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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 251 KB, 1080x1453, Screenshot_20210221-200716-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29314481 No.29314481 [Reply] [Original]

It's over. The roasties know.


>> No.29314566

Whoops forgot my password sorry!

>> No.29314777

My take from this is a view I've held for a while.

NEVER get fucking married.

Assuming you get a real golden girl who you think would never try to fuck you over, they can still just turn on you one day and our current system rewards them for doing it.

Keep your money + assets and pay for hookers.

>> No.29314827

They’ll still take it from you just out of spite even if they can’t access it. I see this shit happen more and more IRL and not just in misogynist fantasies. Divorce courts see any attempt to circumvent the divorce rape as a threat

>> No.29314917


size of the nose says it all

>> No.29314921

How are they supposed to take an account they don't hold the keys to?

>> No.29315004

What a nasty, haggard, cunt! Fucking parasite!

>> No.29315031
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>Have everything on my ledger
>Just leave
Hmm interesting.

>> No.29315042

get a cold wallet and hide it
never tell anyone about it

>> No.29315047

Good thing a live in a country where women are not raised to divorce rape men and the law although flawed has abandoned divorce rape decades ago.

>> No.29315057

There is no creature more detestable than the jew.

>> No.29315070

As expected, the commentator is overdosing on blackpills

>> No.29315151

Trips of truth.
So much better to rent than own.

>> No.29315196
File: 104 KB, 792x560, 636434B1-4383-4C6A-89AA-DD2FDA324A4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attorneys now know about link

>> No.29315227

>don't store passwords in computers or phones
>never mention about having crypto assets to anyone
>do not participate in any group that talks about crypto assets
>keep password hidden in a relatives house

The beauty of crypto is that you can have it without people knowing about it.

>> No.29315275

How do you procreate tho? Gotta spread your genes to the next generation.

>> No.29315285

Judging by how fucked our court system is against us, probably throw you in jail until you hand over the keys.

>> No.29315295

literally exchange it for monero

>> No.29315374
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>mfw she mentions link

>> No.29315389

Called a prenuptial agreement you fucking nerds. That or get a cold wallet and shut your mouth

>> No.29315505

No need for that. They can just rough estimate the value (if you been holding a few years, assume you put in some % of salary in e.g. 20XX), and then order you to pay it up. otherwise seize all your other material assets

>> No.29315518

You can even store your mnemonic phrases in a bank safe.

>> No.29315521

>How do you procreate tho?
Easy. Find a woman you like and fuck her. If you're religious and want to marry, get a religious ceremony WITHOUT signing ANY state-issued marriage license. Marriage shouldn't be the government's business.

>> No.29315530

>Sorry love, I know you'll find this far fetched but I made some bad trades and now it's all gone. How shall we divide up our 1488 Doge coins and the last few Bitconnect that we own? I want to be really sure we reach a fair settlement

>> No.29315555

>NEVER get fucking married.
you know that's what (((they))) want right?

>> No.29315599

>get a crypto wallet
>in a moment of rage deliberately destroy it in front of her
>back up from seed phrase

>> No.29315630
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a tale as old as time

>> No.29315640

>declare loss statement to irs
>move to Belize
If you declared loss, then the court can’t do shit.

>> No.29315649

In the US, it only takes ONE feminist judge to throw it out.

>> No.29315658
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Do I though? Do I really want to bring a child into this world that is becoming more authoritarian and retarded by the day.

If the very simple concept of gender has been warped so much that it is now illegal to disagree with the insanity, what fresh bullshit will my child have to put up with when they're my age?

I dunno, it almost seems cruel to bring someone on to the sinking ship that is our world.

>> No.29315660


Proof that your spouse is abusing you and is financially irresponsible

>> No.29315689
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>0:25 chainlink
wtf how do they know??? Now i'm never telling anyone I have stinkies. how'd it go from pic related to this

>> No.29315699
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We really need Sharia law.

>> No.29315722

Never getting married.

