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File: 384 KB, 971x2096, Screenshot_20210221-173354_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29333670 No.29333670 [Reply] [Original]

Which coins are you longing /biz/? Post your holdings. Mine are modest and I'm still trying to learn as much as I can.

>> No.29334028


>> No.29334351

I don't even hold as much as I'd like but I've still made more money than I ever had in the past so I'm thankful.

>> No.29334405
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I'll bite

>> No.29334608

Very nice. Well done on Holo didn't realize it would explode like that in no time. I wish I had the capital to buy those amounts.

>> No.29334708
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Pls help

>> No.29335390

Thanks anon. We all have to start somewhere, i didn't start with a lot more capital than you just got in really early a few times. With HOT i really played the long game, never sold since the good old IDEX days (early 2018), glad it is finally pumping

>> No.29335877

Well it's paying off. I'm trying to learn as much as I can but the amount of information is overwhelming. Could you give me any pointers?

>> No.29336041
File: 27 KB, 673x861, bizness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be fine anon. I think we can reach 20$ in a few days.

>> No.29336977


>> No.29337098

Do you know what a framework is? Like Spring or React?

>> No.29337749

I do not

>> No.29338254
File: 464 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210222-003326_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be worth $1mm in 6 months.

>> No.29338837

It’s like a tool that a developer uses to help him build something. In webdev we have for example Spring, a Java framework that handles all the boring parts of the creation of an api. If you don't know what an api is, go study.

Holochain is just a tool to facilitate the creation of decentralized applications, there is no token or anything, is just something that a developer downloads to help him build something

The boomer hippies devs just delivered a proof of concept application called elemental chat, it is what the name says, a simple p2p chat app with no central server, you send a message to your boyfriend and nobody will read it except you and your boyfriend

This is fucking monumental, but there is a problem. The architecture of this framework implies that for a user to participate in this chat / facebook clone / piratebay clone / anything clone you need to download the source code of the app in question and run it on your pc

Normies don’t want to handle this, so holofuel / HOT is born to solve this problem.

You have a world of warcraft forum and there is 100 users that run a part of the app in their pc, they all come together and you the developer and owner of the forum don’t need to worry about paying some cloud service to host your application because the users of your forum are doing this, so everybody is happy

But you want to expand and wants to make your forum accessible to everyone on the internet, so you go to marketplace and rent a pc and pay in holofuel, the owner of this pc will host your app and expose to the normal internet, so when a normie wants to access your forum they can go to chrome and type https://youlameforum.com, the pc rented will receive the request and present the normie the app, the normie will have access, you put some ads and pay the host with holofuel

>> No.29338905

Now the most important part, who is going to define the price of holofuel / HOT? The fucking hosts renting their equipment to host the apps

Why is this important? Because think about it, Bob wants to charge 10 holofuel to rent his pc for 1 week, Alice sees this and charges 5 holofuel for the same amount of computational power, now 1 holofuel will buy double of the computational power, so 1 holofuel will have doubled in value compared to fiat because it can buy double the power

Hosts have all the reasons in the world to charge less and less holofuel because demand will be low at first, so they will compete with each other and holofuel will buy more and more pc power making holofuel be worth more and more

Market cap does not matter, traders doing their little thing also. The only thing that matters is how much a host will charge for a set amount of computational power

Holofuel is going to reach 1 dollar and is going to be fast as hell, as soon as beta is open people will build apps with holochain and hosts make the value of holofuel skyrocket

>> No.29340368

You've sold me anon. I hope this takes off further. I'm ready for decentralized Web 5.0 and the future looks bright.

>> No.29340457

I'll buy.

>> No.29340563


>> No.29340677

By the way, where can I obtain this asset?

>> No.29340768

if you're in the freedomland you probably are fucked, binance is the biggest market but HOT is not on binance US, maybe try on some decentralized exchange

>> No.29341032

Fuck. Yeah I'm in burgerland. Checked uniswap but it's not available there either. Shame because it seems like an amazing opportunity.

>> No.29341124

What's that wallet you're using anon?

>> No.29341199

RLC All in

>> No.29341283


>> No.29341299
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BTC and PRQ are the only two coins I will absolutely never sell. Got a few low caps like DEC and a super microcap in PAZZY that I'll hold onto for at least the next 6 months though.

>> No.29341315
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>> No.29341420

It's not a wallet. It just tracks your asset's trends. It's called Delta.

>> No.29341492
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>> No.29341839

What quantities did you trade?

>> No.29341963
File: 10 KB, 747x150, Screenshot_2021-02-21 Spot - Wallet - Binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small account but all in

>> No.29343016

Great job! If this goes to $5, you'll make $50,000

>> No.29343116
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>> No.29343525

from your mouth to god's ear, fren

>> No.29343768

Noia will be a big winner for you

>> No.29344520

Maybe a dumb question: where to buy it? I'm on Binance.us, doesn't seem to have BAKE any where. Standard Binance, yes.

>> No.29344709

Leaf here, Binance not ristricted in Canada. Maybe use a VPN ? Or use metamask setup with BSC chain, wire BNB and buy BAKE on pancake swap?

>> No.29344772

I see you passed all of your coinbase lessons. Congrats

>> No.29345025

The only coin I'm longing is Monero.

>> No.29345134
File: 807 KB, 1242x2688, 4DF066B0-2755-4044-9E05-DBD9D1390C05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XLM holder reporting in

>> No.29345320

People are so dumb. You can use binance in the US. Just use a fucking VPN and transfer your coins so u don’t get chinked

>> No.29345433

OK I'm going the Metamask route. I have one concern though. Set up the network according to this: https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/connecting-metamask-to-binance-smart-chain..

However, the BNB address in metamask appears to be an Ethereum address? Whaaa?

Sorry I've been out of trading for a couple of years and the landscape is new.

>> No.29345500
File: 166 KB, 1242x989, D33E7C82-9CE2-48E3-A785-472CD1FEC652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides LINK, it’s HBAR for me

>> No.29345576

gotta change to BSC mainnet in networks at the top (denomination will then be in BNN)

>> No.29345657

Binance verification is really fucking me over on all these gems I keep seeing.

>> No.29345679

and yes addresses same format as ETH, BSC is a chink copy pasted ETH with low fees

>> No.29345780
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You need 14000 more YLD for top tier

>> No.29346525

OK I think I figured it out, not that you care. Stupid Binance.us doesn't use BSC, only the "BC". So you gotta do a bunch of crap to make it work. Fuckin retarded.

>> No.29346584

damn....just get a VPN,its dirt cheap

>> No.29346602

I'm all in on Rubic and LINK. I'll never sell.

>> No.29346832
File: 236 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210221-230020_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded Luck. ETHLend from ico and orai from being shilled on here. 3 bitcoin too in primexbt for forex trading.

>> No.29347537

FUCK wish I would have bought early. How am I supposed to distinguish the good alts from the shitcoins?

>> No.29347833

pls shill me a cheap shitcoin that i wont get immediately fugged on bros

>> No.29348966
