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File: 22 KB, 1000x1000, ava_red.71607864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29328331 No.29328331 [Reply] [Original]

Guy's I could really need some hopium right now

>> No.29328455

AVAX and Zero.Exchange will change the face of crypto forever. Give it a little time, anon.

>> No.29328521

I'm going to fill up one more bag at this price, and after that I'm hodling for the moonshot.

>> No.29328530

its up 10x in like a month, relax bro
more consolidation before going up

>> No.29328618

The double spend spooked a lot of early investors. They've been slowly selling their positions and it looks like they're moving to polkadot.

We haven't even started dumping. It's going to get a lot worse I'm talking low $20's


>> No.29328689

double spend

>> No.29328691

You are literally retarded if you didn't sell after that bug. This thing is dead.

>> No.29328692

Fuck you bots are on point forever

>> No.29328704

> zero.exchange
no thanks, I don't want to get rugged by an anonymous pajeet team

guys, I need some facts

try harder

>> No.29328840
File: 35 KB, 640x646, 1611602328776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that these bots post about their scam exchange EVERY SINGLE TIME you mention AVAX should be strongest sell signal you need to get out asap.

>> No.29328989

FTM is gonna fuck ur ass so hard that if u swallow whole apple its just gonna fall onto floor

buy till u rnt priced out avax boi

>> No.29329049

AVAX is over. I'm not even going to shill you anything but get out while you can.

>> No.29329078

Learn English raj

>> No.29329185

The hoping comes after the march dump.

I dearly hope so anon. If they don’t, I would be incredibly upset. I just want ti make it to live a good live with the grill that I love.

>> No.29329198


>> No.29329277

think about this objectively

we are in a very strong bull trend and every alt has gone up only and continually makes new ATHs despite dumping 10-20% every week. alts that are consolidating after ATHs are either in distribution or reaccumulation, and given that we are in a bull market, i would bet for reaccumulation for more upside. or you can stay scared and retarded, nbd to me

>> No.29329348
File: 88 KB, 460x509, VAXMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean AVAX is the best crypto system I've seen. But there was one little bug and your mom got scared and said you're moving with your aunty and uncle in bel air

It's got to be said that the bug then the fucking token drop a few weeks later is an absolute 1-2 knockout punch to the interest of investors. I think once the token unlock fucks off and we see some consolidation then we'll see it hauling ass

>> No.29329653

the tech is legit asf. it's a real innovation. even BCH is switching to AVAX consensus.

however good tech doesn't always mean the price will pump. see: Monero. AVAX has some good pumpanentals though.
>720 million hardcapped supply
>encourages staking, locking up coins
>minimal hardware requirements to be a full-fledged validator unlike ETH
>first class support for NFTs
>low gas fees
>Ethereum bridge
It definitely deserves a higher market cap than Cardano, just give it time. Normalshits don't even know about it yet. No CB listing yet etc. Will pump to the stratosphere when that happens.>>29328455

>> No.29329714

>BCH is switching to AVAX consensus
This is news to me. Link to source?

>> No.29329729

didn't mean to quote the Zero pajeet at the end. nignore him.

>> No.29329746

It’s almost like as if when people claim they’ve easily solved all of the problems of 1st gen chains it’s actually harder than it seems. Who would have thought it

>> No.29329923


But the quote actually makes sense. I heard Zero wants to add a BSC and Polkadot bridge. If they succeed, they will moon the hardest anyone has ever seen

>> No.29329934

Should also be noted that tokenomics are deflationary by design.

>> No.29329937

wishful dreaming

people dont want a fancy new coin
the tech does not matter see how IOTA pumps or BSC cake coins
hell even DOT pumps despite being a centralized shitcoin with max 1000 validator nodes and barrier to entry is $60M
nobody gives a shit about tech or decentralization

does AVAX provide something which can not be found elsewhere? to cause actual need to own AVAX? no. then pumponomics wont help you.

>> No.29329940


they're still using PoW but Avalanche is being used for pre-consensus, fast transaction confirmation

>> No.29330101

absolute mongs
why wont they let a dead coin be dead.

>> No.29330188

>does AVAX provide something which can not be found elsewhere?
playing the uniswap casino game with low gas fees.
Binance Shit Chain is currently leading in this but after they inevitably get chinked they will start looking for decentralized alternatives.

>> No.29330287
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>> No.29330441


err isn't that a piece of shit inflation coin

I mean that's not something that people won't notice

>> No.29330464

> playing the uniswap casino game with low gas fees.
oh oh I know this game
what is zkswap

bsc is a game for newfags and its the interface is designed for bch developers. centralization does not matter, it never did.

bitcoin is also a centralized piece of shit since 2015.
avalanche is also centralized with control of the entire network in hands of ava-labs.

>> No.29330562

sell and buy Fantom if you want to be rich and comfy

>> No.29330605

BSC basically took over the whole market avax was going for. nobody who likes BSC gives a fuck about chinks or centralization. you're fucked

>> No.29330684

Only avax is fast and light enough to run multiplayer games on it. :)
IOTA is limited by network bandwidth and doesn't get past 1000tps, while dot is decent, but Txs are too slow for highly operable dapps.

