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29317187 No.29317187 [Reply] [Original]

Huge fucking upside you ungrateful fucks.

Substantial upside potential for $ZERO

$ZERO will progress swiftly through the
DEX Rankings

Current Ranking = 27

Will be the first DEX on $DOT (via $KSM parachain slot)

The first DEX on $AVAX

$BSC $BNB $ETH interoperability


>> No.29317350

Scam coin

>> No.29317609

I picked up a bag at .20 and then .30
Has so much room to grow and a shitload of potential. Imagine buying BNB for 30 cents.

>> No.29317733

Literally sold the bottom at 6¢ because it seemed scammy as fuck. Discord mods were edgy teens, no one were receiving their rewards like they were supposed to, discord was dead, banning anyone who spoke out. Honestly have no idea how it pumped.

>> No.29318443

The modest target for Zero.Exchange before the start of the summer is $8.
Only a 25x so may not appeal to the high flyers on biz.

>> No.29318517

Wtf, you literally sold the bottom because you hallucinated random weird shit that never happened?!

>> No.29318765

I think I should buy rbc and your ID confirms it

>> No.29318783

There's so little happening in the discord it's hard to get a feel for it.

>> No.29318907

Get in the fucking Telegrams like the rest of the chads.

>> No.29318941

I got 35k of these off of a whim and holding on to these tight. As long as they keep up the pace I dont see why I should sell any time soon

>> No.29318973

Where to buy?

>> No.29319009

You’ll be comfy holding until $5+ before you even need to think about a sell strategy.

>> No.29319039

honestly the first thing i thought was 'scam'
really bad vibes from this ngl

>> No.29319092

Uniswap or
Zero.exchange (is cheaper and no front running)

>> No.29319250

Dear anon,

Can you please wait with shilling for the next 4 weeks?

With kind regards,

You're saging friend

>> No.29319317

You do realise you sound retarded, right?
The current team of 14 is running rings around Pangolin, so why would anyone value your random non-opinion?
This week is big news week, so you may as well start crying now.

>> No.29319366

For real, after the relentless zero shilling I actually gave it a try and I am pretty content with the liquidity rewards so far.

>> No.29319428

This guy fucks!

>> No.29319789

Are there 400 scam zero telegrams like every other crypto?

>> No.29320009

why do people say ridiculous shit like this.
$5 / current price ($0.32, generously) = 15.625x
15.625 times current market cap (61,812,186) = 965,815,406.25
do you TRULY believe this can go to 1 billion market cap? no. you don't
stop saying ridiculous shit.

>> No.29320021

There’s 2.

And you are A


>> No.29320120 [DELETED] 

What's a Garag? Is that your favorite curry flavor back home?

>> No.29320181

fuck off with your math and good points

>> No.29320207

What's a Gafag? Is that your favorite curry flavor back home?

>> No.29320209

Wtf are you on?!
Ofc this is going to $1 billion.
It’s better than fucking Uniswap and you can’t round numbers to make them fucking useful which kinda proves the point.

>> No.29320486

This guy fucks guys!

>> No.29320883
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>> No.29320992
File: 639 KB, 2048x1416, Eth2damnhigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get my hands on any avax without using sketch ass Chinese cex's!!!
Why won't any dex's, including this supposed cross chain dex, trade it for eth?

>> No.29321163

Who is the Team? The last time I've looked the team was anonymous.

>> No.29321255

The same team that made bitcoin, that worked out fine.

>> No.29321280

Why don’t you ask them in the Telegram, retard?

>> No.29321557

I held this shit and got a decent 2x on it
Red pill me on ZERO vs PNG
I used PNG and it was smooth as shit
Why shouldn't I go hard into PNG over ZERO?

>> No.29321945

Pangolin is ok, but

- Zero is faster
- has cheaper fees
- is more profitable to mine
- has a bigger and better team
- is multi-blockchain

Also, it was confirmed in the Telegram that this will be the big news week, so the ZERO price will outperform PNG (again).

>> No.29322561

do you worry that PNG being the "official" dex will run away with the market share?
I read the message the team sent after the botched launch and that was incredibly bullish

I like this project desu and I hope it succeeds. But at this point, I have 7k to spend and I want to split them evenly between Avax and one Avax Dex. Can't put money into both PNG and ZERO

>> No.29322884

Simply put, Pangolin is the inferior product so I don’t believe it will win even with the blessing of the AVAX team.
This strategy, btw, isn’t sustainable because it makes the AVAX devs look shady, so at some point (probably quite soon) they will have to acknowledge and welcome Zero.Exchange as healthy competition.
Definitely invest in AVAX, the DEX is up to you, it’s your money.

>> No.29322923

I was doing the same a week ago and I went with zero due to lower mcap. It doesn't have to outperform PNG to turn out more profitable for me. But it still can and then it would be even better.

>> No.29323045
File: 8 KB, 249x249, 1597856030909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, of course
Better than uni as this anon says and uni is at $8 billion.
Love to u anon but sorry news this week.
It's officially tri dex, but rumor is a BSC bridge is going to be built as well. This is going to eat up the market.

When the best fud is a quiet discord you know pangolin devs are scaping the barrel.

>> No.29323053

it's the saltiest fucking coin i know there is some weird ass bitch fight with pango. i guess if you really want to fuck a slut it's a hole. devs will come shout how wet it is any second.

>> No.29323284

how is liquidity mining on Zero? I don't like my money sitting idle on long holds
Any good pools?

>> No.29323489

Without exaggeration the farming rewards are outstanding.
Still 26 days left to run, so as long as you keep an eye on IL, it’s a great opportunity to grow your stack.

>> No.29323641

If it gets a BSC and Polkadot bridge like they promised I'll be taking a 5k loan (that's a lot to me, ok?) to invest 100% on Zero.

>> No.29323671

fuck off, it's already dropping by day because of you fags shilling

>> No.29323763

You might be mentally unstable. Kek.

>> No.29323861

I think if you are looking for a real dex you should come to waves.exchange.
btc staking feature has now been added. this opportunity is not missed. You can both keep btc and earn extra money.

>> No.29324311

That's actually interesting. Thanks for sharing that anon.

>> No.29325295

>real dex (decentralized exchange)
>is actually a centralized exchange
what did he mean by this?

>> No.29325396

Some random shill which isn’t really relevant to the great Pango/Zero debate

>> No.29325544

It's not a debate. Zero shits all over Pangolin and despite showing kindness to the inferior project, Pangolin hodlers and devs are shitting and pissing themselves in fear as they become increasingly irrelevant.

>> No.29325997

They’ve painted themselves into a corner and look increasing foolish. They need to embrace ZERO soon as welcome competition or they could be finished.