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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 769x733, 4E6585BC-89B1-43A8-9EDF-A15D792FC419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29388134 No.29388134 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /biz/ so skewed towards making it big immediately and constantly trading and trying to time the market and panic selling, etc?

Feels like I’m one of only a few people here who are thinking in 5-10 years time frame, and that I consider all money I’ve put in already “lost” until the cryptocurrency I’ve purchased hits a level where I could comfortably easily sell some and buy land and a house outright.

Why are you so in a rush?

>> No.29388568

Most of the people here have little to lose and low financial knowledge. If they understood options trading they wouldn't be so hyped on crypto gains, you can make 10x with those every day with the same risk level instead of waiting a year for some memecoin to grow.

>> No.29389870
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A does not in fact equals A in a legitimate inquiry. The representation itself, irrespective to any sensorial, plainly states there are two distinct instances and entities, therefore precluding any conceivable ontological identity by abstract juxtaposition alone.
What any A can ever be is a poor transitional substitute to a relentless question mark, which is yet nothing but an empty vessel for ad infinitum in number and nature wondering.
All intellectual endeavors merely shelter from immediate despair and abuse of material force by whoever is in an advantageous stance by nothing whatsoever beyond happenstance. Wisdom prevents demise for little else than the tentative promotion of pleasure over pain. So, to return to the problem at hand, the adding or any mathematical operation serve the aim of deception by distraction well but fail to fill the existant resistant doubting of its own maxims as promptly as the errors arrival. Hope it minimally clarified the deed; dad.

>> No.29389965
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money quicker is better

>> No.29390172

Same thing here OP. Only fools believes in getting rich with no effort.

>> No.29390173

kek is this a suicide note?
what a faggot, lots of moaning boiled down to "the pleasures of life are not enough for me"
Fucking blasphemy to God, he must've gone down the reincarnation cycle a long way to learn such basic shit again

>> No.29390284

(reddit) cancer teenagers
zoomers need to be gassed if this world is to be saved.

>> No.29390518

Where can I learn to into options?

>> No.29390526
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Clarification needed.

>> No.29390567

We're literately larping bro.

>> No.29390605

I get the impression the people here who constantly shit talk normalfags who fomo into crypto are literally the type of people who fomo out of crypto. How is fomoing out of crypto on daily/weekly changes any less retarded than normalfags who fomo in?

Both seem equally as stupid

>> No.29390661

There is nothing to talk about then is there. Go away for 5 years already. Fuck off.

>> No.29390701

Way too verbose. Learn how to get a point across using the least amount of words as possible.

>> No.29390767

you really wanna wait till your 74 to enjoy your riches huh

>> No.29390779

Or you can just daytrade crypto in a bull market and realize gains with leverage faster than your faggy options

>> No.29390874


>> No.29390980

Fuck you.

>> No.29390988

mostly because /biz/ is high enough IQ to know we have just a few years before western governments collapse
and for that "collapse" to not be some walking dead prepper fantasy, but hyperinflation and an increasingly hard ceiling between classes
namely, the middle class will be ripped in half and only the upper part will retain the potential for upward mobility
most of us being middle class, we know we need to get to the equivalent of ~$4MM to keep a comfy life and to secure decent chances for our children
and that's a best case scenario, in which AI, automation or other disruptive changes don't fuck up things further

>> No.29390993


I switched from boomer investments which are 30-40 year wealth building to crypto which is 5-15 year wealth building

You fags who treat this shit like a gambling simulator are why the price is so volatile, and yet you have the audacity to complain about an issue you subhumans cause...

>> No.29391065

Idk i fomo into crypto but i still did my research. Better than not knowig if your coin is shit and rewctinf emotionally to ups and dows

>> No.29391103

Majority of people browsing biz come and go because they're just here for money quickly. No many develop the mindset to actually wait and make it.

Guranteed someone does that copy pasta about their BTC uncle and the thread will be filled with addresses kek. Someone posts about an Airdrop and jeets begin begging on the thread like their lives depend on it.

