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29320340 No.29320340 [Reply] [Original]

Are you still not in Bonfi Anon? Last chance.
>3.1M Mcap
>0.0135 price
>Last thread: >>29308413
>liquidity mining is massive, if you don't know that where have you been for the last year
>pretty much all of it is you manually participating in pools and getting fucked by impermanent loss
>bonfi is the first smart liquidity solution that maximizes risk-reward and there's actually no competition AND it saves you from gas fees
>it can work with current tokens/exchanges and grow to become humongous, in the actual billions
>token lets you use the platform (AI powered Bonvest Data, Prediction engines, bonfi native DEFI projects; and take part in governance.
>Imagine having an AI managing your risk reward and finding the best shitcoin liquidity mining pools
>no inflation for the first two years, cap of 6% after, community-determined
>team liquidity locked, releases 12.5% every 3 months
>regular updates, team interacts on telegram
>clean looking council page and website, these guys seem to know what they’re doing
>Platform launches very soon, Q1, we’re still super early(Most likely early March)

>> No.29320425

what's the make it stack OP
be honest with me

>> No.29320443

the mcap just keeps growing huh

>> No.29320475

6 million

>> No.29320528
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Comfy, the market cap, and the holders are growing.

Sign of a good project and not some PND

>> No.29320741


>> No.29320787

When are we expecting $1

>> No.29320870
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soon. the fire rises.

>> No.29320979
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My prediction for the next 5-7 days if the Feb. pattern holds. The one concerning bit is how much higher the top was during this latest pump, will it pump harder sooner? or have a much more severe dip? (i got in at 0.011 and will be buying more in a few days when coinbase frees up another $1k)

>> No.29321097

how many holders have to believe in these memelines to make them come true?

>> No.29321273

Just 1. The man who made them. Also, Im just looking for the right time to buy in more. I also think It might go to mars in the next 24hrs

>> No.29321314

third time's the charm baby, and this time we're going to fucking mars

>> No.29321489

yah thats the thing, people think its already mooned and they missed out but it has only had 3 normal pumps (the last being a bit unique) so will it crab for a bit like the last two pumps, or are we going straight to orbit tonight?

>> No.29321636
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>> No.29322240
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>Tfw all my bags are doin a lil sumthin

>> No.29322298

dababy be like lesssgoooooo

>> No.29322404

fuck bros how do i beat ornstein and smough

im fucking dying all the time to this fuckers lighning spear like who the fuck programmed this bullshit ass game GIVE ME BACK MY HUMANITY FUCKING GAME

>> No.29322409
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>> No.29322750


>> No.29322818

whats you fav weapon bro

>> No.29322926

When bonfi bots squeeze liquidity basically to sell off can the price ever go to the moon? Not a lot of dealings when AI is concerned and bags will be heavy

>> No.29323005

It just went to the moon yesterday, so that should answer your question.

>> No.29323054

Yes but is this a fair play?

>> No.29323137
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Nice bounceback, I hope you bought the dip, anons.
Hopefully they announce the release date for the platform soon so we'll get some wild pumps from the hype and fomo. Super comfy rn.

>> No.29323177

How many bnf anon?

>> No.29323248

Personally I have around 250k BNF, feeling good right now.

>> No.29323558

And liquidity bots drive me insane... Post stacks of BNF to bots to they can farm staking and basically fuck you over haha.im safe from any shillings eith my thinkpad and chakra blockers, pajeets wont get my money! Praise Kek

>> No.29323896

About 200k and I’m feeling not gay.

>> No.29323906

based schizoposter

>> No.29324299

Feels good to be this early.

>> No.29324546

I was a POW in Quang Nam, Da Nang, Vietnam for 10 years. They made me suck 10 of their little asian cocks a day, after a few months my vocal chords were so bruised I couldnt even talk, just suck dick. Once I sucked and fucked my way out of that place, sucking off higher and higher ranking officers, I felt like the biggest winner in the world. When that last bit of butterhead cum went down my throat it tasted like victory. I never thought I would feel a victory like that again, until i bought BNF. Im a patriot and a holder.

>> No.29324849

Dangerously based.

>> No.29325216

kek, im liking the memes in here

>> No.29325253

that's the attitude brother

>> No.29325418

wish I knew about this earlier desu

>> No.29325465


>> No.29325488

True patriots can suck and fuck their way out of any situation. Never forget that when you’re doing the pledge of allegiance at the next ball game.

>> No.29325508

Idk if anyone has said this, but this is particularly based

>> No.29325555

my concern is to down the liquidity bots trading program? or how do I trade? to stake?

>> No.29325561

allah alhumduliah praise bonfi

>> No.29325765

Nice digits, .25 within 3 weeks

>> No.29326012

To stake you need to bring your phone with your metamask on it to the taco bell on east 185th St, Chicago, Illinois. A man named Brad will meet you in the back. Tell him "BonFi, BonFi, god I wanna get high" and give him your seed phrase. Be prepared for your life to change forever

>> No.29326051


>> No.29326205
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>> No.29326245


>> No.29326287

Sounds like Brad is going to molest me in the back alley

>> No.29326435

Praise Kek

>> No.29326439

Where can I even buy bonfi?

>> No.29326568

Uniswap, or chink exchanges like bilaxy or probit

>> No.29326721

And my coinbase wallet will hold it natively?

>> No.29326814

it should hold all erc-20 tokens natively, but you might need to look up the contract address on coingecko and add it for the tokens to show up

>> No.29326889

I'd advise to use metamask personally

>> No.29326909
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Nah Brads not like that. If you are over 10 years old thats you're too old for him

>> No.29326936

What's gonna change with mainnet launch?

