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29325827 No.29325827 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.29325966

>implying anyone cares about some journalist's opinion

>> No.29326226

a-are those.... KHAZAR MILKERS?

>> No.29326345

>10 reasons why I choose to remain poor

>> No.29326353

Sure thing buttcoiner

>> No.29326402

ok but who is that?

>> No.29326465
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There is only one event, for the oldest cryptocurrency in the market, that could bring down a colossal giant such as Bitcoin. That event would be if the infamous griefer PopBob had found his way into the Bitcoin's code and had inserted a backdoor, granting him administrator priviledges. But today, we find out the mysterious truth that has been hidden from the public for 12 years.

>> No.29326501


>> No.29326515

I always was impressed by her ass in the commercials did her tits 0 fucking justice. I'd leave my wife to make a half kike kid with that bitch.

>> No.29326545


So it's true, most anti-bitcoin trolls here are from reddit/r/buttcoin

>> No.29326551
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How can anyone take this article seriously when his own company just bought $5m? Go to this retards twitter to really get a sense of what a fucking idiot OP is.

>> No.29326739
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milana vayntrub. everytime i see her, it reminds me of the beautiful girl that rejected my advances

>> No.29326740

Who cares about that shill website, they are seriously pure cancer. So tired of their stupid clickbait ads showing up. They do articles about shit like how you can make money after the stimulus is up and then you find out its just them shilling whatever fucking stocks they happen to hold. Garbage. Criminal.

>> No.29326749

What commercial are you talking about? Non american here

>> No.29326751
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>> No.29326795

>The problem is that bitcoin lacks genuine scarcity. Its perceived cap of 21 million tokens exists because of computer code. Last I checked, code can always be erased and rewritten
Impeccable logic. Time to sell boys

>> No.29326812

Sounds like that guy is stuck in the past and sad that he doesn't have BTC in his portfolio during this great run.

>> No.29326876

>kill baby
>first thing you think about afterwards is how long until Chad and Tyrone can pump you fill of cum again

What an evil whore.

>> No.29326879
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>> No.29326884

Considering ive made steady 4% gains over the last 5 years from their advice and this guy, i think ur the idiot buttcoiner

>> No.29326903

Last I heard money could be printed. What a stupid argument that retard has

>> No.29326908


>> No.29326953

She did commercials for mobile phones don't remember which brand

>> No.29326984

>4% gains over the last 5 years

>> No.29326989

Anybody know the period analogous to the time prior to the halvening?

>> No.29327016

NM I'm a brainlet she has AT and T logo on her shirt

>> No.29327127
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Filthy disgusting degenerate whore. These are the type of people who cancel others. Fucking jews, can't wait for the Golem to destroy them.

>> No.29327242

Whats to laugh at? Thats how you gain wealth idiot. Through hard work and time

>> No.29327303


4% over the last 5 years, holy shit.

>> No.29327356

>steady 4% gains over the last 5 years

I've made 700% in the last 6 months from crypto.

>> No.29327486


Fucking kek'd so hard

>> No.29327547


Sure you did lol. Enjoy it when it tanks to zero!

4% is a real gain through hardwork and dedication

>> No.29327637


This has got to be a larp. If this was r/investing i'd believe it.

>> No.29327767

this FUD is straight out of 2012

>> No.29327943

>tanks to 0
I can't hear you over the shit I have already bought, my cleared debts, my paid-off overdraft, the USDC I have already bought, and the gifts and help I have given to friends.
What were you trying to say again?
Oh shit, sorry, I just made a downpayment on a house, sorry, still can't hear you.
Say again?

>> No.29328005

I don't get it, are you trying to troll?

>> No.29328039

Well, his arguments are valid.

>> No.29328120
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>oy vey bitcoins cannot be sold without proving ownership of reserves this makes true price discovery impossible

just sold 100k

>> No.29328193

>It's difficult to short-sell

>> No.29328200

Yeah sure you did. And even if you did the IRS is gonna come for you and take it away because you didny earn it through hard work. You basically stole from the government

>> No.29328382
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>> No.29328651

You're larping aren't you? Nice bait, faggot.

>> No.29328934
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Look at his first point. See his other linked article. Says we can't alchemize gold. Realize he is an immense idiot and faggot.
TLDR Niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.29329104

In what world am I larping? The government will not let you just buy shit when you take money in unfair ways. It will be retroactively regulated and anyone who "earned" their money through buttcoin and not hard work and dedication will be forced to pay onsane tax rates back. Something like 95% to account for back taxes

>> No.29329109

>shirt in OP photo literally has AT&T logo on it
must be Verizon

>> No.29329182

It's a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn't buy, now, will be priced out forever. Anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their bitcoin will continue its 30% monthly price increase.

Nocoiners, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 satoshi in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas.

This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.

