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File: 190 KB, 688x688, 20200705_001546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29354449 No.29354449 [Reply] [Original]

Wednesday will be a righteous day

>> No.29355827

What is happening on Wednesday?

>> No.29356074
File: 674 KB, 1773x881, 1613969892641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic happens

>> No.29356198

Sounds like a rumor.

>> No.29356341
File: 313 KB, 822x504, he_Double_Spend_on_BTC_was_Genuine_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 January - Double spend for $21
>21 February - Elon Musk changes his profile to meta fork
>20 Febuary - Curiously Craig Wright posts Mike herns 2015 Article in full
> 21 February - Elon Musk uses Mike Herns 2015 article as his profile pic
> 21 February - Mike Hearns forwards SAID article from Craig Wright's Slack account
>21 February - Elon changes his profile picture to the picture from the Mike Hearns article
>21 February - You can now send BSV to a BCH address on Coinbase
>21 February - Who is X is answered
>21 February - "Mars Coin" minted by Steve Shadders
> 21 February - BSV goes up $21.55
> 21 Febuary - Gavin Anderson, The direct successor of Satoshi Nakamoto as lead developer on the Bitcoin project is 55 years old

Yes it's rumor. Go back to sleep

>> No.29356527

I would be amazed if these people were able to coordinate this.

>> No.29356540

k, keep us posted

>> No.29356593

It's helps when the Ghost in the Machine is on your side.
Turing complete and all.

>> No.29356602

Less posts makey more meds takey.

>> No.29356641

Holy crap some people are genuinely mentally ill on this board and they are genuinely investing in Craig Wright bullshit.

>> No.29356650

>>21 January - Double spend for $21
If you believe this to be significant, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.29356743
File: 48 KB, 1123x611, Fork_Monitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's magic and all of course.
On the 21st day at 21:21 UTC, in the 21st year of the 21st century on a network of 21 quadrillion units, there was a magically small exploit of US$21 on the BTC network
Coincidence Wright ?

>> No.29356748

Pretty much. It's sad. When Wednesday turns out to be a huge nothing-burger they will not learn, and not recant, they will simply engage in some serious cognitive dissonance.

>> No.29356830

I keep buying BSV, because it actually works better than BTC and ETH, but I am skeptical of all this 21 shit. I suppose BSV working as bitcoin was meant to is enough for me to feel bullish on it.

>> No.29356882

It's not an exploit, retard, it's a reorg. They happen all the time, even on your crappy chain. learn2crypto.

>> No.29356895
File: 55 KB, 474x484, Minor Happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig Wright posts an article on Jan 20th (written by Mike Hearns in 2015)
Elon Musk uses the photo in the article for his Profile image on Twitter on January 21st
Elon Musk changes the byline on his profile to Meta Fork
Mike Herns and Craig Wright BOTh work for Metanet..

it's all delusion..

>> No.29356958

Please shill me the best BSV subreddit.

>> No.29356973

Someone who received a transaction and had a block confirmation had their transaction reversed, but this is NOT news and NOT a double spend according to You.

Cool Story Bro

>> No.29356989

Buy Algorand, Polkadot, avax, anything except BSV.

>> No.29356992

You've lost your fucking mind, retard. Get help.

>> No.29356999


>> No.29357040

Working as designed.


fucking educate yourself.

>> No.29357059

Even if this was true, which is questionable, there's a good reason you don't see many people on recumbent bicycles.

>> No.29357073

Is any of what I said untrue ?
The photo that Elon Musk uses since right now is from a 2015 Article by Mike Hearns.
Craight Wright posted the article 1 day before Elong Musk used the photo...

yes I need help... Abra los Ojos

>> No.29357089

No, I would rather just buy bitcoin.

>> No.29357130

Keep believing
Responding to Antonopoulos on the BTC double-spend analysis

>> No.29357135

I wouldnt want to admit to anybody that i bought a thing called polkadot, I can't even think of a gayer name for a fucking retarded coin.

