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29372106 No.29372106 [Reply] [Original]

>Some Democrats have backed a tax on stock trading as a way to raise badly needed revenue and address concerns about the health of financial markets. On Thursday, House Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters said she’s “very interested” and “certainly looking at” a financial transaction tax.
“Let’s not gaslight the American people. Y’all will be fine with the tax,” she said.

>> No.29372256

coming up - tax applies for non-accredited investors only

>> No.29372297

I can’t wait for America to go full schizophrenic, a new order

>> No.29372321
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reply to this post if you agree

>> No.29372612

dems need the money for the massive bailout they're working on for the blue states.


>> No.29372681

>Lol but the Biden administration is going to be so good for the middle and lower class!! Democrats always have the best interest of the people!!

They got mad when they realized that Sahniqua in the inner city and Jonny Teailer park figured out how to fuck with the market and give them the middle finger using shit like cuckbase and jewhood. The average normie is catching on the great resets new stakeholder economy and the Jew does not like it when the goyim figures out their game. I hate them.

>> No.29372683

>buy gme to stick it to the man
>man sticks it to common pleb
Always remember to never trust reddit. I hope DFV goes bankrupt. I hope you GME niggers enjoyed that little spike over the weekend. We'll be hitting 30 by this weekend

>> No.29372799


>> No.29372858

Sounds bullish for crypto and VPN

>> No.29372864

Isn't there already a tax on capital gains?

>> No.29372974

we can't let them get away with this!

>> No.29373015

I think its great idea, a small tax on wall street trades, its not different than the fees on crypto exchanges and it adds up to trillions for the government

>> No.29373041

france has a non-intraday tax too and the retards said it was in order to fight speculation lol

>> No.29373096

Yes. Now the heebs will make you pay twice. No gains for you goyim.

>> No.29373115

I think they are talking about a transaction tax.

>> No.29373159
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>> No.29373171

Im okay with paying a $1 Fee for every trade as long as HFT have to pay it too.

>> No.29373223

the sort of thing that could be easily automated with smart contracts no less

>> No.29373272

>Lets tax the rich with this trading tax
>Hahaa, we got em! Look, we are helping the poor
>Hedgies and rich dodge the tax with usual magic tricks
>Normies pay X % tax on every trade
>Normies will have even harder times to get rich
>Just as it was planned all along

>> No.29373312
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>problem caused by (likely) illegal naked short selling

>> No.29373345

>“Let’s not gaslight the American people. Y’all will be fine with the tax,
> t. House Financial Services Chairwoman
full weimar

>> No.29373375


Remember that hedgefundiejews can only make money as long as the pleb is willing to lose it to them in the stock market. If every pleb stops investing into stocks they'll have to cannibalize eachother and it'll quickly implode. Plebs shoud just make a full on switch to shitcoin economics, that would REALLY stick it to the man up his ass.

>> No.29373380

>virtue signalling for (You)s

>> No.29373462


His she a nigger?

>> No.29373558

guess i'll adjust my portfolio from 70/30 stocks/crypto to 0/100 stocks/crypto with a kyc gateway directly to monero cold wallet. not paying a single additional cent to welfare niggers and illegal spics that can't speak english.

>> No.29373635

Vote for nigger politicians, get nigger results

>> No.29373674
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This thread is extremely anti-semitic

>> No.29373694

hear hear

>> No.29373803

She's an obnoxious cunt with a Palestinian background.

>> No.29373839

> your financial future is now in the hands of Maxine Waters

Fuck Amerilards

>> No.29373901

would add that too, but Im on wagecuck net rn

>> No.29373915

>descendants of nigger slave farm equipment destroying trillions of dollars with the stroke of a pen
crazy that we pretend they're equal to us

>> No.29374023

It makes me so mad retard lefties have been making these same shit decisions for 100 fucking years and refuse to learn anything from it.

>> No.29374099

Its easier than ever for plebs to get accredited

>> No.29374185

niggers are exhausting

>> No.29374224
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no it's not.

>> No.29374253


>> No.29374283


>> No.29374603

Hahahaha fucking idiots really thought a politician has their best interests in mind, what is this, the 45rh time an American politician fucked over the people that voted for him?

>> No.29374673


>> No.29374718
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>> No.29374898

Did you even read the article? Maxine Waters is black lol

>> No.29374944

Wrong those were the old rules

>> No.29375030


>> No.29375054


Go back

>> No.29375067

Which means she's an enemy of the Jews, and therefore someone we shouldn't dismiss out of hand.

>> No.29375164

*tax only applies to non-jews, stock trading is considered a jewish tradition and taxing it would be considered anti Semitic.

>> No.29375199

Americans get taxed three times on their money already.

1.) You are taxed when you earn
2.) You are taxed on the investment capital after you invested with your taxed earnings
3.) You are taxed when you spend the money after it was already taxed by one and two

>> No.29375235

You realize that everywhere it’s tried it’s been an absolute disaster that has ended up decimating the amount of stock trades done and starved small cap stocks of capital?

>> No.29375295

this is true pretty much everywhere tho, at least the US doesn't have VAT taxes

>> No.29375318

Then post the new rules faggot. I think you are lying to do damage control for your precious DemonRats

>> No.29375319

4) you get inflation taxed on fiat you don't invest or spend.

>> No.29375331

Based. Jesus Christ the US is such a shithole

>> No.29375412

Fees used to be like $40 back in the 90s, or percentage based. Then E-Trade came out with $19.99 per trade and it was absolutely insane. Trading for a twenty!! Even on a huge trade! Then someone (can't remember who) came out with $5 trades, and then PFOF resales made most retail investing free. Crazy. But, in the grand scheme of things, when you're moving 4+ figures per trade, who gives a fuck if you pay $40/trade? That's basically slippage, anyway.