>> No.29330741
File: 137 KB, 1282x1032, 1613349231456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you all to sell at $55. I'm not sure why so many of you wanted to go down with the ship. With the March unlock around the corner, we're going below $20. See what happens if you don't listen to me again.

>> No.29330746
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now with projection

>> No.29330805


>> No.29330848

Based. Those are the real AVAX pumpamentals, after Coinbase listing we don't know what could happen

>> No.29330857

How did you make that?

>> No.29330874

>. nobody who likes BSC gives a fuck about chinks or centralization. you're fucked

apart from the fact that avax fees will be lower than bsc with the next update

>> No.29330912

Hopium of the finest caliber. TA doesn't account for future events. Like a massive unlock.

>> No.29330958

So I sell on 6 March at 11 pm at 246 dollars.

>> No.29331140

Is it cause Fantom is going to eat Avax for breakfast? Is that why, anon?

>> No.29331160

Grade A, .999 Fine Copium

>> No.29331168

Only 40M tokens release in march, Your pic is foundation tokens validation end, those will stake again immediately after it ends.


What kind of people even fall for this supply fud when all the information is there? Literally only 40% increase, It's nothing, I've seen coins go through 800% increase in 1 day and pump in the same day.

Avax threads recently are too much cancer, 90% of the comments are filled with lies that i just prefer to close my browser and not autistically correct any of the fudders because i realized it doesn't matter as they'll come in the next thread with the same fud, Quantity>Quality is this campaign case.

>> No.29331179

>$246 on March 6

>> No.29331198

What the fuck's a Fantom

>> No.29331353

It will be ok, you need to wait 6 more months

>> No.29331433

Nice cope

>> No.29331542

Why do you need hopium?

Nothing has changed about the fundamentals of the project, its goals or its potential.

Fudders will Fud and the more success AVAX has the more Fudders and Leeches it will attract.

>> No.29331649
File: 43 KB, 680x600, 04E02D24-067D-4B70-AA1D-2D1DB1A11984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s some good hopium

>> No.29331889

>Nothing has changed about the fundamentals of the project, its goals or its potential.
Exactly. It's even better now, because it has BONUS BLOCKS.

>> No.29332088

Yakında tüm Türk hamam böceklerini yok etmek için nükleer bombalar yağacak. Hristiyanlar Ayasofya'yı kurtarmak için yürüyecek.

>> No.29332161

its good but i dont think it will be a big win, bsc is taking its place.

>> No.29332538

All fundamentals are still best in class.

>> No.29332624

just keep hodling lol

>> No.29332744

That's what you don't understand. You assume it's just a 40% increase. Not 100% of what's currently staked will be re-staked. You'd have to be a moron to not pull out profits after your investment is up 100x. There will be a race to sell because smart money isn't stupid. You'll be left holding bags.

>> No.29332775
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bar pattern on trading view

>> No.29332799

Say it with me 246 dollars

>> No.29332879

This has literally never mattered in this space. Look at XRP. Look at DOGE.

>> No.29333121
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1111111111111119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dOubLe sPEnd
>insert FUD here

pls evolve already, these strats aren't cutting edge anymore

>> No.29333421

ooooh we got a new type of FUD here, haven't seen this one before, let me add this to my list

le doublespend
le sevenfold
le turkroach scam
le massive unlock

will it ever end?

>> No.29333749

It's not FUD if your coin continues to drop like a rock in the sea. In the short term avalanche is fucked. It could still be a long term buy, but I'd rather double my stack by buying when it's on sale.

>> No.29334071

you mean it's been crabbing? "drop like a rock" (30%) after running 200% in less than a week?

>> No.29334363

It went from $60 to $35 so yes dropping like a rock. I prefer if my investments don't get slashed in half
>t. Bought at $4. Sold at $55.

>> No.29334685

You sound weak, just sell and give me your bags

>> No.29334895

It will change to cope when we're nearing 1000

>> No.29335437

IOTA level copium in this thread
Literally network halted coins double spent
Stakers grasping for straws

>> No.29335484

Isn't Zero the scam exchange with fake liquidity? I'd rather stay with pango, at least they haven't rugged anyone.

>> No.29335778

everyone needs to jump off this shitcoin ASAP. I swung it from 40-60 took my money and got the fuck out.
avax had all the hype on its side. people were BEGGING for a ethereum alternative. I really thought it was going to happen too. tons of liquidity was moving over to avax. but the devs dropped the fucking ball and avax blew its shot. now BNB took the place where avax should have been.
sell this shitcoin while you still can

>> No.29335949

After the double spending, this coin is doomed.

>> No.29336030

Lads what's up with the paid FUD? I didn't believe it before but now it's cringe worthily obvious. Is there a history of this before with other crypto?

>> No.29336445

It's not FUD. Your coin is literally sinking. Check the price chart.

>> No.29336538

You've been posting a lot. What's your goal here?

>> No.29336638

Yes, Eth in 2017 is 1 other coin that had same level of fud.

>> No.29336686


>> No.29337553

You're right. Its meaningless. You didn't listen at $55. Why would you listen now. See ya.

>> No.29337633

>I'm hear to do good and guide anons.
Haha nice, cya

>> No.29337948
File: 128 KB, 2048x1311, 9A719292-41D2-4337-96E7-FB910FD778F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29338336


I'm pretty sure ftm would get a 8 or 9 in your chart. But mcap is better for investment.