>> No.29357153

fuck it, I'm buying

>> No.29357248

No, it's not. In fact it happens probably every day to some degree. This is the reason you need to wait for confirmations - the more there are, the less likely a reorg is to occur.
If you'd like to put 1 BTC in a true neutral escrow, I'd be happy to perform this same event on BSV. Of course, it won't be that exciting, since it is indeed NOT news.

>> No.29357270

Thanks and checked. What are the differences between Bcash and BSV?

Be careful. There's a major market wide correction coming this March.

>> No.29357333

They both used the picture for the same reason, to indicate change. A fork in the road is a common saying which means a change is coming. Elon Musk is a faggot who enjoys being cryptic and playing silly games with his followers. The fact that he happened to use the same picture as Hearns is just a coincidence. They've both typed 'fork in the road' into Google and gone to images, whereupon you'll see it's the second fucking picture.

Stop being mentally ill.

>> No.29357355

He has literally never mentioned BSV once

>> No.29357401

>these digits
stop engaging in degenerate behavior, stinky linky

>> No.29357461

BSV is the one true crypto

>> No.29357489

BCash wants to obfiscate transactions like Monero
and many other things like Avalanche https://twitter.com/cryptorebel_SV/status/1220574685739601921

In depth sdiscussion here.

>> No.29357497

Also cardano is going a hard fork in 2 weeks. Lmfao Elon is just bring cryptic Bc he’s bored and wants attention and grimes is mad at him for not using inclusive enough language and won’t let him cum inside.

>> No.29357518

He never mentioned BTC either.

>> No.29357544

You are mentally ill

>> No.29357562

In reality there are no coincidences, the universe works to point out these connections whether intentional or not. Elon probably posted it to say that there will be a fork in the road where we either use crypto or continue on the roller coaster to enslavement with the current monetary system.

>> No.29357602

Thanks, appreciated.

>> No.29357635

You do know that Elon Musk didn't buy any BTC right ?
You know that BSV rose 30% at the same time.

Elon says Bitcoin... not BTC

>> No.29357765


Some will be saved

>> No.29357931

I mean, I lost respect for him when he shilled doge. Him coming to BSV isn't a good look.

>> No.29357933
File: 47 KB, 736x575, reddress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that Craig Wright is a lying faggot, right? He's a total con-artist and he gets continually BTFO every time he opens his mouth. You're a fucking schizophrenic mongoloid. I look forward to absolutely nothing happening on Wednesday.
When that day comes, I want you to do something for me, and I intend for you to have no choice but to comply:

Okay? Remember it, because your brain will try to protect you from the fact that you have been fucking hoodwinked by a an actual gay piece of shit, and it will start making shit up to compensate. But you will now remember this post, and it will sit there, in your addled mind, and it will fester, and you will be plagued by it.
>Oh God, that anon was right!

>> No.29357992

that has been debunked.

>> No.29358160

capped this whole thread, looking forward to reminding them on thursday.

>> No.29358197

Based. I will be here.

>> No.29358268

I am old school and got my BSV at $60 a coin, and i got a few hundred. I'm good no matter how this pans out, but it would be a nice little bump in my wallet. I dont care either way, BSV is superior as a protocol, this drama will not change that.

>> No.29358304

You dudes are something else.
He filed Bitcoin on his 2009 Tax Returns...
You'll see

>> No.29358497

Where can I even buy this shit.

>> No.29358509

Nice. I'm old school too and got my BSV for $0, just like my BCH. At least I think I did, haven't checked. Don't really have time to pay attention to spammy airdrops, especially if I'd have to break out the cold storage.

>> No.29358542
File: 197 KB, 585x780, 20210221_211450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill.

there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.29358599

i mean, my BSV was 0. But i sold my BTC, BCH, and ETH, for BSV around $60.

>> No.29358746

Damn that's dedication, you're crazy in my book for real but hope it works out for you anon. Shit.

>> No.29358792

jeffery epstein killed himself?

>> No.29358835

GREAT video. A must watch

>> No.29358877

I'm looking for someone to debonk it

>> No.29358928
File: 133 KB, 1374x1718, early btc buys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you bought BTC in 2013 too, you would not think i am crazy.

