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29369386 No.29369386 [Reply] [Original]

Waiting RLC doing something, the team will deliver

>> No.29369498

Just be patient.
French people work 20h per week and have 8 weeks of vacation per year.

>> No.29369527

the team on vacation after a successful enterprise launch

>> No.29370383
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>> No.29370480

same kek, in December they said Feb would be big for RLC, but fucking nothing. Any other project I could have done a 10X the opportunity cost from holding this shit is horrendous and now the bull markets coming to a close.

>> No.29370521

I bought at the top AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Wish I could buy in now

>> No.29370710
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>muh soon
>muh 1000000000000000000$ EOY
>muh trust me bro

>> No.29371679


>> No.29372225

The team is silent like a fucking submarine in a bull run!!!!!! The roadmap is useless we don't know what they are working on. They could be scratching they balls now, it wouldn't surprise me. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.29372402

Dogshit will be the next store of value

>> No.29372688

Because they labeled the token as a security they can't actively and aggressively market it like Link, while they simultaneously assumed the TECHNOLOGY would market itself.


Also I think that this is generally what they meant by "big for RLC" but I don't know. In any case it seems like Gilles doesn't really know how to sell a product.

>> No.29373459

you got bamboozled OP

>> No.29374016
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Any day now exit scam

>> No.29374490

This, they already have billions in ETH and for those expecting a Coinbase pump i'm sorry but
1) The product isn't for everyone
2)Coinbase doesn't have anymore the power it used to have.
3)Nobody knows iExec and the team won't do anything so no big FOMO
You only only only only rely on adoption, it will be all or nothing. Good luck.

>> No.29374844
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Dog shit trash good thing I sold ath yesterday

>> No.29374959

Stay poor no oil nigger

>> No.29374963

Checked and based, only and always applying god tier strategies like in 39

>> No.29375115

Lmao. Does the shitcoin your shilling have partnerships with IBM and intel? Damn, no oil niggers get upitty when oil chads are working. $1000 EOY is FUD.

>> No.29375210

Wow, a jewish written hitler caricature is telling me to sell? Bullish signs bros.

>> No.29375320
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Danger 5 season 3 when? I'm torn between wanting a new one versus being glad they ended it without letting the show go to shit

>> No.29375533

You can't even prove me wrong, and you're saying that IBM and Intel already bought a shit ton of RLC of course of course
>Muh partnership since 2018
The only thing i see is that RLC : Stable as USDC and FTM : pumping at this rate : +17% every week and that's a FACT not a big "IF" or "WHEN THIS..." you all oilers like to repeat like parrots. But i'm sorry for you anon, the marketplace and the bithumb was shit and you expect Coinbase listing change something ?

>> No.29375711

T. Bitch exwive that tried to get her husband to sell BTC in 2013.

Stay poor no oil nigger. Just remember, you could have made it - but instead you chose not you.

>> No.29375794
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Lamo Intel and IBM two soon to be dead tech giants. Dont forget IMB axed its whole crypto division as nothing came out of it Face its time to jump out

>> No.29375880

>doesn't pump when all other alts pump
>dumps even harder than most alts during corrections
What have we done to derserve this, fellow Oilers?

>> No.29375937
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Gilles, I don't feel so good

>> No.29376006
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anyone got a repo of RLC content so i can start making memes?
>just made this OC

>> No.29376112

Come on anon if you shitcoin is wonderful like Bitcoin tier you surely have many many arguments why the price will increase SOON.
This, two dinosaurus, Apple launched their last PC Gen without Intel, the beginning of the end. And IBM and really don't know how the fuck they still in activity.

>> No.29376147

I’m staking mine on bancor so I’m good making passive stacks.

>> No.29376408
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oh ye of little faith.

>> No.29376485

RLC is a long term hold. Moonboys get the fuck out.

>> No.29376625

how much? apy?

>> No.29376704

You should honestly kill yourself.