>> No.29315756

>he thinks he can outbreed mass immigration
>he thinks the state marriage and divorce system isn't a profitable jewish system
just lol

>> No.29315909
File: 732 KB, 816x533, BOATING ACCIDENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost all my coins in a terrible boating accident

>> No.29315942

>Getting married in 2021

Fucking kek, im 25 and have been dating for 6 years, already told my gf the possibilty of marriage is completely off the table

>> No.29315987

you should just kys tbqh

>> No.29316021


>> No.29316122

thanks for the advice

>> No.29316153

you must know that your son will be a better man than you, and you should be glad of this. it is the hope of any man.

>> No.29316206

>he thinks the best thing to do is end his lineage
That'll show em

>> No.29316215
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Based. Monero miner here.

>> No.29316259

If you never tell your woman anything about the state or nature of your investments, she won't know where to start if divorce hits. Crypto is very easy to keep safe and hidden. If you marry you should have 3 bank accounts, yours, hers, and your joint one for shared expenses and budgeting.

>> No.29316263

is there a bigger scam than marriage?

if you transfer from exchange to wallet, it can still be tracked right? how do you "launder" that money/make it disappear:, monero, tornado? how does that work and how legit it is?

>> No.29316273


Doesnt matter, you will support them anyway via white male taxes, aka taxes.

>> No.29316314

Go back and ask yourself when you were in the womb whether he wants to be born given the knowledge that >1% of people cut off their dick now
If he says no, don't have kids
If he still wants to be born and dgaf, have kids

>> No.29316435

Marriage is such a huge scam. I hope they reform it one day because I want to have a family.

>> No.29316487

Aften I finally sell all my crypto im going to buy monero in the bear market and keep it as a rainy day fund forever than no one knows about.

>> No.29316496

Trips of truth, plus the odds are always against you.
Take the Michael Saylor and winklewoss pill.
Fuck the whores, but NEVER MARRY.

>> No.29316527

you know a judge can just decide that a relationship that long is the same as being married and fuck you anyway right?
The same way how they can throw out pre nups because they feel like it.
Just be mindful with that information and never talk about crypto around your gf ever

>> No.29316531

Just sign a prenup and under no circumstances allow your divorce to be done in the US or France, since those two countries can void a prenup.

>> No.29316546
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Bullish for monero

>> No.29316707
File: 117 KB, 800x800, 576F9F21-EBF9-415B-AB1F-A7B8D6ADF38B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your honor, my client holds chainlink (ticker: LINK)
>as such, it is patently obvious he identifies as a gay man
>allow me to direct your attention to exhibit A, where my client writes homoerotic fan fiction about a gentleman named “sir gay” involving themes of fast food and romantic betrayal
>it seems plain to see that my client’s writings about repressed homosexual tendencies, betrayal by a loved one, and an unhealthy obsession with fast food are all a narrative cry for help about the state of his marriage — he was in a loveless relationship with a spouse who drained his financial assets so deeply that he had no choice but to survive on big macs and wear the same tattered, plaid shirt every day
>thus, we seek to have the entire marriage annulled on the grounds that the relationship itself was a farce and m client was held hostage by societal expectations of companionship thrust upon him
you cannot lose

>> No.29316737

If it flies, floats or fucks, rent it.

>> No.29316747

Are you sure prenups can be rendered void in France? I'm French, I think it can be rendered void under 'extreme' circumstances (you need to fuck up big time for this).

>> No.29316772

anon there's like 3 more generations at best before mankind dies out
there's no point now

>> No.29316803

I'm not saying you shouldn't have children, all I'm saying is that you are going to get burned and lose. How badly? That depends.

>> No.29316829

Knowing what I know now, I wish I'd never been born.

>> No.29316929

They've always known, they'll still will have a very hard time proving any wallet is yours. And even if they could, they cannot compel you to hand it over.

>> No.29317001

Well then kill yourself, unless you're a liar

>> No.29317039

Congratulations, that's a crime

>> No.29317081

>getting married


>> No.29317384

kek underrated

>> No.29317395

Prove it exists.
If it's found, prove it's mine.
Not sure about USA but in my country you have to prove things in court.

>> No.29317472
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The divorce industry is fucking disgusting. Good thing I'm a faggot (yes homo). This revolting hag is fucking evil.