>> No.29375429

>Waters said she’s “very interested” and “certainly looking at” a financial transaction tax.
>“Let’s not gaslight the American people. Y’all will be fine with the tax,” she said.
Kek, enjoy those apes, Jewmerica

>> No.29375522
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>for the blue states
It's mostly red states that are... in the red.

>> No.29375546

>he believed the ccp shill campaign

>> No.29375562

Good luck using your monero for any significant goods and service. Oh, registering a license plate on a new car? IRS will be knocking on your door before you get back from the DMV.

>> No.29375566
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Got it nigger. Will be moving back to crypto then. Enjoy your bag of piss ugly niggerbitch.

>> No.29375619

Go fuck yourself retard I hate dems

>> No.29375674

0.1% tax you retarded nigger

and they talked about a minimum quantity of volume for this to apply to

none of you are stock whales, none of you would be impacted by this

>> No.29375732


But the bailouts still go to the biggest blue states, such as commiefornia.

>> No.29375760

that chart doesn't have anything to do with how in debt the states are you fucking moron, it's obvious you are trying to cover for them by redirecting the conversation

>> No.29375786

I'd rather take a straight up VAT than all the other garbage. Taxation should be consumption based only. Exempt basic food staples from the VAT, and tax other goods. Let me keep what I earn. If I want to buy some extra high ticket item, I'll pay the VAT on it.

>> No.29375829
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>> No.29375893

You're a retard. Demoncrap controlled states create the lion's share of wealth in the USA. Red states live off farm subsidies. Trust me, I don't like Demoncraps, but Republitards are just as bad, and actually worse in many ways.

>> No.29375920

>falling for low quality propaganda
Kek this one is old and tired

>> No.29375971 [DELETED] 
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Did you see a new binary system Baex ( #baex)? Looks like this is not so bad with all these tools, fiat currencies, BTC, ETH, stock indices. They also offer algorithmic profitability with a self-balanced pool, so passive income is also available, as I see

>> No.29376014

the VAT is on top of everything else, so it's not like your any better off with it

>> No.29376051

Ayo shiet it's Maxine Watuhs

>> No.29376108
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Why are companies and people fleeing California to red states?

>> No.29376125
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it's like America is a 3rd world shit hole, really makes you think

>> No.29376127

>“Let’s not gaslight the American people. Y’all will be fine with the tax,” she said.
>it's real
even after living in clownworld for years, you still struggle to believe it

>> No.29376168

GDP isn't wealth, living in the ghetto next to beverly hills doesn't make you rich. Dumbfuck.

>> No.29376226

I remember for several months we literally had shills here insisting democrats were good for the market/crypto because Trump tweeted he was a boomer once. Well anyway BTC is about to dump to 30k and take everything with it and the market will probably get raped on the rebound so when /biz/ is dead again after the red ditors flee back where they came from I won't have to hear biden apologists anymore.

>> No.29376275
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>> No.29376320

>Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters said she’s “very interested” and “certainly looking at” a financial transaction tax.
I didn't click your Google tracking link but is this real? Maxine Waters is the "Financial Services Chairwoman"? Isn't she statistically retarded?

>> No.29376403

Hello anon, i used to be like you...

and then i realized this is C- tier propaganda.

For starters, much of the "federal budget" being pushed on those red states is military budget. Those red states are more fiscally solvent in terms of state budgets than california ever has been.

And that brings me to my next point, state budgets are not federal budgets. How the federal government chooses to spend their money isnt under the control of state spending committees.

>> No.29376574

localmonero is all i can say. crypto tax evasion is small potatoes compared to the amount of tax evasion in the real world cash economy. i know plenty of landlords doing $1000-2000/month cash payments from their tenants, all hidden from the IRS.

>> No.29376588

Gme to the moon

>> No.29376635

What. The. Fuck?

>> No.29376684

populist pandering, the nigger cattle eat it up. soundbites for goycattle debtslave brainwashing mediums (CNN et al.)

>> No.29376840

I know, but what I'm saying is the problem isn't the idea of a VAT itself. VAT in isolation is probably the most equitable tax model that gives monetary self-determination to the power.

>> No.29376907

it's a nigger, anon, they belong in civilization as much as you belong at the olympics.

>> No.29376925

now you're about to be taxed even if you lose money

>> No.29376935

Because the red states cut them tax breaks that... wait for it... individual taxpayers burden both at the state and national level. YOU are paying for the corporate tax breaks that go into red states. "Conservative" corporations and factories that employ illegal immigrants and push for more unskilled labor visas.

>> No.29377003


>> No.29377056

A landlord has a lot higher capital exposure to "wash" with. I don't know your situation, but even a few grand of untaxed gains can easily trigger and IRS audit. Unless all your expenditures are in-person purchases for food and stuff with cash.

>> No.29377289

Assuming that this is true (I doubt it), The ultimate problem here is that the government is spending too much on social security and the military. Cut unnecessary spending.

>> No.29377417

VAT is a travesty that taxes tax dodging billionaires the same as average plebs. Even Bill Gates owns 2-3 pairs of jeans. It's not equitable, they should tax his $0.5 billion yacht instead

>> No.29377429

Will there be an announcement?

>> No.29377481

This thread is pro hitler.

>> No.29377546


>> No.29377609

Flat, unavoidable taxes are not implemented, since the wealthy are forced to pay.

>> No.29377700

why not just raise the capital gains tax?

>> No.29377747

There is a reason all the brokages went no commission. It kept the young out of the market. Those $8 fees for every single transaction ate into what little money people had to invest. The end result was the country bitching about millennials not investing in the stock market ir saving money at all.

>> No.29377779

Wait until (they) find out about Kleros.

>> No.29377833
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>> No.29377873

What so they can laugh at your dumb fucking project too?