RLC was actually pumping pretty nicely the last few weeks and surviving the dumps. But the problem is being on Binance and connected directly to bots which trade according to what BTC is doing leads to fantastic dumps.

>> No.29376784 [DELETED] 

>calling people moonboys after shilling this to people for months and saying DOTB was imminent

At this point it's clear that posters like you just wanted people to buy your bags.

>> No.29376846

>year 2018
>See you all in 2020 100$!!!!
And now it's a long term hold ?

>> No.29376851

He's the chink that's been persistently shilling these threads, he's identifiable by his chinglish.

>> No.29376993

>But it's a long term hold
The biggest red flag

>> No.29376999

why is that big whale buying in the early morning not there today?

>> No.29377123

Do you understand INHERIT value? This technology is I'm the works to be leveraged by Google, Intel, and IBM. This solves the problem of training the bar none most important issue in AI - data privacy. AI NEEDS this tool to progress, they need to get around issues of niggers like you stealing data and individual privacy laws.

In the USA and EU - you don't have investments 100x in days you pathetic street shitting nigger.

>> No.29377170

>buying when everything is dumping

>> No.29377243
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I understand not being able to sell my bags to next fool higher

>> No.29377279

To all geninuely interested people out there, look at the amount of baseless FUD in this thread. This is from the swinging elegram group of faggots who like to swing this coin so they can acquire more RLC. They are trying to bottom out the price right now after selling at 2.15 yesterday so they can require. Just acquire RPC and hold it, swingers get the rope.

>> No.29377383

Well, at least we settled the fact that you will always be a dumb nigger who will stay poor forevermore.

>> No.29377436

You going to sing same song even when price crashes to sub 1$ in days?

>> No.29377661

Not poor as you about to be kek

>> No.29377882

You are literally an obvious pajeet and a good example of why this board needs flags.

It will dump harder regardless because pajeets don't realize it's entirely binance bots selling at this point in tandem with Europeans dumping BTC. Telling people to buy more RLC at this point is a shitty move in light of that.

>> No.29377948

Checked probably CZ acumulating to supress the price of course, today it's CZ once coinbase listing and nothing has changed they will tell you that's Jeff Bezos.
It's solves one problem great ! So great the price reflect it
>you don't have investments 100x days
3 years holding this shitcoin... Are you insane ? Do you know how long 1 day in crypto is ? Bitcoin dumps in 5 minutes and your 3 weeks of pump is vanished gone, in contrast to some low cap shitcoins do a 100X in acouple of HOURS before dumping.

>> No.29378075
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WOW being scandinavian now counts as jeet? While you look like true mumbaian with constant cursing and insulting

>> No.29378599

Not true at all

>> No.29379181

>was way up yesterday
>down now
>don't want to pay gas costs to sell at a loss

I guess it's a longterm hold now lol

Scandinavians have mastery over the english language to a degree that other Europeans don't largely because of the prehistoric closeness of angle and geats, don't be a lying nigger you fucking shitskin.

>> No.29379220

Checked don't bother anon, They call US FUDDERS for the same reason the left calls someone logic and with arguments "racist" "transphobic" everything with "-phobic". They do what'scalled "to put poison in the well" They tells you that you're a FUDDER/nazi/everything-phobic" just to put in in this box and then they just have to sit and wait and do nothing more because you're already out because you are a bad person.

>> No.29379284
File: 90 KB, 1102x703, you bought a lot but my bots are gonna dump anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that always amazes me- this fat buy order got triggered, a massive upward punch in a short period of time, but it gets totally negated by CZ's bots selling low volume at a rapid pace.

>> No.29379427

It is entirely true because the one guy with shitty english was in every RLC thread fudding even when it was near 2.40 yesterday, he is a persistent faggot. It's too bad EUropoors chose to be cocksuckers and crash the crypto market over a LESS THAN 1% STOCK MARKET DIP, but whatever.

>> No.29379928
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Kek 1$ dollar stable coin SOON