>> No.29317476
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>> No.29317557
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Not if you use Monero

>> No.29317639

Please don't associate a good coin like XMR with such a dreadful anime character.

>> No.29317680

Lmao is this a copypasta? Fuckin hell thsts funny

>> No.29317762

it is now ;)

>> No.29317802

>this ugly as hell image
I will now sell your coin.

>> No.29317853

holy shit im never talking to a woman again

>> No.29317904
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Hey at least they share colors

>> No.29317919
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>> No.29317955

>How do you procreate tho?
You don't.

>Gotta spread your genes to the next generation.
You don't.

Adopt a dog.

>> No.29318093
File: 23 KB, 363x550, ede2b35ab00e4365be8e199112a17567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still don't know about boat accidents.

>> No.29318099

I feel your pain bro. Dont forget to claim your lost boat as a capital loss

>> No.29318113

reddit: the post

>> No.29318145

Remember, ALL women are like this. Especially once they hit the wall.

I've never been lent a single signifcant amount of money from a female.

>> No.29318182

>getting married in the first place
You were never meant to make it, cuck

>> No.29318366
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Anon, there will always need to be a generation to pick up the ashes, i don't think this unsustainable system can hold up for much longer, thousands of millions will die when the time comes, currently it seems like we are in a john titoresque timeline, and it probably end with nuclear war if it goes like it, just hope the ayys don't invade like in that prophecy.
just understand that the system will go to shit eventually and you will need children to build it from scratch.

>> No.29318375
File: 10 KB, 220x184, EE01B708-1A28-4930-ABFC-3013EDAF4496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a decoy wallet with 5% of your total BTC and a secret wallet with 95%. Make a big fucking out of it, bitch and moan until the bitter end, when they come after the decoy wallet. Maybe even cry a little.

>> No.29318423

Is it possible to have a church wedding without a marriage certificate?

>> No.29318479


The transfer dates even with some jiggery pokery might be a problem with that.

>> No.29318570

just dont tell your wife about your crypto

>> No.29318576

ya, this isn't as uncommon as you think. The actually "marriage" is just signing a contract, the whole church part is just for show and has no actual legal bearing on anything.

>> No.29318582
File: 99 KB, 769x1285, 1609608734061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the real monero-chan instead of your nigger art nigger.

>> No.29318583
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>Put all my gains in ETH
>She loses half of it in gas fees

>> No.29318615

How so?
Maybe a big correction but if you're somewhere nice like an NZ doomsday bunker you're probably safe.

>> No.29318704
File: 519 KB, 966x912, 1613818839710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% yes.

>> No.29318717


>> No.29318810
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>sweden master race
>prenup certified by the tax authorities

>> No.29318868

anime website

>> No.29319057

It's the truth. If you're retarded enough to have kids in 2021, you're not going to make it.

And your 'bloodline' is going to suffer, all because of your ego. Imagine being retarded enough to have kids after the events of 2020. One single event can fuck the entire planet up.

>> No.29319073

You live with a women for 2 years in most places they can take half your shit, or at least you have to prove you had it before the relationship started. The better answer is to never let a woman see a true reflection of your finances ad live udner your means. If she doesnt know she wont get ideas about getting greedy. It needs to be clear to your woman that if she goes she goes alone with nothing substantial.

>> No.29319201

>misogynist fantasies
this is exactly what these threads are, every day there's like 4 or 5 threads on /biz/ by some ugly incel larping as a married man that's about to lose it all. any excuse to start a women hate thread, it's pathetic. women live rent-free in all your heads.

>> No.29319230

Put it into Monero

>> No.29319276

>Not an incel
Go back

>> No.29319355

>Death by 1000 cuts

>> No.29319358

>Sweden's COVID response
>Sweden's products are pretty much all top-notch
>they made unironically great guitars in the 60s
Is Sweden the most based country on Earth?

>> No.29319398
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Where do you think you are?

>> No.29319500

>Is Sweden the most based country on Earth?
No, it's Northern Somalia.

>> No.29319553

These threads just point out the true nature of women once they hit the wall. Before they hit the wall, they still have this intrinsic nature. It's just that they're good looking enough to have money/protection given to them, anyway, so they don't need lawyers.