>> No.29359183


You are a good fren. He needs help desperately.
Elon just typed fork in the road in google and grabbed the image like everybody else.

And this has nothing to do with crypto, not btc, not doge, not ada - it probably just refers to mankind goign on Mars. So now there are two mankinds, the ones that live for generations on mars, and the ones on earth. So slight evolutionary or genetic changes might occur across hundreds of thousands of years. Thus by putting life on another planet we are forking that life. It's a cool metaphor. there. Now stop being crazy everybody!

>> No.29359203
File: 41 KB, 725x370, bitfinex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only oldfags are in BSV and some newfags that actually are somehow schizo enough that would've bought BTC back in the days if they were old enough

>> No.29359205

Based and bitcoinpilled.
For lazybluepilled anons: Listen at what the bald guy says from minute 23 in the video

>> No.29359229

...but I do.
You're following a charlatan and the entire project is based on lies and deception.
I can understand someone being a monero maximalist, ethereum, or even fuck nano or some shit.
But BSV is a cult of poorly informed participants who fail to think critically.

>> No.29359237

Everybody who bought bitcoin back in 2013 bough it out of principal, because it was so fucked up and under the radar and risky as fuck. So when i took the plunge i actually hate to put my money on my heart. And it worked, but after the BCH and BSV fork i had to do the same. If you are new to crypto, you have no idea how a 1MB block restriction literally ruined my life.

>> No.29359545

QRD on the cardano fork
am i holding selling or buying

>> No.29359551

I've just spent 2 hours reading about this and the evidence is undeniable.. elon confirmed BSV, regardless of outcome tomorrow.
Just moved half my BTC position to BSV. Comfy as.

>> No.29359552

If the whitepaper protocol worked in theory, and then worked in real life until blockstream highjacked it, and the worked again for a minute under BCH, until they avalanched, it, and then works now as BSV, how am I being deceived? This is textbook empirical proof. I dont know your angle, and still you are won't convince me otherwise.

>> No.29359555

I think we lived in separate timelines. I got some because it was fun and interesting, not because it was "fucked up, under the radar, or risky as fuck."
The other people I know who were into bitcoin early all still have BTC, none of them take BCH or BSV seriously. So I don't really understand where you're getting this cognitive dissonance. If you're not lying you're literally the first person I've heard of, besides the celebrities, who traded their 2013 BTC for BSV. Actually, I think the celebrities didn't even full convert, from what I've heard.

>> No.29359563

>8 posts by ID Y97rHxrc
Hello hello blockstream shill

>> No.29359689
File: 53 KB, 602x396, 08yt9y6f8igun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29359702

checked, and i picked bitcoin because i was deep in debt and actully committed suicide and failed, and then it was my last change to get some stability in my life, and i got lucky and it got me out of my financial hole, and did so using economic truths and code. sorry for my puusy little bitch story, but bitcoin really did save me. and not bitcoin is associated with BTC, and its not a coin to help people, it is a scam.

>> No.29359767

>has a breakdown
>attempts suicide

>> No.29359856

thats fair, i admit im fucked up and had always been poor, but it was the protocol that kept me sane, it eliminated outside noise, and grounded me to the principals of money.

>> No.29359968

This is what I mean, this is an appeal to authority rather than a real argument. The bible paper makes a claim and thus we must have a strict adherence to this claim. That's not technology or innovation, that's cult behavior. CSW leverages this way of thinking to gain control - not because he cares, but because it's a powerful appeal to the emotional or less technical.

>> No.29360015

How much is CW being sued for?

