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29393105 No.29393105 [Reply] [Original]

im a newfag but can anyone tell me why people are talking about holding their coins for a year or even YEARS?

after the bullrun ended in 2018 didnt every single alt drop 90%? surely if you sell now or even a little later youll make a lot of money and surely you can just buy back your coins in a few months when theyre like 90% lower right? instead of just bag holding them?

>> No.29393236

You're right I never thought about trying to perfectly time the market.

>> No.29393306

Holy crap Louis, It's the Wolf on Cyber Space!

>> No.29393454

> surely you can just buy back your coins in a few months when theyre like 90% lower right?
Yeah a few months, I’m sure that’s exactly how it will go. You’re sure at least, so enjoy becoming rich

>> No.29393463

Ya but look at where they are now. People who capitulated/suicided in '18 are still poor, people who held are up like 10x from 2017 ath unless they bought xrp or something at the absolute top

>> No.29393608

What are you a dumb ass? Just sell the top and buy the bottom.

>> No.29393707

>surely if you sell now or even a little later youll make a lot of money and surely you can just buy back your coins in a few months when theyre like 90% lower right?

just sell now

>> No.29393730

People need to hold bags forever.

>> No.29393884

Because zoomer, once you get a little older you learn the value of patience and start to prioritize holding projects with long-term value and a real future instead of chasing every get rich quick Pajeet PND shilled on /biz/.

>> No.29393932

im holding the best coin on biz and just started a few months ago and got 2 9x's

>> No.29394154

i literally only ever get involved during bull runs. this time i bought in at £22k and sold first thing this morning for just under £40k. in 2017 i got involved at >£1k and sold for £12k or so in december

i guess i could have held onto some bags for 4 years and my portfolio would be "make it" territory but at least i actually use the money and have 0 regrets in doing so

>> No.29394257

this sounds like the best way the only thing that sucks is the 4 year gap. would work pretty good if you hold one or two solid projects in crypto and then use stocks in between

>> No.29394298

There is always a bull run somewhere if not crypto then some other sector. You can make a lot of money just chasing bull runs.

>> No.29394366

cryptofags are tarded, Anyone with a brain sells now and wait until the summer when the miners slow down and the price plummets. but keep HODLing like a good little bagholder.

>> No.29394480

Doesn't matter how many 10x's you get if eventually lose everything, which you will with shitcoins. it's high stakes hot potato.

>> No.29394512

There is a lot of speculation that oil will climb back up to $100, it has been climbing steadily for months now. This could have a significant impact on crypto.

>> No.29394591

What I'm hearing from you is sell low buy high.

>> No.29394653

i sold the stock that gave me a 9x and im holding the coin because its the best project in crypto period. i took 0 risks

>> No.29394785
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just sell 15 minutes before the end of the bull market

>> No.29395068

you retards arent listening. its ok youre all ants in the presence of a god.

if everything is going to drop 60-90% in a few months then selling now and buying back after that would make you more money than holding.

>> No.29395194

Nothing is written in stone that it will not go up another 90% or more this run. Nothings is written in stone that it will ever go back down 90%.

>> No.29395206
File: 52 KB, 960x540, E522D0A2-E520-42B2-8055-176CA0782DA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understand this and you can answer your own question

>> No.29395213

and people who sold at 15 and rebought at 5 are retired on an island somewhere...

>> No.29395299

Your dad is the top and you’re the bottom

>> No.29395303

They're dummies who wouldn't even sell if their coin pumped to oblivion and crashed again. Smart investors periodically take profits

>> No.29395393

Fuck it really is that easy eh? Post proof that you've sold everything if this is really the key to success

>> No.29395706

You're getting cocky from making some money during a bull run, when everyone is making money. Just wait until you sell a coin the day before it does a 10x, then refuse to buy back because you're waiting for a dip to buy back in, then it does a 5x. Then come back and tell us how much of a god you are and how you're a perfect swing trader.

>> No.29395820

checked and keked

>> No.29396437

That’s why I don’t get why people are staking now....especially with coins that you have to wait 20 plus days after you undelegate to get back (GRT, ATOM, etc), they will be locked up and unable to sell come crash time. Meanwhile a month later someone else can buy a same size stack as them for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.29396551

Obviously. The problem is how do you know everything is gonna drop soon and then go back up? Do you have a time machine? Everyone here was telling me bnb was gonna explode today and it fucking sank like a mafa snitch with concrete shoes. People just have no idea whats going on at any given time

>> No.29396634

Day trading can cost you a lot of money, as the coins often shoot up without coming back down.

>> No.29396694

anon I've been in crypto since 2014 and held through the last bear market, kys

>> No.29396730

t. underage retard who never had to deal with the taxman.

>> No.29396934

Yes but you don’t when the bear market is coming. It could be next week, next month, or even next year. Take profits on the way up but those staking are betting on the bull market lasting a bit longer. And if they’re right they’ll make £$£$