It's also why poor often stay poor.

>> No.29391107

That's how you should be talking.

>> No.29391135
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Because time is money you nigger and we don't get a lot of it
I'd like to have a harem of Asian girls whipping my balls while I can still get hard enough to fuck them afterwards

>> No.29391180

Because gambling is fun and autists need over the top displays to understand emotion.

>> No.29391223

Options are stupid dangerous.

>> No.29391290

Or I can just not deal with leverage at all

>> No.29391324

You honestly would rather gamble and trying to make $5 million or $0 in the next 2 years or just wait 5-15 years max and comfortably get your $5 million?

Or are you Fudding and Fomo that crypto won’t be around in 5-15 years?

>> No.29391327

Why don't you learn about dividends and get a better job?

>> No.29391335

who are you talking to
i'm not in a rush
i just made 2 margin calls that got liquidated within 20 hours is all

>> No.29391361

Idk, I do my own research for shure but at the end of the day I just buy and forget... I just assume right out the gate that my money is gone and never comming back. So I just hold like a mad man

>> No.29391419
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>> No.29391441

Yea I've been trying to figure out options, I just dont get them

>> No.29391467

there will be no collapse.
slow burn.

>> No.29391581

They have the attention span and a memory of a goldfish, and social media has taught them to demand immediate gratification

>> No.29391595

>You honestly would rather gamble and trying to make $5 million or $0 in the next 2 years
Yes motherfucker society is rapidly declining there may not even be an America in 10 years. Who knows what wars will just happen to kick off from now until then?
Resources acquired faster > resources acquired slower it's not that hard to understand

>> No.29391653

Ignore him, focus on what I said.

I didn’t tell you to just get an index fund and wait 50 years

I just said, why can’t you just look at Crypto as a 5-15 year wealth building program, why do you have to make it immediately and gamble all your money away when you could just go off a 5-15 year time frame and make it.

The only reason is that you’re FUD with crypto and you don’t even expect it to be around in 5-15 years, which means you don’t even give a shit about this, you just treat it as gambling and nothing more, which is pretty cringe desu

>> No.29391659

You really want to be working at McDonalds at 74 while still chasing the next big moonshot?
Normies are retiring at 50 bro.

>> No.29391805

>5-15 year
Nigger. I don't time to sit around waiting for money to fall in my lap. We hardly have 5 years left.

>> No.29391815

I'd be very VERY surprised if cryptos survive the comming decade... hell I wouldnt be surprised if crypto, fiat currency, and wall street all disappear within out lifetimes

>> No.29391954 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 1358x875, 20210118_160350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect. The aim is no longer diminishment but demise. Automation's real aim is to replace soldiers to enforce absolute obedience for lengthy extraterrestrial exploration. The scope of the project is comparatively minimal compared with previous errands. The class illusion is thus not necessary hereafter.

>> No.29391986

Nobody gambles shitcoins that long and doesn't make it. It's statistically impossible. Random coins pull 100x's on days where everything else has been crabbing for weeks.
It's you who doesn't get how this works.

>> No.29392049

>Nobody gambles shitcoins that long and doesn't make it

Post portfolio plz.

>> No.29392066

FYI: this kind of mindset is going to make you end up poorfags in 10 years.

You’re literally saying you’re going all in now and risking everything and most likely losing it, because you don’t think the system will exist in 10 years.

You will be crying when you’ve completely lost everything trading like a panicking faggot in the next year or 2, then in 10 years you’ll be able to witness what you panic sold for peanuts selling for 7 figures

>> No.29392067

2 shitcoins
2 shitcoins
zero sumethin

>> No.29392115

what is this image supposed to convey?