>> No.29329203

Article reads like it was written by a middle schooler

>> No.29329208

fuck this got me hard

>> No.29329253


>> No.29329331

You’re all fucking idiots

>> No.29329362

>motely fool
These are the same guys who said don't buy PLTR at IPO lmao.

>> No.29329460
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>> No.29329557

Even if that were true, which it isn't, I don't live in the Gaynited States of Fagmerica, so shove it up your arse.
Oh sorry, I have to go I'm picking out my new motorbike and one just caught my eye.

>> No.29329569

This is why I want to make money. I dream every day of a titty jew gf.

>> No.29329696
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>> No.29330875
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>> No.29331083

Fuck you nigger

>> No.29331221

this is the most underrated and the best post on biz in the last 2 years

>> No.29331225
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>> No.29331315

I always wonder if they're overcompensating or genuinely psychotic.

>> No.29331363

Stop talking about her milk wagons, chuds.


>> No.29331468

my sides

>> No.29331485

You had me going there for a bit but this made it too obvious. Have a (you) though

>> No.29331513

God I just want her to smother me with her ass and tits. Is this so much to ask for?

>> No.29331646

what "hard work and dedication" are you even talking about? sounds like a whole lotta COPE to justify your minimal gains.

>> No.29331734


>> No.29331926

It wont matter. All governments will increase taxes. This is what globalization does. There will be a tenfold increase in taxes on crypto gainz because its not a real currency. Value is based on hard work and you dont gain value in crypto via hard work

>> No.29332007

Oh I dont know, maybe having a fucking hard working job.

>> No.29332027
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Nocoiner tears sustain me

>> No.29332062

How can one roastie be so fucking based?

>> No.29332101

for all anons seethe at this guy whenever the link is posted, half of his reasons are reasonable and the other half are also understandable within the context of an average intelligence normalfag
crypto is complicated, bitcoin is stressful, and it's unironically fine to decide this is too much for you and stick with the boomer ponzis that make you feel safer
obviously /biz/ has a lot of normalfags NOW, who jumped in in the last 3 months and are desperate to see others buy their bags. incidentally these anons will panic and sell at a loss when we crash, proving the guy right. most of you don't have what it takes to ride the waves
much like it would be irresponsible to push extreme rock climbing on people with weak constitutions, it would be just as bad to encourage the average normie to buy bitcoin as an investment

>> No.29332203
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>> No.29332258

A few decades ago she would have been considered bang average and would have been sat at home with her mum hoping some average Joe might marry her and pump a few kids outta her..... just shows how inflated pussy is these days that we all lust these kind of girls now...how do we turn this around

>> No.29332341

How do i breed her

>> No.29332421


>> No.29332498

I made 4% gains this afternoon

>> No.29332606

>Value is based on hard work
Lol. Value is based on property.

>> No.29332608

That guys avatar needs punched in the face. Fuck i hate these people.

>> No.29332616

They arent real gains though. They are backed by nothing

>> No.29332696

Which is built up and maintained by hard work you idiot. Why do you think values go up? Because of hard work of maintenance and adding value to the property. Buttcoin doesnt so that.

>> No.29332795

Neither is fiat, gold and silver value is just as arbitrary as internet funny money.

>> No.29332836

Wait didn't fool.com owners announced they just invested 5 millions into bitcoin?
Why would they allow these contrarian opinions on their otherwise very reliable site?
I swear that would be the best investment idea website if it weren't for a couple of faggot journalists.

>> No.29332930


>> No.29332932

Values go up because of demand and inflation. The value of labor is not equivocal to the value of money, which is pulled out of thin air.

>> No.29332955

No its not. Its backed by hard work which has societal value. Bitcoin is just comuter code doing automated math problems

>> No.29332966

actually based as fuck i love fitmc

>> No.29332987
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you wouldn't say that to his face

>> No.29333066

Lmao. Yes the demand for building stuff and farming for food and getting clean water and supplying energy needs is artificial lol

>> No.29333137
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indeed they are my son, go ahead and touch one if it strikes your fancy

>> No.29333221

Money is only backed by work in a fascist economy dealing in labor vouchers. Fiat value is based on debt to the world bank money printer.

>> No.29333232


here we go

>> No.29333282
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eternal kek orbital sides

>> No.29333362
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[ sipping noise intensifies ]

>> No.29333402

Wrong. If this were true we would be on one global currency which we are not because of the superiority of the US working man.

>> No.29333471

Oh, you're larping as a retarded boomer. Carry on.

>> No.29333669

How am i larping? Im 47 and this isnt even untrue.

>> No.29334101

Ooooooh noooo some nobody jourbalist says not to invest on bitcoin. Better do what they say OP, can't be caught thinking for yourself.

>> No.29334428

absolutely based

>> No.29335215


>> No.29335244


>> No.29335328

This is a tranny isnt it?