>> No.29319554

what a brainlet take

>> No.29319606

Its been on coinbase since forever and is considered a crypto "bluechip" by even boomers at this point.

>> No.29319708

Now that's a tough ones. Pirates are very based indeed, buy are they more based than vikings?

>> No.29319707

I was an antinatalist before 2020. The pandemic just solidified the belief even further.
If you think the good in life outweighs the bad, you're the fucking brainlet.

>> No.29319714

Hey newfag, my gf is a paralegal and has been doing crypto discovery since 2017. I posted here several times to help with this but it’s old news and you’re a nigger.

>> No.29319787

> all these tards with no idea how divorce works

Ok say you’ve got 500k In bitcoin, 300k in home equity, 100k in 401k, and another 100k in traditional stocks. You want to say “well I forgot my wallet password, guess we can’t divide that”. Guess how much of the home equity, retirement, and 401k you’re going to walk with. 0$. Idiots think losing the password on 500k worth of assets will fly in court lmao.

If you want to play that game fine, but expect your ex-spouse to recoup what his/her half would be in other assets or expect to take on more than half of the community debt

>> No.29319988

unknown amount of monero

>> No.29320014

legitimate question, of your whole family. How many of them are still married, also how many of those in the marriage are actually complicate?

>> No.29320033

If you're telling your gf/wife that you have crypto in the first place, you're NGMI anyway. Even without a divorce, if she knows about, she's definitely going to search your computer or your house trying to find your sneed phrases.

If you get Frasier'd in a divorce suit, convert your shit to XMR ASAP and GTFO

>> No.29320224

I swear to fucking god American women are cunts. They’re generally fine as long as you find a good one in nearly every other part of the world. American society is so fucked, none of you have any real history or culture to enjoy other than LARPing as the civil war’s losers, nuking civilians and that’s it.
Just get the fuck out when you can.

>> No.29320281

I'm so sick of listening to everyone on here cry about "roasties" and "divorce rape" when you guys have probably never touched a woman in your life.

>> No.29320300

I don't know

>> No.29320323

Sounds like there's a simple answer
>get "hacked"

There you go.

>> No.29320335

>password on 500k worth of assets
How will they know this?

>> No.29320393

there's no common law marriage in america. I've only heard about that bullshit happening in commonwealth nations like canada.

The point is she shouldn't know about it in the first place.

>> No.29320416

That I have 500k of BTC I mean. They wont even know the wallet address if they want to scan the blockchain and piece it together.

>> No.29320456

then kys retard

>> No.29320458

And you call black people idiots. Just have kids without marriage.

>> No.29320494


>> No.29320504

It's not a meme though. Women can be fucking awful. Men have their fair share of flaws, but they don't nearly as often betray and backstab-- that's more of a feminine trait.

>> No.29320611

Imagine starting divorce proceedings only to find out your husband has only a tenth of a bitcoin.

>> No.29320625

She lists:
> Bitcoin
> Ripple
> ChainLink

>> No.29320682


Nah, reddit are very FOR children. I'll adopt if I'm ever in a position to support a child. Fuck bringing a life onto this planet knowing what I know now, that would be not only irresponsible, but fucking immoral

>> No.29320763
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I like all the fags in this thread saying just put it on a ledger, etc...as if your wife won't know you're trading or buying crypto. Besides, hiding assets in a divorce is a felony and those Jew attorneys will stop at nothing to get your shit. Even if you only have a hundred bucks worth of crypto, they'll grill you assuming you are hiding millions, even though you live in a trailer. Some attorneys are getting smart and requesting text records and such to suss out 2Fa texts and will even go so far as to court order you show your Google Auth and open the associated accounts. Obviously, theres ways around it, but they're getting tougher and the courts really really hamper men and favor women.
t. Many friends and relatives are attorneys.

>> No.29320796
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>that's a crime

>> No.29320878

Why even get married? It doesn’t even seem worth it anymore.

>> No.29320926

>not just having a diversion wallet that holds .009 BTC and some doge.
>oh no! you got all my crypto money!

>enjoy the rest of your fortune in peace.