>> No.29392119


>> No.29392179

Go put $100 on each top 100 token and you have a near-zero chance of not making it

>> No.29392191

fuck off newfag, this is /biz/
do you take anything said here seriously? it's trolls all over

>> No.29392194 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 1439x980, 20210211_131826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect. The aim is no longer diminishment but demise. Automation's real aim is to replace soldiers to enforce absolute obedience for lengthy extraterrestrial exploration. The scope of the project is relatively minimal compared with previous errands. The class illusion is thus not necessary hereafter.

>> No.29392236

Let's see your portfolio, Mr Big-Time Moonshot.

>> No.29392285

You're asking bunch 20 year olds to think in 10 year perspective. And to be glad they turned their 3k savings into 15k which won't be even enough for downpayment for small house. New generations want to either get rich quick or just stick with renting apartments and watching Netflix for the rest of their life and not care at all. I don't blame them, they got fucked and own nothing.

>> No.29392287

>You will be crying when you’ve completely lost everything trading like a panicking faggot in the next year or 2, then in 10 years you’ll be able to witness what you panic sold for peanuts selling for 7 figures

Imagine not already being a prepper then finding out about crypto
You are not gmi

>> No.29392423

My portfolio is none of your business. Keep slaving for a few decades while I sit in my boxers clicking buttons for thousands a day.

>> No.29392425

Is this the business jargon generator?

Experienced business people all know that solutions-oriented human resource allocation is a lightweight partnership. Thanks to the recent reorganization, team-oriented drop dead dates can not agree to disagree. I think that an executive encapsulates the mission statement. In order to assure that cryptocurrency takes the issue off-line, we must be certain that a productized customer partnership makes it happen. We have been looking into signage. Focus is going to create an emerging critical path.

>> No.29392429

How different are trading stock options from commodity options? I've got history with the latter but never tried former

>> No.29392457


And just like that you deleted the life savings of tens of retarded /biz/lets

>> No.29392488

90% of my portfolio is in safe assets. Metals, high dividend stocks in multiple currencies from multiple markets, real estate. But do I want to talk about any of this shit or do I want to watch 10% of my crypto moon?

>> No.29392569
File: 103 KB, 1439x980, 20210211_131826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect. The goal is no longer diminishment but demise. Automation's real aim is to replace soldiers to enforce absolute obedience for lengthy extraterrestrial exploration. The scope of the project is relatively minimal compared with previous errands. The class illusion is thus not necessary hereafter.

>> No.29392609

>I sit in my boxers clicking buttons for thousands a day

No, your life is so bereft of meaning that you sit in your boxers posting lies on a Namibian Deep Sea Diving forum.

You probably hold that fucking McFUCK coin, don't you?

>> No.29392708

Count with me use stones if necessary.


Now I have 2


Another two

Let's count them 1,2,3,4

2+2 is indeed 4.

Learn number theory loser.

>> No.29392744

Finally, someone who gets it. Bless you.

>> No.29392761

Only invest what you're comfortable completely losing.

Then trade ITM options, you control what risk level works for you.

>> No.29392817
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>No, your life is so bereft of meaning
Says who? Some random wageslaving retard on a Sudanese towel printing forum?
Kill yourself you stupid nigger

>> No.29392829
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Theory, indeed.

>> No.29392887

Any deterioration or degradation of our current government is an improvement to society. I'm going to get my well deserved profits before it happens

>> No.29392949
File: 40 KB, 443x455, 1539604179259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop 'investing' in coins related to fast food, zoomerbro ,and maybe you won't panic sell whenever your $50 worth of MCFUCK falls to $0.000000000000000001
You're welcome.

>> No.29393017

Holy shit shut the fuck up
>>>/lit/ or >>>/r9k/ for your pretentious depressive garbage

>> No.29393053

The zoomer is you.
Die off already, all of you

>> No.29393172
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Uh, you're the one arguing that life is all about getting rich quick on moonshot coins.
I'm holding BTC since 2017. fuck you.

>> No.29393193
File: 103 KB, 1439x992, 20210211_132449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid you misapprehend the meaning of depressive as much as all else fellow anonymous.