>> No.29377877
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Dear lord

>> No.29377939

It will only apply to larger transactions, just like the capital gains hike only applies to over 1m in profit

>> No.29377976

Legalize weed then fucking white retards

>> No.29378044

>Maxine Waters

that woman doesn't know what day of the week it is most of the time. I can't tell if she's dumb or senile but she'e one of those people that it's pain to listen to.

>> No.29378185

I can't even fathom how you are able to post here, what with that lack of a brain. Read again.

>> No.29378263

Of course we need to slash spending. I'm just trying to show people that red states and faux-"conservatives" can be just as bad, if not worse, than blues.

>> No.29378456
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>Demoncrap controlled states create the lion's share of wealth in the USA
By republicans living there. Republicans, as a demographic, historically made more money than democrats. It's literally why the republican party was called the party of the rich. The muh taxes meme is more prominent post OWS but income levels had a lot to do with the moniker. Democrats basically control the coasts too, except Texas, which they're taking over by moving in from other states, so their states have a geographic advantage.

>> No.29378471

>coming up - tax applies for non-accredited investors only
This is kinda going to happen. Institutions will be able to trade stonk IOUs "off-market" in new systems similar to the current pre-market system.

Only trades on the actual markets like NYSE and NASDAQ will be taxed.

>> No.29378488

Go back to re ddit, retard. The fees are because someone needs to get paid. You're not out on the street hawking your certificates on your own, are you? "Free" just means that PFOF and your trading is sold ahead, which gives additional arbitrage to MMs. Most people would actually save money if they just paid a trading cost upfront, even on low cost basis transactions.

>> No.29378584

>a way to raise revenue
>print 40% of all USD in existence since jan 2020


>> No.29378655


>> No.29378685

Plebs don't really have a choice. Pension funds are in stocks, retirement accounts are in stocks, most people with money in the market have absolutely zero control over where it's invested and most of it is in stocks because that's the only way to get returns that allow sustainable payouts to pensioners and retirees.

>> No.29378725

There are so many things wrong with your post that I don't even know where to start. I'll start I suppose by saying
LOL a Wallstreet oligarch who operates above the SEC, and a wannabe one? Surprised that other law breakers and shitbags want to keep breaking the law and skirting regulations so they supported them?

>> No.29378731

That doesn't even make sense. The government stands to gain significantly more dollars if the tax is targeted toward HFT algorithms. Expect a tax of one tenth of a percent per trade.

>> No.29378755

>>print 40% of all USD in existence since jan 2020
>gives it all to megacorps, including the "small business" funds
>don't worry they're loans, we'll make the money back
Just like when Obama quietly increased our debt by 10 trillion by handing out money to banks, other big financial institutions, and megacorps and we got left holding the bags.

>> No.29378925
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>> No.29379010

>Surprised that other law breakers and shitbags want to keep breaking the law and skirting regulations so they supported them
Yeah, those evil middle class lawbreakers who make 75k to 100k a year, which is fucking nothing, love to break securities regulations

>> No.29379038

And yet someone people like Romney and other crony oligarchs are somehow a better alternative, in your eyes? They're the same fucking side of the same shitcoin.

>> No.29379141
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>> No.29379213

WHY do they love to RAPE RETAIL so mcuh up the ass

>> No.29379320
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Last I checked, stock trading was not destroying the climate.

Tax gasoline and diesel instead: the carbon tax which is the only way we are going to avoid a +2C increase in global temperatures leading to mass migration, starvation, coastal flooding, wildfires, droughts

>> No.29379571

Tax things you don't want:

Boomers in cars, running over your future, backing up, running over it again. Forward, reverse, having a fucking great time putting carbon in the air.

Call your congress creature, tell them you want a carbon tax

>> No.29379577

All of the climate change measures taken by the West mean nothing as long as Asia is allowed to pollute. Better make whites pay more since they're so evil!

>> No.29379753
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imagine burgerland president a pajeeeeeeeeeeetttttt

>> No.29379803

Are trades not already taxed?

>> No.29379878

>using impact as a verb
Very problematic y’all

>> No.29379953

Ok maybe it’s time for another revolutionary war

>> No.29380581

Go fuck yourself you dumb piece of shit. Gen Z will tie your neck to a fucking lamp post if you fuck our future up.

The plan is carbon zero, if A FOREIGN NATION stands with a boot on our neck we will FUCKING GO TO WAR

>> No.29380744

While an infuriating quote from maxine waters she said that to ken griffin, who, along with gabe plotkin and cohen, should be in fucking prison

>> No.29380879

Gen Z vs. the fucking world I guess

Boomers, poltards, the asians, the wuropeans, the fucking immigrants, there is only one way to survive:= taking control of America's military and political structure to impose a global hegemony of carbon emissions. I mean seriously.. /pol/ tier bullshitting never advanced our generations' survival, did it?

Its just a bunch of fucking boomer cunts and denialist morons playing psychotic cult games

>> No.29381114

Legislators only care about revenue if they can personally profit from it. In this case, the profit would have to exceed what they can get from shady market activity they personally do or are compensated for allowing.

>> No.29381175
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>House Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters

>> No.29381346

They don't want plebs trading. Trading gives control. They want plebs to buy into their managed 401k every week and get dumped on at their leisure.

>> No.29381498
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Tax the carbon
>Tax the carbon
Tax the carbon
>Tax the carbon
Tax the carbon
>Tax the carbon

>> No.29381860

thank you reddit, very cool

>> No.29381969

>“Let’s not gaslight the American people. Y’all will be fine with the tax,” she said.

My whole room is spinning and I feel sick. How the fuck is this reality?

>> No.29382058
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Gen Z won't do shit except make tik toks.

You pussies have no trades or skills.