>> No.29321178

how about "this wallet isn't mine, I manage it for a friend". Why would this not work? Get your friend to say it's his.

>> No.29321238

Enjoy being fleeced after you find your wife fucking Chad.

>> No.29321274

>I lost my phone with 2FA on it

My point still stands, they cannot prove who owns what wallet.
I'll find some poorfags wallet address and say it's mine if needs be.

>> No.29321455

Sounds like outdated af laws anyways. If you really are a buttcoin millionaire, it'd be far more worth the money to challenge the law itself.

>> No.29321574

LOL. "Premarital assets" that are never commingled with the marital estate are sole property of the spouse who owns them, in most places. Same with inheritances that were not explicitly gifted to both spouses -- if your rich uncle dies and leaves his money to YOU, your wife doesn't get dime even if you were already married when your rich uncle croaked.

You can even use those funds to buy solely owned property that your spouse has no claim on. Talk to an attorney in your state or province or canton or country or whatever to figure it all out.

That's most first-world places, anyway. There might be a few that differ, and of course the attorneys and judges will all try to fuck you over to get a slice, but you're on good legal ground as long as you don't run around trading shitcoins (and thus moving money out of provably solely-owned accounts/addresses and into joint property new accounts/addresses) all day.

>> No.29321610

Red and basedpilled.

>> No.29321654

I’ve thought about seeing an escort, but it seems way too risky. Here are a few reasons:

1. Most decent escorts require screening information. I’ve looked at hundreds of escorts, and nearly all of them require your real name and work information. That sounds like a recipe for being blackmailed in the future.
2. It’s almost guaranteed that they have STDs. That doesn’t mean they have HIV, but the chances of them having herpes or HPV are about 100%. This is the case for even the classiest escorts.
3. You never really know if they do it out of choice. Maybe I have a scrupulous conscience, but it would bother me a lot if I fucked someone who really hated what they did.

>> No.29321711

So your plan is to remain poor forever? Because the moment you cash anything out the courts will be on to you

>> No.29321814

>If you really are a buttcoin millionaire, it'd be far more worth the money to challenge the law itself.
Don't be a fucking moron. The statutes don't randomly change just because some moron wastes a few million dollars fighting them in court. All you do is throw your money away and enrich a few attorneys.

My father got scammed that way ("we'll challenge the tax code and get it declared unconstitutional!") by some "sovereign citizen" scammer. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN.

>> No.29322229

>tfw stack in XMR
Sorry honey, I don't have any money in crypto and you have no evidence to the contrary

>> No.29322258

Not with Monero. This is literally a BTC problem.

>> No.29322375

unfathomably based

>> No.29322380

'Sir, Are you a licensed financial advisor and if so please show me your contractual paperwork showing fiduciary responsibility and associated bank account holdings. If not, your honor, he possesses it, so its his and we want half.'

>> No.29322408

BTW, alternate solution to the "premarital property" thing: set up a trust fund. Keep all of your property in that trust fund. Put explicit conditions on who can inherit the trust assets and who gets the benefit of the trust assets. Be sure to set up a spendthrift clause in it so that the trust funds cannot be spent to pay out for cash grabs in a divorce or child support or other litigation. PAY AN ATTORNEY TO MANAGE IT, don't use a "trusted friend", because your friend WILL scam you and steal it all -- if you have enough for any of this to be worth doing, you can fucking afford to pay the management fees.

Be sure your girlfriend or wife knows that the gravy train stops if you die, and the funds all go to your kids or, in the event of a death by violence, to the Saint Bernard's Home For Furry Porn Addicts or something like that.

>> No.29322490

Isn't that how a lot of laws are created/challenged in the US anyways? By throwing money at them in court?

The laws are clearly outdated and no longer apply, as they were designed with the assumption that woman where incompetent and had no way to find employment by themselves. That completely goes against the notion of equality that feminism has been pushing from like the 1950's to the early 2000's (before it made a hard core realignment to being female supremacy rather than equality).

How else are these outdated and literally sexist laws supposed to be removed?

>> No.29322498

You don't have to be licensed to manage a trust (which is what that situation is). You do have to have documentation proving the existence of the trust.