>> No.29327209

The entire product will be released.

>> No.29327359

BNF will cost at least 3x more when they set the launch date in Q1. It's around the corner. Get in while it's cheap anons.

>> No.29328084
File: 425 KB, 1080x2220, BNF comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here chilling around the 1mm bonfire?

>> No.29329145

Chilling comfy here

>> No.29329192
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wen moon

>> No.29329266
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Very soon anon very soon

>> No.29329286
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Reminder that a sui stack is only 300k BNF.

>> No.29329372

I have 50K

>> No.29329484
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Comfy time

>> No.29329532

Skynet will finally be activated and all coins will dump except BONFI, transferring all mcaps of all coins to itself

>> No.29329970
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The jews fear the bonfire

>> No.29330010
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Not going to get you rich, but at least you'll have a nice amount to invest into other project after this moons.

>> No.29330469

comfy by the bonfire frens anyone want a cup of coco

>> No.29330770

yes pls fren with marshmallows n chickie tendies

>> No.29331038
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comfy af

>> No.29331600

wtf i have more than 460k. so i will make it?

>> No.29332051

300k checking in. Will be loading up more soon in anticipation of the upcoming pump.

>> No.29332131
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I bought 640,000 bonfi.
I think I'll make it.

>> No.29332813

Ahhhh yeahhhhh

>> No.29333033


>> No.29333787

shill me why i should put my hard earned 50k in this

>> No.29334021

How about I shill my dick in your ass, faget

>> No.29334857

Time to accumulate me thinks.

>> No.29334875

Buy ybuvububu yubyby y

>> No.29334938

If you want it to turn into $250k of not hard earned money.

>> No.29335145

Easy 5X, maybe even 10X. Just let us poorfags finish accumulating before you buy in with your bigdick whale stack.

>> No.29336337

Because there will be hype when the platform release is coming up, it's a pretty safe investment all things considered. (safe relative to other crypto projects anyway)

>> No.29336432

Sitting comfy with 100k stack near my bonfire

>> No.29337094
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Post rank

>> No.29337388
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Gonna be a free 5-10x in the next week or so when platform fully releases, professional website, great team, you literally get an AI to find you the best shitcoin farms. It’s just ducking based

>> No.29337652

Forest fire reporting in.

P.S. smoky the Bobo bear you’re about to be immolated.

>> No.29337739

PYRO here to help

>> No.29338049

only 326k....but hopefully it crabs and dips over the next few days so I can get to 500k+

>> No.29338234

Pyro of the first order

>> No.29338325

What is a realistic mid-term price prediction post platform? 80mm? 150mm?

>> No.29338373

comfy campfire here

>> No.29338427

Market cap? This is currently a super low MC and exciting project. I see $30M MC after launch. 10x so get in early and often.

>> No.29338593

when is the platform going to be out? might fomo in if i have enough time to scrap up some eth together

>> No.29338721

Conservatively I see 30 to 50m market cap. This shit is tiny and biz is kinda the first board we started shilling on in the last few days. Were not even advocating pumping it. We want people to buy and hold this shit to get momentum because its truly a gem. No pajeet "when moon" shit.

So if you're gonna buy it, don't dump it at .02...hang on till end of March, maybe even end of summer.

>> No.29338783

My coinbase wallet holds BNF just fine.

>> No.29339208

This exactly. True chance to moon.

>> No.29339359

I'm still in bfi

>> No.29339714

How are you staking this?

>> No.29339823

go to the site

>> No.29340033

it says both of the open pools are 100% filled currently.

>> No.29341134

here's a tip. keep some crypto on coinbase. watch whatever tickles your fancy on there and wait for the dip. once all transactions settle you can buy as much ethereum as your portfolio is worth and withdraw any time. or to simplify, pending transactions are subtracted from your portfolio value to equal the total balance available to withdraw. i think that also means if a coin immediately pumps after buying your gains are immediately available to withdraw

>> No.29341461

you guys are really starting to make me comfy

>> No.29341676

This happened to a coin I was in called julswap that I sold like a pleb and missed out on a 40x

>> No.29341764

Should I buy on probit or uniswap. I cant stand the gas fees anymore on uni but I dont know much about probit

>> No.29341812
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>> No.29342016

Big if true
>> dances around bonfire while chanting

>> No.29342042
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>> No.29342115

>>29341764 Probit is good

>> No.29342234
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buying more rn news is not priced in at all yet

>> No.29342296
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Forest fire reporting in

>> No.29342301

I missed out on rubic when I bought at 2 cents and sold at 1.5 cents. I’m holding this until I forget about it

>> No.29342399

Nice pump yesterday I can see it happening again

>> No.29342491







>> No.29342552

this is what I usually do but I wont have crypto money for a minute so whats in my coinbase from last weeks deposit is it for a bit (dental work, need to put truck in shop, student loans, got sick, hurt my hand at work....et cetera,) hate to move it but I'm expecting a juicy dip down below 1c and I'm gonna jump at that

>> No.29342612

Ive done this many times anon. and I feel the same about this one, Im going to hold long enough this time

>> No.29342788
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hello frens
when main net launch?

>> No.29342818

oh man if i had $10k for every coin that mooned after i sold....

>> No.29342994


>> No.29343637

just got myself a bag, didnt realise it dipped this far
hooray, I thought I missed out

>> No.29344341


>> No.29344762

Whats the total volume of this coin?

>> No.29345804


>> No.29345872

on the up and up lads