>> No.29382163

Try me bitch, I've been here on biz for years you fucking cunt

>> No.29382208

Romney is a democrat you dumb fuck

>> No.29382268

Keep voting boomer. Keep driving. We're networking as we speak. We are going to shake you fat fucks out of the tree

>> No.29382314

>The plan is carbon zero

Well China is planning carbon 100 and doesn't care what happens until they reach the top

Who will win in this scenario?

>> No.29382478
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>> No.29382541


>> No.29382607
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Romney is the future of a party that knows only how to fail and blow up deficits and devalue a currency while maintaining a status quo for the illegal immigration that they depend on for muh boomer services

>> No.29382671
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>already taking 30-40% of our money per annum


>> No.29382713
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I hate them!

>> No.29382727

Motherfucker, do you have any original thoughts besides a page from 1001 Things Boomers Think Are Slam Dunk Arguments?

>> No.29382806
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>> No.29382846
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>> No.29382934

You know this psycho ranting bit is why we keep buying ammo, right?

>> No.29382976

Thank you based black mammy for telling me to pay up as a penalty for trying to secure my future. Thank you for forcing me to invest by inflating the currency and lowering wages and raising taxes every step along the way. Let's PROMOTE EQUITY FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. HOW ABOUT IGO THROW WADS OF CASH AT THE CRIMINALS DEALIBG DRUGS AT THE APARTMENT COMPLEX WHO ARE NOT CITIZENS. SKIP A FEW STEPS? FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.29383112

Joe now has the most Jewish cabinet in history. Kek
It’s a nightmare.

>> No.29383130
File: 96 KB, 1003x915, GLOBALWAR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers should all be mandatory drafted into concentration camps to be forced to glue solar panels together all day, or clean and dress pig carcasses to send sausage to the front lines

>> No.29383207

>coming up - tax applies for non-accredited investors only
These aren't republicans, buddy. They'll tax everyone. Republicans reduce taxes only on the rich.

>> No.29383250

Good point


>> No.29383317

Is that the gamestop girl?

>> No.29383474

Do you have any thoughts that your gender studies professor didn't ram down your throat as an impressionable young man?

>> No.29383490

Climate change is the excuse for the mass migration. It really isn't a problem. Your whole generation is going to destroy the country because of your beliefs. You will understand when you are older and nothing has happened. The wildfires were started by climate terrorists. Starvation can easily be avoided but our government will not allow all the land to be farmed to fix food prices. Read a book Zoomie

>> No.29383544

more money for foreign gender studies and for israel. unreal fucking scum bags. amazes me some people in here think its okay and r on board rethink your life

>> No.29383674
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>> No.29383750

>Let’s not gaslight
amazing how you can use this handy word. she's claiming not to "gaslight," yet is doing precisely that. she gets away with it because people only have an idea of what that buzzword means.

>> No.29383768
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Lol wtf

>> No.29383970

The Dems bitches think only the rich invest in stocks and shit. This is definitely horseshit and just another revenue source for their bullshit policies

>> No.29384081
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Shape charges for the front door
In through the back door battering ram
boomer falls out of bed
Cover the hallway
kick the doors in
boomers take cover
find your pistol quick
fingers trembling
light them up
pop pop pop
head explodes
boomers are dead
problem solved
take the guns
simple as
make a tik tok
On to the next house
Ohh look trying to flee
make it to the minivan
pop pop pop
take out the back window
I think I see his head
pop pop pop
another dead boomer
in a dead boomer neighborhood
Now they are coming
to see what happen
ohh look
pop pop pop pop pop
armored personnel carrier
on to the next block
boomers in a car
boomers wont get far
ramming speed boys
boomers roughed up
flip that bitch in the ditch
pop pop pop
from the recoilless
release the drone
boomers on the run now
boomers cant hide
boomers in the dark
same as
simple as
frags for boomers
left right up down BABA
another boomer goes pop
and pop pop pop
we making tik toks now
stacking boomers

>> No.29384182

This has nothing to do with state debt faggot. Illinois is in crazy debt and Missouri balances it's budget Every year.

>> No.29384195
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No they don't. You really thought they only "taxed the rich"? Lmfao

>> No.29384304
File: 228 KB, 859x1056, ZomboMeme 28012021075759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, legalizing a drug that makes you less productive ---> is a serious economic solution....go back to Zimbabwe

>> No.29384348
File: 428 KB, 478x741, Illinois basics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29384430


Georgia's fate as Atlanta continues to gain mass. It was only a matter of time.

>> No.29384569

New York is apparently talking about tax all transactions at the NYSE. If this happens there will no longer be a NYSE as they move it to somewhere like Charlotte.

>> No.29384589

>kick in boomers door
>schizo 70 yearold man with m1 garand crouched in the corner
>his PTSD is triggered
>a lifetime of drug abuse and jewish television has rendered his mind into mush
>the mush responds the only way it knows
>ATF point mans face explodes
>30-06, lead round nose, designed for maximum and rapid expansion
>screams turn to gurgles in 0.2 seconds
>rest of the ATF stack stumbles over the corpse of their brother
>9 more rounds and then PING as the M1 goes empty
>explosives at the back door
>drones overhead
>boomer gets mowed down by overwhelming firepower
>still multiple dead goons to get one schizo boomer
>the goyim know

>> No.29384708

>reeee taxes bad

While this particular idea is bad, American tax discourse is poison and why our infrastructure is straight garbage.

Christ every other countries taxes are sky high but they have a functional safety net to help their citizens out.

Fucking tax me and every single libertarian until they cry. I actually want a functional transportation health and education system so we can stop being a third world country.