>> No.29393269

Spoken like a true zoomer, black-and-white thinking, no nuance, can't think for himself because social media and estrogen water has fried his smooth little brain.

>> No.29393894

I only invest in boomerfunds, crypto is retarded.

>> No.29393903
File: 20 KB, 218x228, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not the only one, it's just that those of us who actually try to think longterm don't constantly make threads about OMG 4% DROP IT'S OVER SELL SELL SELL. Although I will admit those threads can be kinda fun and sometimes I do post pink wojacks even if I intend to sell 0% of my portfolio during a dip.

also remember the following:
>time in the market>timing the market
and you're gmi

>> No.29394458

/biz/ is not for actual discussion, it happens in maybe 1% of the threads. This board is for shit posting and commiserating.

>> No.29394851

>Why is /biz/ so skewed towards making it big immediately
if you've even found /biz/ chances are your attention span is utterly malformed after years/decades of internet misuse. if you honestly expect posters here to have robust long-term planning skills you're not as smart as your humblebrag

>> No.29395089

Based and Spartan pilled

>> No.29395968

Thanks mate

>> No.29396112

Lol you've got it all wrong friend, I've only put $50 into crypto originally just to test the waters, since then its shot up to around 194 and then back down to about 150... I don't care about it. Now my precious metals and my real stocks that's a very different and well calculated story. But cryptos are just a meme to play with for me rn

>> No.29396316

Broke: “brevity is the soul of wit”

Woke: “brevity=Wit”

Bespoke: “BreviWit”

>> No.29396571

you're costing people money

>> No.29396627
File: 238 KB, 1080x1350, 1612004063685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they're not. Don't buy options if you don't want to lose 100% and don't sell options if you can't take assignment. Don't use margin. Simple as.

>> No.29396662


1/10 see me after class

>> No.29397954
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>> No.29398116

I don't know what to think, because there's a lot of shitposting (that I love) and larping and scamcoins shillers here.

I think if you cannot control your emotions and if you fall for obvious mistakes, buying when it had pumped, selling when it dumps, you're a normal fag and you should either learn about trading or get out before you get rekt.

When I see people getting ruined or taking loans for cryptos, I instantly think "retard". Yes, you can get rich quick with taking big risks, or you can get there slowly while managing risk and being reasonable.
That's why I relate with what you said
>I could comfortably easily sell some and buy land and a house outright.
I will not get crazy fucking rich off crypto, I just put high goals so I can cash out with enough to at least say fuck you to my banker, buy a home right away without a 30 years loan, and retire early. I don't have sophisticated needs.
But as >>29390567 said
>We're literately larping bro

>> No.29398309
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Culturally Enriched: "BreiVik"

>> No.29398510
File: 2.07 MB, 2951x9326, F8731157-048D-4EED-BC6B-BE3C51327018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a bunch of faggots trying to flex on their loser friends because they want to get the latest clothes. They’re all A bunch of consoomers. Flexing is for niggers and retards.

>> No.29398643

Their problem, not ours

>> No.29399225

>I will not get crazy fucking rich off crypto, I just put high goals so I can cash out with enough to at least say fuck you to my banker, buy a home right away without a 30 years loan, and retire early. I don't have sophisticated needs.
All I need is land an animals to sustain myself and my family. I don't want lambos or expensive watches.

>> No.29399630

I feel like housing prices are going to moon, for the same reason as this crypto bullrun. USD to zero and housing prices are gonna be where inflation begins to make itself apparent over the next few years. But don't listen to me, I don't understand anything I'm saying.

>> No.29400505

this perspective will come back and hurt you harder than you can ever imagine

>> No.29401154

>Why is /biz/ so skewed towards making it big immediately and constantly trading and trying to time the market and panic selling, etc?

bc everyone here has a 24hr attention span kek

>> No.29401604

Why am i not surprised the thread is immediately responded to by retards who lose 5 grand a day doing dumb shit. You can earn money with low risk if you have some patience. I'm definitely with OP on this.

>> No.29401749

>options trading
Redpill me