>> No.29360102

thanks fren
just bought 9 BSV on huobi

>> No.29360238
File: 140 KB, 705x515, 1588214774015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing bitcoin is defined by the bitcoin whitepaper is cult like behavior

btc doesn't follow a single aspect of the whitepaper
>digital gold
>not peer to peer
>adoption limit
>broken chain of signatures
>no simple payment verification
>nodes don't have hashpower
>high fees

and its development is funded by mastercard, jeffrey epstein and bilderberg group

>> No.29360478

You claim it worked, do you think there is any room that "works" is predicated on conditions such as centralization, lack of volume? Or perhaps that the alternatives are not really as bulletproof as they claim?
As you say you've been in bitcoin since 2013, I assume you know quite a lot about how it works. How can you stand behind a project that has it's followers run a disinformation campaign about the "double spend"? You know inside it's technically nothing and even expected, I hope, even if you won't admit it.
Or the link posted as counterevidence:
which concludes "On the other hand, BSV accepts 0-confirmation payments for such small amounts quite easily and securely. Firstly, miners work on a first seen rule (as opposed to highest paid fee rule). Secondly, ecosystem wallets such as HandCash have built-in double-spend detection systems."
Do you not see how this is deceptively unrelated to what happened, and not really any sort of strong "guarantee" whatsoever? It's propaganda that the non-technical will be unable to see clearly and parrot to other uniformed people.

>> No.29360629

.0001 USD per transaction. This works in real life.

>> No.29360730

Think about the rest of what I've said, please.

>> No.29360734
File: 22 KB, 461x278, responding-to-antonopoulos-on-the-btc-double-spend-analysis-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29360999

dumb it down, please.

>> No.29361066

You post that as evidence, but it only shows you don't know what you're talking about. Or are trying to convince people who don't know much.
It's a double spend in a technical sense, but it's a natural part of consensus. Have you never had a transaction unconfirm?
By the way, this is exactly why faster blocks do not mean anything. Because the faster the blocks, the lower the difficult. The lower the difficulty, the more probable a reorg, so the longer you need to wait for security.
Attacking this is about the same as saying you didn't microwave your food very long and it's still cold. Well, yes, you need to microwave it longer. But technically the food was still frozen in the middle. Wow.

>> No.29362241

That picture on musks profile is the 3rd image of you google “fork in the road”.

>> No.29363380

Is 7 bsv enough?

>> No.29363492

you're the one trying to convince people. It's a double spend

>> No.29363512

This is a good point.

>> No.29364117

Also, anyone buying CSE TAAL? I have 100. Tried to get in at 2.9 but bank took 3 days to move Aud to cad and missed that price

>> No.29364760

Just stop, >>29359563
You are trying too hard, try next thread, k?

>> No.29364901

You don't know what you're talking about. it's working as designed. It happened weeks ago and BTC hasn't crashed to 0 yet. Why? Because it's fucking supposed to happen. It happens all the time.

>> No.29365121

They are right, look it up.
But it ofc doesn't invalidate BSV. Sub-thread is just about double spend.

>> No.29365152

probably nothing

>> No.29365215

the only problem is that the mythical all 21 double spend didn't happen if you bother to check it out

>> No.29365278
File: 377 KB, 1242x1049, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So dumb it down for a brainlet like me, should I buy BSV and where do I buy it?

>> No.29365289


>> No.29365297

no such thing happened and i can see the timestamps even on your pic

>> No.29365346

no such thing happened

>> No.29365440

the purpose of this schizo thread seems to be to pump that shitcoin but man you are stupid

>> No.29365504

the fist seen rule is an anti spam measure it makes splitting the mempool trivially easy

>> No.29365551

how do you guys buy BSV without kyc? Seems like there are limits on swaps in Atomic wallet???

>> No.29365572
File: 37 KB, 607x801, 1602635222917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explains everything. Calvin Ayre's shitrag article comes off like a desperate second son. Yearning for acceptance yet defensive and petulant at all times. How does it feel to be both technically wrong AND poor?

>> No.29365701
File: 77 KB, 1847x698, _PATCH_increase_block_size_limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Course it did. We are just lucky that the wrong transaction wasn't the one picked.
Money was removed from a wallet, given to another, and the block was erased. Someone who received a transaction and had a block confirmation had their transaction reversed.

That's a Double Spend and it was not just a double spend.

It happened on the 21st day at 21:21 UTC, in the 21st year of the 21st century on a network of 21 million units for US$21.

>> No.29365775

Coinbase facilitated btc, not bsv you monk. Holy bsvtards are idiots

>> No.29365947


>> No.29365995

Perhaps numeric confusion is hard coded into bitcoin somewhere to revalidate a transaction?