>> No.29384770

seriously though there is nothing funnier than a boomer deluded to think he can resist the military

We will fucking starve you guys. You will be eating your pets and shortly thereafter will come out peacefully and turn in your boomer guns and go to work on the assembly line making battle robots

>> No.29384814

instead of that, get rid of 50,000,000 welfare leeching niggers and 70,000,000 welfare leeching spics, and you have a multi-trillion dollar annual budget surplus and can have all that good shit.

>> No.29384849
File: 1.03 MB, 3000x2000, 8870EF6B-5948-431C-A492-C11E04360079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be from Twitter.

>> No.29384863

We literally fund the rest of the state lmao

Get that myth out of here

>> No.29384862


>> No.29384903
File: 71 KB, 594x455, us-revenue-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. We are well beyond the point of financing "essential services and infrastructure", our tax system is a mammoth abomination primarily padding the pockets of DC bureaucrats and welfare queens.


>> No.29384906

you'll do nothing except kvetch when the lights go out and regret living in a city.

>> No.29384950

They don't need to gain money, they just print and if the money became worthless they'd have the guns and nukes to do whatever they want. They just think it's funny to squeeze plebs.

>> No.29384953
File: 53 KB, 576x597, BDBD4196-09EF-4DAA-AE5A-7DA2BA4F6A27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking your taxes will actually go to something useful

>> No.29384988

>buy high
>sell low
>lose money
>still have to pay tax
Democrats really are evil demons aren't they?

>> No.29384997


you don't "fund them". They live a mediocre small town existence like all other midwestern states. That's a meme, your taxes go straight into the pockets of fat cat Illinois officials and their contractor buddies. And you bug people vote for them every single cycle.

>> No.29385039

You have no idea how welfare works nor the working history of this country. Whites are brainwashed into thinking welfare bad but will accept it if you call it a tax credit lmao

All of those groups pay taxes. Stop being 17

>> No.29385090

Why is the pollution coming from america when all the toxic plastic is produced in china?

>> No.29385225

Yes. Fuck kikes and fuck jannies too.

>> No.29385324


>> No.29385466


Its ok to live in whatever fantasy you live in but you don't have drag the rest of down anon

>> No.29385647
File: 320 KB, 640x444, 1504455665266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the government can print unlimited money why do we need to pay taxes at all?

>> No.29385661
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Again, you can cite whatever (((study))) you want to push the idea that Big State GOOD but at the end of the day I drive through Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa and they aren't living any better in Illinois small towns with these alleged tax benefits, and they lose rights in the process. Fuck that.

Your state is dying, guess you can acknowledge it or go down with the ship.

>> No.29385704
File: 131 KB, 756x768, tax_dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites want to keep more of their own money they earn
>nonwhites want to take more of the money whites earn
>this is what Democrats seriously believe

>> No.29385708

based and monero pilled. fuck taxes.

>> No.29385859

once the rich leave nyc we will become the next dretoit

>> No.29385885

I don't have health insurance

Why? because I'm not a CUNT. Because when I die, they aren't going to find the body. If I was a boomer I'd be so scared to live more than 2 miles from the hospital, lest I have a coof. Literally these people have no honor. Like, die with dignity? No, I want to be on a bunch of drugs the rest of my life, so I can keep driving and eating burgers and drinking beer... and when I get a little coof, I want to be driven to the hospital, intubated, and have a bunch of overpaid overachievers hammering on my ribcage. I want the state to come pick me up, and try and revive my life. For the state, its partly about coming to claim its property (your body) and run a process of title recovery (of the tax id) and collect the assets (or put them in a taxable chain of custody). And for this, boomers will pay good money... in fact, most of it, eventually. A boomer will take an ambulance back and forth many, many times in the last 1-2% of his lifetime, and for this "privilege" he will spend his whole life paying for it? So eventually when he's old and weak, some strong gen Z nurse does compressions and breaks his ribs and punches a hole in his neck, while spending $100k to execute a revival protocol they know isn't going to work anyway, and even if it does, I'm fucked anyway? Fuck it

>> No.29386139

Anon I'll have to ask you to please educate yourself on post reconstruction US history specifically on redlining and how it was used to keep resources out of any non-white neighborhood.


>> No.29386237

To recap:

Gen Z, going to war to save planet

Boomers, spending outrageous premiums so they can spend the last 8 weeks of their life with a morphine drip and intravenous fluids

>> No.29386313


NYC has pumps and dips, due to their sheer size and cultural/economic staying power I think they're safe. It's Chicago that's vulnerable to getting Detroitified if the state/city government don't fix their shit.

But the residents of both NY/Illinois outside of the major cities are leaving because they're getting the worst of both worlds and there's no point, might as well live in a small town in a neighboring state.

>> No.29386318

Why dems solution to every problem is another tax?

>> No.29386377

I'm all for reparations- as long as then black history month is removed and the whole fucking thing is permanently put behind us

Because fuck it if I have to endure 1/12 of every year on this sanctimonious bullshit. Go ahead take the $10k, the acres, and a mule, and shut the fuck up forever about it

>> No.29386393

Sorry bud we don't post meme charts here we actually read


>> No.29386395

I'm already getting nothing in return for 25% of my work, if the government could fix ONE of these problems with the resources they already have then I'd be willing to accept higher taxes.
You get what I'm saying? I'm not a taxes bad guy but if the government is actively deciding to prop up things that bleed us dry, which is what they're doing every day they don't sort out education and healthcare, then i get the feeling they'd just continue to fuck me over if they got more of my money.

>> No.29386464

Greed in the form of steal from the middle class.

>> No.29386475

the ultimate proof that we live in a nigger cattle farm is healthcare being a major platform every election... and then nothing is ever done about it.

>> No.29386489

You retards voted for this.

>> No.29386513

>I'm all for reparations

Go back

>> No.29386527


Ah, a cope opinion piece by a liberal that wants to play with survey data and make it look like it isn't shit state policy driving all the people away into neighboring states. LMAO.

