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29373598 No.29373598 [Reply] [Original]

>just got liquidated

>> No.29373713

Guessing it's a long? How much op and what on?

>> No.29373825

I lost 15k

everyone told me we were going to 75 at least

>> No.29374008

How big was your margin for error bud? 20x?

I lost all my longs too fuck

>> No.29374053

wtf man.
why do you even need leverage with 15k???
if I had 15k I would probably put half of the stack.
jesus save such gamblers...

>> No.29374422

Was getting pretty close to mine on LINK, luckily it seems to be bouncing, ngl was shitting my pants a bit for a moment.

>> No.29374436

We are but its gonna take some time, prob get there in march/april
After every pump there is a correction, if you don't account on that correction you're gonna get fucked like you just did

You did a very dumb move, nothing to do now except learn from it and move on.

>> No.29374484

Someone explain?

>> No.29374529

Can someone redpill on long short stuff? I'm a noob and dont understand shit besides swing trading, hodling, metamask, uniswap etc

>> No.29374531

Best to take profits at a high then?

>> No.29374582

>name of the game is "learn and don't loose"
>motherfucker said lawl if i'm wrong on this coinflip i'll loose a shit ton of money

>> No.29374593

We are, we're going to 100k+ this bullrun. But obviously corrections will occur along the way you retard

>> No.29374630

Long = buy
Short = sell

>> No.29374677
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>> No.29374861
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imagine just imagine...ppl losing money in bullmarket

top fucking kek

>> No.29374905

It all returns to nothing

>> No.29375004

I thought It's a type of "bet", smt like long - the asset will rise, short - fall

>> No.29375282

It kind of is gambling if you are playing with margin. What op did was borrow money to buy crypto (go long), but the price went down bellow his liquidation area, which means he lost all the money he was using. You can also borrow crypto and then sell it in hopes to buy it for cheap (go short).
My advice to you as someone who has been here for a while is don't use margin unless you have a very strict unemotional trading strategy. you might win sometimes, but you will always lose in the long run.
Just hold or swing trade on spot

>> No.29375450

Thanks anon. I've managed to make 500 bucks into 2k somehow in past 2 months with minor bumps and shitcoin grabbing, but kinda stalling now and having wierd ideas. Probably will hold off from betting.

>> No.29375455

>It kind of is gambling if you are playing with margin.
EVERYTHING IS GAMBLING YOU ANT BRAINS!!!!!! When you buy you're betting it will rise, when you sell you're betting it will crash. Every single step you take is a bet..

>> No.29375763


>> No.29375825

you are right technically everything is a gamble, but your risk of losing everything is extremely small if you're just trading on spot (unless you're playing with unicornfoodswap rugpulls)

>> No.29375826

sure, but trading on margin amplifies the risk of small changes in an asset. you can't get liquidated if you're not on margin, so you can easily handle dips by just not watching your phone all the time. if you're on margin you can get wiped out at any point.

honestly it is dumb as fuck to margin trade on an unregulated market. crypto has come a long ways but i would not be surprised if the some of the dips are still orchestrated to wipe out 10x longs