>> No.29322541

Prove I didn't earn it afterwards.

>> No.29322612

People had kids during the black death, in Stalin's USSR, during the great depression & FDR's gold confiscation, etc etc, stop being a demoralized pussy faggot

>> No.29322660
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just be like my dad and flee the country instead of paying

>> No.29322668

>Step 1: Get Monero
>Step 2: Set up page on internet asking for donations in your time of need
>Step 3: Move Monero to wallet in donation address
>Step 4: ???
>Step 5: Profit

>> No.29322731

sell yourself NFTs for silly prices. Art laundering for the modern man

>> No.29322850

Not really. They are created by legislatures. You can throw money at your state representatives to try to get them to pass a new set of divorce statutes. (Rarely, they'll do the right thing and create new statutes on their own. Ha-ha, like that hardly ever happens.)

As far as challenging them in court, RARELY something gets thrown out on constitutionality grounds. Otherwise, no. Courts are required to defer to the legislature and even to administrative interpretations of the statutes. But you're not going to get a change to the divorce laws on the grounds of "that's really unfair to men, your honors!" If you want changes of that type, lobby your state legislature. It worked in Texas for ending child support when you show via a DNA test that your wife cheated on you and you're not the father of the child.

>> No.29322856

but anon having children is the best thing in the world.

>> No.29322903

Jokes on them, I don’t have any other assets.

>> No.29322910

>homeland security tracks down your transactions
nothing personel kid

>> No.29322922
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>> No.29322956

smash and dash
so easy even a nigger can do it
family would ofc be the best solution, but...

>> No.29322960

The old post about tumblr was right. Most people here just larp to hate women over and over, that fucking pathetic.

>> No.29322961 [DELETED] 

Only woman I need in my life

>> No.29323048

You can always go back to tumblr you fucking nigger

>> No.29323055


>> No.29323160

Fuck you cunt for making me click on that link.
The narrator is worse than the grubby shyster lawyer.
Hope you all get AIDS

>> No.29323228

Not familiar with hiring escorts but this sounds a bit mad.

Plus, how would they verify your info anyway?

>> No.29323299

>t. Big nose tribe man
Yeah yeah, women suck, we are all terrified of losing our crypto, white people are the worst, Jews are so smart.
Shut up.

>> No.29323341
File: 326 KB, 2408x1996, 787DB63F-4C68-4CD6-A84C-9B93AF859E55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve nutted to this probably 25 times. Thanks for reminding me, I’ll have to have a viewing later tonight.

>> No.29323342

never get married unless she's more wealthy than you

>> No.29323351

Well that's retarded then. I guess the solution is to just not be a dumbass and make a prenup mandatory for any kind of relationship... adding more hoops to jump though to enrich the legal system rather than just trimming outdated shit that'll fuck you later.

No wonder the poor and uneducated remain poor, the system is designed to fuck them and this is just one of many ways it does it.

>> No.29323374


Care to elaborate? Genuinely serious, why should he kill himself and why do you disagree?

I want to hear some pro-life in this thread, this world has not been getting better and until it does, I can't see any reason to possibly have kids.

>> No.29323404

I take trips to SEA twice a year and creampie random teenagers. (18 of course :-) )

>> No.29323432

>We broke it
>Yes but can you tell me how
Yeah just like TOR's comprimised, right?

>> No.29323487

I've been in the process of making sure my brother has access to my crypto assets in case I become dead or incapacitated. The only reason I don't give it to my wife is because she wouldn't know what to do with it. Looking at this thread, I can tell very few of you are family men.

>> No.29323525

Marry a christian girl
marry a girl that isn't "FUCKING HOT"
marry a girl that understands children
marry a girl that sees her VALUE in "i am supposed to be a mother"
marry a girl that has no interest in a "career"
marry a girl that does not watch TV
marry a girl that was loved by her family


if a girl like this tries to divorce you and fuck you over, it is your fault

if you fuck hookers you are damaged
if you are "too good" for religion you have nothing in your moral bucket, good luck

You must fix yourself, you must get your priorities in order

you must have children and raise them properly.

