558

i need some real FUD on this come on

>> No.29417639

>whats his strategy, is he holding vsp or farming it?
part of what makes VSP such a great project is that you accomplish both by depositing non-VSP currencies. for example your USDC deposits currently generate 10% APY USDC, and additional VSP on top of that, which you could then either sell or reinvest into the VSP pool as you see fit

it's like an actual savings account for the first time in the past 20 years

>> No.29417657

He is in this thread anon, the second poster with $58MM

He is staking it in the vVSP pool, he has over 30k vespies

>> No.29417773
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>> No.29417932

how many times have you posted this picture now? what have you accomplished with this shitposting?

>> No.29417954

of course there is always a risk, I said "bullish," there are no guarantees

but functionally Vesper is a crypto bank allowing for a crypto savings account. and yes of course APYs will go down, but in the long run VSP's "conservative" pools are likely to be the best place for whales like 0x_b1 to park whatever they aren't actively trading

>> No.29418042

you're a much shittier and less funny version of GRTsux, up your game faggot

>> No.29418545

imagine spending you day on biz waiting for vesper threads to post your poop toilet pictures

>> No.29418681
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Staked all weekend at 0%. Still waiting to see how much the rewards will be.

>> No.29418856

It is at least 200k and you should receive somewhere around $800 from that
according to this telegram guy >>29415834
it is even more, 700k which should give you almost $3k. Not sure if that is larp however

>> No.29419407
File: 301 KB, 640x406, brand new meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek not larp. I was the anon who dropped 26 eth at $48 to push the price up to $52

>> No.29419465

no I didn't mean it like that
I meant not sure if the telegram anon was larping about the 700k in buybacks, but I have seen Jeff confirm that it is at least 200k earlier

>> No.29419640

Guess we'll find out in a few hours

>> No.29419667

not larp. Beta balance is here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9520b477aa81180e6ddc006fc09fb6d3eb4e807a

and fee collector since launch is here:


I think theres a 3rd one for gysr rewards but im not sure

>> No.29419776

look at vETH vWBTC and vUSDC balances. these will be sold for VSP on the open market to be distributed.

>> No.29419990
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>> No.29420049
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so fucking bullish holy shit

>> No.29420387

very bullish
do we know for sure that the beta balance will also be distributed to stakers?
will this address always be used for fee collection?

>> No.29420496
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>> No.29420625

how many photos of shit do you now have saved on your pc I'm going to sell my stack if you keep doing this

>> No.29420888

the v balances will be distributed AFAIK

>> No.29420899
File: 2.60 MB, 576x1024, bitch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> selling your precious Vespies because of a tranny with a scat fetish
Not gonna make it.

>> No.29421874

great, if the rewards are this good I don't even mind if the token price stays stable

>> No.29422110

Still sitting cozy

>> No.29422130

The tokenomics are fantastic and I agree with this sentiment, but note that VSP is already at 1/3 of YFI's TVL, with only $50M market cap

At 1/3 of YFI's market cap, each VSP should be worth about $300

>> No.29422300

agree, I think this will absolutely BTFO YFI

>> No.29422431
File: 177 KB, 771x810, Screenshot 2021-02-22 152611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VSP will most definitely take out YFI in a few months

>> No.29422646

making some passive vespies from staking. feels good man.
anyone interested should get in the SLP-VSP pool. there's only 7 or 8 days left

>> No.29423067

one third of YFI's TVL? more like 3/4


>> No.29423252

marketcap, which is around 100mil right now I believe

>> No.29423359

so yea the 1/3rd is wrong either way. goes to show how much room VSP has to grow if successful.