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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29353660 No.29353660 [Reply] [Original]

i only believe in profit. i have no values, desires, beliefs, feelings, or political views

>> No.29353747
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Are you good at basketball?

>> No.29353753

Do you wanna be hokage one day?

>> No.29353792
File: 37 KB, 807x380, images - 2021-02-22T121705.282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace jew with biztard

>> No.29353858

>I only believe in Prophet
Don’t see how you being Muslim has anything to do with /biz/, but ok

>> No.29353962

Wooowww so edgy.
Ksy faggot

>> No.29353982

Without a goal all that becomes just numbers and they're slaving you fren

>> No.29354068

hello jew

>> No.29354103

So you're jew?

>> No.29354155

you will make it

>> No.29354186

Based. Fuck these salty soi boys
Profit is all that matters

>> No.29354246

french actually, but thats probably not much better

>> No.29354310
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 1604309066044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a similar situation.
I used to have hope in humanity and that it was worth saving, but now I'm convinced that humanity doesn't want to be saved.
So my views have switched from "I think mankind can do better" to "How can I make money off of these idiots?"
Is this what it feels like to be a jew?

>> No.29354441

Good luck finding any meaning or happiness faggot

>> No.29354497

You might be a jew, OP.

>> No.29354548

Dangerously based.

>> No.29354581

You are not wrong

>> No.29354733

Congratulations, you evolved. It takes a while. But it is the only way to go.

>> No.29354765

this is the natural consequence of being economy-pilled

>> No.29355030

If digits you are wrong

>> No.29355446

I only believe in try to stop being poor. I'm starting to feel like I am not going to make it bros

>> No.29355580

The _____did this

>> No.29356031

Found the kike

>> No.29356111

Are you 14 anon?

>> No.29356521

Happiness is wealth. It is also freedom.

>> No.29356574

... and power.

>> No.29356589


>> No.29356635

this is the way

>> No.29357464

True, then again I haven’t started a family or committed myself to a mortgage or anything like that, but as a bartender I’ve seen my fair share if miserable rich people as well.

>> No.29357494

You need Jesus

>> No.29357522

Profit & money can be considered a political view or belief. I believe in them too, but still.

>> No.29357878

the order of the hidden hand: stalin napoleon etc

>> No.29358032

Would you rather be miserable and rich or miserable and poor?

>> No.29358081

No he doesn't. Nobody does really. Religion (each and all of them) are just a massive cope, because we do not understand infinity.

>> No.29358139

(unless you're catholic, protestant, or orthodox)

>> No.29358213

I’d rather not be miserable at all.

>> No.29358359

Wealth reduces problems, cares, worries, and desires. It is a good start.

>> No.29358412

these threads really out the /pol/lacks, pleboturs & brand new faggots

>> No.29358447

I totally agree with you, but is that really the only thing to care about, to the point of having no other beliefs, feelings or desires?

>> No.29358457

shoo shoo heretic

>> No.29358519
File: 75 KB, 477x661, rituale-romanum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I will pray for you. Save this post .
Thank me later.

>> No.29358539

I think what op means though is no matter what the political arena looks like he will find a way to profit off it. He will not waste his energy or time talking about politics or being an activist unless these two things bring him sufficient enough profit greater that justifies the work

>> No.29358540

qt black girl will u marry me?

>> No.29358703
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>> No.29358711

It is up to you, what you then make of it.

>> No.29358742
File: 57 KB, 900x900, 1608531123204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a matter of do i, its a matter of when i will be the hokage

>> No.29358769
File: 151 KB, 693x625, chuck, we're leaving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29358934


>> No.29359067

You need at least 3 more years of /pol/tard exposure yourself until you realize it doesn't get you anywhere. You will then come back here and agree. And you won't be the first or the last one.

>> No.29359072


>> No.29359151

The final redpill is in order to beat kikes you have to become a kike yourself.

>> No.29359367

why stop