Down with the ship he says!

>> No.29386529

Because the REPUBLICAN printed a couple trillion to float a boomer economy without a future anyway, and left office without paying the tab?

That money was just pass through rent payments. We know who the fuck benefited and is now bitching and moaning about a carbon tax

>> No.29386550
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>> No.29386573

No, fuck that. If we give them reparations they have to renounce their citizenship and leave the country never to return. I'd be all for reparations if it permanently got rid of the 13%. It would pay for itself after a few years, plus Democrats would never have power again.

>> No.29386607


They worship at the altar of government, can't fathom personal responsibility and collective grassroots change and improvement. Basically, they're serfs of the mind and destined to live as serfs.

>> No.29386624

Something is done about it. Healthcare reform bills pass where special interests get even more money for drugs/surgeries. The only solution is to get rid of all regulation.

>> No.29386652

lol, did they take your commissions away from you wagie? Now you can only earn a flat rate to give people bad financial advice.

>> No.29386737


>> No.29386747

Reparations should actually foreclose the issue

You guys want this shit to go on and on and on? Pay these fucking cunts off, all they are going to do is pump my bags or pay rent. Fuck them and fuck you

>> No.29386755

Check the demographics, there's no way USA can ever get off the path of a third world country without white supremacy.

>> No.29386782

...after a DEMOCRAT was running the printers for 8 fucking years straight?

>> No.29386803

Most of the deficit racked up during Trump's term was due to the pandemic. Democrats were in favor of that spending, it would have been higher if they had their way and they campaigned on $2000 checks. Democrats don't get to bitch about BRRRRing they supported.

>> No.29386831
File: 63 KB, 728x728, BE39A204-9349-42FD-A381-35C0F1A3DBF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal parasites

>> No.29386860

Whatever stimlord, you're the same as as the reparations crowd

Run the printing press for me, not for thee

>> No.29386877

i think this is true, also i'm pretty sure trump would have had an easy win had COVID never happened

>> No.29386882


>white supremacy

Our asian immigrants do pretty well. And hispanics start keeping pace after the 2nd generation. There is a future for this country if we stop adopting Jewnig politics, basically.

>> No.29387103
File: 52 KB, 630x426, red_dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread and circuses my friend. Bread and circuses.

The republican party is a clown car. This is your party now, you deluded fuck. The rest are retarded boomer empty suit cultists

>> No.29387159

All races except hispanic are going down, their growth offsets the decline of other races

>> No.29387178

Asians avoid Jewish tricks and in general stay to their own. Hispanics and Blacks are nothing more than voting cattle in the eyes of the government, their standing will never improve as long as the current government is in place.

>> No.29387233


>> No.29387257
File: 53 KB, 1048x576, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck niggers

>> No.29387457
File: 145 KB, 688x561, F7DB3CD8005F897D6CCF31C933D825C7-148028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck niggers

>> No.29387548

Oy vey not my shorts

>> No.29387622

>noo you can't just point out that 90% of pollution comes from china and india, where's your REAL argument

>> No.29387703

Of course he would have. The whole purpose of the China virus was to cripple the economy and have something they could use against Trump. It's not a coincidence January 20th is when testing standards were changed to reduce the number of positives and shortly after Biden took office Democrat politicians that wanted to have lockdowns for years started reopening and relaxing their rules.

>> No.29387734
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>> No.29388001


>> No.29388021

I'm ok with paying taxes as long as it goes actually developing infrastructure.

My take home salary is ~66% of what I earn.

I spend my 20's working shit jobs to self fund college then finished a phd.
I was making on-average 21k/year the last decade working my ass to land a high paying job.

Funny enough I used to be a liberal, but I've experienced enough of life to know that people just want to be spoonfed, no one wants to do actual work.

I wish trump was still in office.

>> No.29388031

That chart counts money that goes to military bases as federal handouts. So of course the states with all the bases are high on the chart.

>> No.29388132

that's an interesting thought herr colonel

>> No.29388199

It will go, along with most of your taxes, to gibs for niggers. The US is a decadent, failed state, just doesn't know yet.
Instead of funding jobs fixing the devastated infrastructure of the country, it will write checks to its citizens so they can buy more chinese fentanyl.
Look at China, taxes go towards building monuments to its dominance. When was the last time America spent its taxes to build something?

>> No.29388244


>> No.29388327

But watch when the tax is limited to only retail traders.

>> No.29388408
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It's dumb for more reasons than that. For starters, America's biggest corporations are based "in blue states" because that's where the biggest cities are, and they pay a lot of corporate taxes that skew it that way, despite being global. The bug people who crowd around cities with their buckets out aren't part of the havers who are paying the big taxes.

>> No.29388590

>americans get taxed on EVERYTHING
>still don't have free health care or education
what the fuck?

>> No.29388677


nigs do

>> No.29388705

Why do poor people even exist?

>> No.29388791
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>> No.29388795

we built new standards for trans bathrooms bro
that's progress bro
agree or get fined several tens of thousands of dollars BRO

>> No.29388810
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>> No.29388873

Lol even with everything considered after all the tax collections they don’t even make up half of the years expenditures. Buy crypto this shit is finished.

>> No.29388949

>Christ every other countries taxes are sky high but they have a functional safety net to help their citizens out.
Who would have thought the sheep would be demanding a return to feudalism.

>> No.29388962

>badly needed revenu
They mean
>pay for babies that you didn't have the fun making for the next 20+ years until they hit prison or get shot

>> No.29389005

You don’t they collect taxes to keep working people poor and to create scarcity as they hand out literally trillions to blackrock and Goldman Sachs.

>> No.29389029

NPCs make up 98% of humans, it's no fault of their own that half of them don't realize why they are poor.

