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29343220 No.29343220 [Reply] [Original]

So I have been looking trough some of these crypto wallets and I am a little disturbed by them overall. These wallets are fucking trash. This is supposed to be the current new wave of technology but none of these things offer any actual banking features. I cant make any accounts for frequent trades on any of them. They seam to all be focused on actual trading, in fact almost all of them are actual brokers. None of them are made for actually USING crypto. The fuck is wrong with these people? You could add one stupid little feature and put half the internet money services on the internet out of business. Its clear no one developing this shit is developing it for actual use.

>> No.29343298
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>> No.29343302

I think I recognize those tits...
is that....................................that one girl from twitter?

>> No.29343385

Ur a pretty smart guy for figuring that out. You should apply to be CEO of nasa.

>> No.29343742
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>> No.29344157


>> No.29344819
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there are no doors

>> No.29344845
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>> No.29344923

check out Nash.io

>> No.29345319
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You guys are thinking too hard

>> No.29345409


>> No.29345454

What the fuck are those?

>> No.29345515


>> No.29345537

>Whores going to hell expedited because it's fun to use satanic iconography without understanding the consequences

Hope its worth the dopamine

>> No.29345726
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no thank you

>> No.29345899

I just tried exodus, supposedly the best mobile wallet, man what a piece of shit. Just tried Nash, starts out by requiring me to make an account? Then dictates to me what sort of password I can use? It does give you a backup, thats a plus. And I see I can, in fact make accounts. Genius.

>> No.29345973
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>> No.29346047

That's because blockchain has no use beyond creating an unregulated speculative market. All the problems blockchain is supposed to fix are solved more easily, more cheaply, and more efficiently by other means we already have.

>Store of value
No it isn't
>Currency of the future
No it's not
>Ponzi scheme i can get rich off of
You might be onto something

>> No.29346129

However, it does appear that, for your convince, everything is store on their servers. Which means all my contacts are their contacts and if I want to keep them, I have to play their game. I guess nothing is perfect and there is no option to set up monthly payments. But hey, thats 1 step closer to something made for humans.

>> No.29346510

So, if I'm able to solve this does that make me more or less autistic?

>> No.29346566


>> No.29346801

You desire knowledge, yet give no sauce in return....

>> No.29346833
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too easy, try this

what you want is probably illegal like everything in this industry

and no one actually uses crypto to buy things, so who wants it?

>> No.29347472

Imagine they were making cars but not putting doors on them.
>No one even uses cars to drive places
>You cant even get in to the cars
>Who would want to own a car?
If you dont make a thing to be used, then it wont be used. Its not a hard concept.

>> No.29347848
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Seek help or ngmi

>> No.29347876
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when cars were invented, a lot of cities banned them for killing people and disrupting the streets. But the government had a more tolerant attitude towards new technology back then. If cars were invented today, they would be basically illegal everywhere, like self drivng cars are now.

>> No.29348585

A crypto wallet cant plow in to a work zone at 80 miles an hour. But that has nothing to do with the topic. Cars were made to be used from the start. Crypto still has not advanced past, holding your coins and sending them to your exchange to make them big gains! Its fucking pathetic. Theres a thousand wallets and so far 1 has the ability to save addresses as contacts?

>> No.29349200
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>> No.29349322

fat tits are best tits
tattoos are a problem though

>> No.29349370

It's mathematically impossible, since there are 3 rooms with 5 doors, odd door room has to act as an ending or starting point.

>> No.29349401

Checked autist confirmed by dubs.
It says go through the doors, not draw a line through the walls.
Also, why the fuck is through spelt trough. Am I the autist?

>> No.29349440

Go through the walls. It never said you can't.

>> No.29349498

It doesn't say don't draw a line through the walls. It says start wherever you want, so even in a wall so they are fair game.

>> No.29349552
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>> No.29349682

Cass0pia, Landwhalette with big fat tits that films porn with her boyfriend whom resembles a total soi boi but with a big dick.

>> No.29350114
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>> No.29350224

that's why HOLOCHAIN will take over once BLOCKCHAIN fails big time

>> No.29350992
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>> No.29351199

i've been scammed