>> No.29389060

DYOR fucktard
You can now become accredited with certain financial certs

>> No.29389061

Very funny. One party, 2 faces

>> No.29389070
File: 92 KB, 300x200, 71ff0d2c6c3abc18c3b67e457447266faf462651_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon, white people are a minority in the world

>> No.29389076

there's already capital gains tax. why do we need another one?

>> No.29389144


Feudalism existed for so long for a reason. Communism/socialism are basically just feudalism. Some people want to live as livestock, a miserable toiling existence in exchange for "security", as long as their master wills it.

>> No.29389242

What parallel reality do you guys live in where you think the US taxes actually go towards welfare? Yeah that 200 dollars a month in food stamps are sure making that black guy living in the ghetto rich as fuck. Moron

>> No.29389246

It fucks up market liquidity.

>> No.29389336


Medicaid, SSI, Section 8, SNAP, etc. all exist dipshit. Entitlements constitute 60% of the federal budget.

>> No.29389338

Fucking pathetic, ain't it. Sadly, I'm starting to sympathize with the Rothschilds, the majority of humans are brainless cattle.

>> No.29389351

Don't forget payroll taxes, property taxes and the death tax. It's criminal.

>> No.29389370

Meh at least in any other country the taxes actually go towardskeeping up the society around them. I don't blame Americans for not wanting to get taxed more because that shit would just go to the military anyway like it already does.

>> No.29389379

in the face of data, people are still doubting

>> No.29389401

Retsrds just as bad as demons

>> No.29389461


Where do you think it goes? All for muh military?

>> No.29389466

But but but they aren’t rich from the gibs so it doesn’t count as spending.

>> No.29389470

we have all this new tech and means of getting information. i just don't see why we have to settle for this eternal subjugation

>> No.29389504

Yeah but we have a half black VP girl boss now! That rocks and means we are making progress bigot!

>> No.29389564


>> No.29389590


Figures I was right.

>> No.29389599


did (((Jesse Eribaum))) provide a breakdown of his research methodology or are we to take this fine man's conclusions at face value? We know the median Democratic voter is poorer than the median Republican voter. Where's he coming up with the difference?

>> No.29389616

Dems tax not having healthcare too

>> No.29389621


>doesn't know what march of tyranny is

>> No.29389629
File: 63 KB, 908x819, pasted image 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a significant proportion of federal spending goes to welfare programs for poor people and old people. you have to look hard for an accurate graph of this because 99% of niggerbrain retards that make graphics don't understand DISCRETIONARY and MANDATORY spending and how they combine to represent all spending (plus interest on debt.)

>> No.29389702

And this is any different now from the current direction we're headed where the richest individuals have more power than governments? Buying up all the resources to price out the wagies and keeping them eternally in debt to make as many good workers as you can.

>> No.29389705
File: 12 KB, 729x145, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i suggest you look more closely at the amount of gibs that we gib out. a lot of a little adds up to a lot.

>> No.29389713

If you're not maxing out your taxless retirement accounts and putting every extra dime in crypto you weren't going to make it anyways.

>> No.29389734


In the interest of not starting team sport arguments or inflaming muh left/right war, it's more accurate to call them "statists". There are "lefties" out there that can be reasoned with and have a decent distrust for the state, it's statist cattle that are the issue, and while they tend to be leftist too it isn't always the case.

>> No.29389813

>taxless retirement accounts
it's in exchange for locking your money up in a kiked stock market with pathetic gains. prudent autistics will invest only up to the maximum of their company match and put the rest in crypto.

>> No.29389814

I don’t think New York City will ever actually die like Detroit did. It’s just at the perfect location for a city. That will be what saves it despite it being run into the ground. Eventually it will recover. A lot of other cities won’t though. Like Portland, Minneapolis and maybe even Seattle.

>> No.29389862


What are you trying to say? Why would you want the government to be powerful enough to be a target of getting bought out and weaponized by rich individuals? We know they collude, always, so why hand your life over to them? Stupid

With limited government they don't have carte blanche to rule your life and literally tell you where your money is going, rather than asking you to consider their product/service. Your logic is terribly warped

>> No.29389889

Jesus Christ you’re retarded and couldn’t follow an argument if your life depended on it
So basically every democrat voter ever

>> No.29389912

If you didn't see this was going to be the outcome from the GME psychosis you are in fact a retard.
OBVIOUSLY retail will have to be protected from their own stupidity. Silly, or did you believe for one moment you were David fighting Goliath? LOL

>> No.29389915

>sources: CNN
>year 2004
>muh reliable data
KYS faggot
Ok faggot

>> No.29389937

>If you're not maxing out your taxless retirement accounts
Until the commies decide that it should be taxed again because muh fairness.

>> No.29390007

Agree, it might be worse than the 70s-80s but not Detroit bad.

>> No.29390045


>> No.29390088

>taxless retirement accounts
You're either getting taxed upfront so your withdrawals are tax-free or taxed when you retire so your contributions are tax-free. One way or the other the government is getting its payday from your retirement account. Plus, it's very likely anyone young enough to be on /biz/ will be fucked by future politicians on this issue. It's just a matter of time until they decide to use means testing for Social Security benefits, meaning if you saved up a big retirement account you won't get Social Security checks because you don't really need that as much as the people who were irresponsible and didn't have a penny for retirement, although you're still going to pay FICA taxes for your entire career.

>> No.29390199


>> No.29390200

>Let’s not gaslight the American people
>gaslights them


>> No.29390268

>Let’s not gaslight the American people. Y’all will be fine with the tax,
Imagine not knowing how bullish this is for eth/ dex’s

>> No.29390286

What about just pulling co2 out of the atmosphere in bulk
Definitely more ways to survive than using electric cars or whatever bro. Don't get stuck in mainstream prepaved roads of thought

>> No.29390326
File: 196 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20210222-083015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the quote in context. The "y'all" is directed at Citadel, not at the American people.

>> No.29390332
File: 34 KB, 717x490, oY0VTVq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shit you posted yourself fucking says it's over 50% on military. Everything else is divided up into fractions of the remaining 47%. Please point out to me where on the chart ''hand out money to blacks'' is.

If US military spending was cut in half it would still be an insane amount higher than China or any other country in the world.

>> No.29390408


>don't worry y'all we're finna tax these rich folx
>here's the bill
>an extra 5% tax on people making between $40-150k per year

>> No.29390436
File: 101 KB, 860x672, Who+can+it+be+now_809cb6_8230501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a problem with X
>how do we profit off of this and further divide the US economy into subclasses?

>> No.29390484

Anonymized DEX's will be huge

>> No.29390492

>discretionary spending pie chart
Literal 0/10 bait.

>> No.29390505
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 1613573357625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmfao, I love this redditified """"""""""''discretionary""""""""""""" budget they post around. Look, if you cut out all of the welfare spending suddenly military is the majority!

>> No.29390520

True but at the same time there's probably just as good a chance the stock market will 20x by the time I retire as there will that we will be the new financial elites from crypto. Hedge your bets and if you really need the money earlier take the penalty. And for Roth accounts you can withdraw your initial investment amounts tax and penalty free.

This is the real issue. When the government passes this tax and every other tax they can think up and shaniqua can no longer feed her 16 kids with her 10k a month in government assistance due to inflation from her previous gibs the last place to dig the money from before total collapse is Johnny's IRA account that ia up 20x due to the rampant inflation from shaniquas gibs and reparation payments. His "white privilege" let him have the brain cells to see what was going on and invest that money after all so whitey better pay up his fair share.

>> No.29390534

There needs to a fractional cent tax on all HFT trades.

>> No.29390538

Learn the difference between discretionary spending and mandatory spending, you fucking retard. The gibs part is considered mandatory spending, which is a much larger share of the budget.

>> No.29390548

Same applies to you pal. respond to the argument or your tirade against climate change can be dismissed as unoriginal

>> No.29390572

When do nigger talk virtue signallers get the rope?

>> No.29390584


Let's not forget they think national defense, the original duty of the federal government, is a "discretionary" operation and that we could do without a standing military to boot. This is several levels of childish retardation.

>> No.29390656

>Discretionary Spending

But even if this chart wasn't a joke, national defense is one of the few legitimate uses of a government. Paying hundreds of millions of dollars to support gender studies in other nations is not.

>> No.29390683

I feel as though /biz/ is now getting the /pol/ astroturfers and shills

>> No.29390693

imagine having a w*man named Rashida in your parliament. LOL
burgers are truly done

>> No.29390700

That's it, I'm holding my wealth and letting it grow and living frugally, not cashing out or buying stuff, I'll be 7 figures but live in a hut as a fuck you to the government

>> No.29390704



>> No.29390777

I'm gen z and I want China on a hard fucking leash faggot

>> No.29390825

>The "y'all" is directed at Citadel, not at the American people.
Yeah, those businesses just eat the cost, sure.

>> No.29390982

You are the nigger stealing my tax dollars

>> No.29391037

Holy fucking shit it's a proposed .1 % tax per trade. One tenth of a percent. How are you guys so retarded?

>> No.29391082

>red states are older
>highest expenditure on a federal level is Social Security and Medicare
>red states get more “federal handouts”

>> No.29391093

Yes definitely pol AstroTurf shill. The state fears urban guerilla warfare. USA right wing freedom fighters would be extremely threatening to the state, regardless of nukes, drones, superior firepower

>> No.29391105

>100% gaslighting

>> No.29391176

So it's a good idea to give the few greediest individuals the power to erode away any kind of restrictions on them fucking the little guy over? I don't think the government should have absolute control over everything but it's their job to keep to keep someone like that from stepping on everyone else. You think the 0.01% of Epsteins and Bezos' is gonna treat you any different because you have a measly 2 million dollars if even that? You're still a peasant to them.

>> No.29391266

Hello fellow libertarians.

>> No.29391273

>we could do without a standing military to boot.
you mean do away with the most successful welfare program in U.S. history? No thanks, it's literally the only that works.

>> No.29391282

They did this in Brazil and effectively moved SAs stock market to NYC. This would just move our stock market to another country (which doesn't have this tax). Similar to how every company is incorporated in Del or Ireland.

>> No.29391333

It's almost like you and the other guy are falling for the two-party system trap, exactly as intended.
Donkeys or elephants or whatever they are are both corrupt plutocrats and neither have your interest in mind. Any difference between them is marginal at best yet people will still root for their team, for some reason

>> No.29391374

>durr let the global banking cartel dictate nations' energy usage limits
How about fuck you

>> No.29391489


>> No.29391675

It's all so tiresome

>> No.29391710

that woman is... 44 years old and a US congresswoman. Why the hell is she speaking that way? Does she not realize how embarrassing this is?

>> No.29391971
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, 1585083436729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29392122

I agree

>> No.29392144

based not fooled by political theatre

>> No.29392170

>Does she not realize how embarrassing this is?
no, these "people" have the minds of adolescents. This is the trademark condition of ClownWorld™, hyperbole becomes real.

>> No.29392221

People like you need to be punched in the face. You Europeans need to realize that right wing politics are the default. Not the exception. Not left wing politics.

>> No.29392225

>“Let’s not gaslight the American people. Y’all will be fine with the tax,” she said.
God I hate niggers so fucking much. How the fuck are they in the government let alone this country

>> No.29392442
File: 39 KB, 420x420, CE8FF004-6B08-4EF5-8EA6-430A873D7672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucken right

>> No.29392491