Your stupid money will not give you jack shit besides things people with money can already do.

your life is not special unless you are creating something and impacting someone's life in a positive way.
It is not hard to make money and buy food
it is not hard to "travel the world"

"fuck hookers" is the same as watching netflix like an uninteresting slob.

>> No.29323536

sending this to my lawyer now

>> No.29323566

Checked. Also I lost mine in a boating accident.

>> No.29323591

They could probably reference your LinkedIn or something. Many of them require you to send them an email from your work account, which is completely insane. Others require a picture of your work ID or license. It definitely doesn’t seem worth it. Better off just staying celibate I guess.

>> No.29323604

sounds based

>> No.29323620

>A system built by spooks doesn't have a backdoor
Are you dense?

>> No.29323685

Idiot, you can recreate your wallets everywhere.

>> No.29323694

are you reading what he's typing? that's a man that's given up completely on life, why continue living? why continue your suffering if you're going to be this big of a bitch? just end it all, speed up the process
that or pick up a bible

>> No.29323696

I though the purpose of settlements was so people weren't financially trapped with partners. If someone has a stash of coins that had no effect on their joint income then what is the problem?

The money isn't needed to have a stability.

>> No.29323727

Show me events proving TOR's compromised that weren't a result of bas opsec

>> No.29323770

This song goes very hard.

>> No.29323807

Go back

>> No.29323886
File: 68 KB, 750x758, 0FE1A92DB6F144F59C8C58EF0CBE9BCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy trips

>> No.29323892

I've been dating a girl for a week when we playfully brought up prenup, and she said she would never sign one. Do I break up?

>> No.29323948

Jesus christ. Why on earth would anyone do that for an escort

>> No.29323984

>I'm so sick of listening to everyone on here cry about "roasties" and "divorce rape"
then leave?

>> No.29324147

Just find a girl you like and fuck her

>> No.29324180

Prenups don't do shit anyway. Judges throw them out on a whim.
Be wary of laws in your area where the govt considers you married just for living together for a period of time.
That bitch is gold digging.

>> No.29324249

>Get a dog goy!
Fuck off

>> No.29324284

to where?
you go back to Mexico, faggot

>> No.29324323

Then fucking please leave you plebbit faggot

>> No.29324336

No idea. And I think I’ve gotten a pretty good sampling. Seeing an escort is a weird fantasy of mine that I’ll never act on I and I scroll through the websites occasionally. I’ve only come across a few exceptions.

>> No.29324344

Visit an Asian country (if you're white)

>> No.29324401

A simple yes would have sufficed

>> No.29324527
File: 15 KB, 241x209, monerochan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone can take the monero i lost in a boating accident a while ago

>> No.29324568

>Marriage shouldn't be the government's business
Very based

>> No.29324591

>it's 2000+
>getting anywhere near a female parasite


>> No.29324781

>Fuck the Jew
>Racemix Goy


>> No.29324911

Holy shit, I'm buying.

>> No.29324927

>Do I break up?
No need just never get married

>> No.29325037

>it only takes ONE feminist judge to throw it out
I live on a rural area now and will move even more rural when I make it. Not going to happen

>> No.29325172

Asians are white

>> No.29325257

I took all mine into the shower by accident, water killed it unfortunately

>> No.29325290

Tor CAN BE compromised, but not necesarily IS compromised.
From what I understand the compromising of Tor was quite difficult and costly, essentially the spooks either created or took over an entry and exit point, then did complex data analysis to paint a vague picture of who was making repeated connections to a specific place. This likely took a long time. enough so that the average minor criminal buying acid or something on dark markets is unlikely to ever be targetted.

>> No.29325373

Agreed 100%

>> No.29325385

>Be wary of laws in your area where the govt considers you married just for living together for a period of time.

In that case, you can't give half your wealth to your whore gf, because you also have to provide for all of your previous roommates common law marriages.

These laws are just a fucking mess.

>> No.29325642

>These laws are just a fucking mess.
They truly are.
I wonder how long until someone gets charged for polygamy just for having multiple roommates under this shit.

>> No.29325845

Buy some crypto after the divorce is finalized. Wait some time. Mix your pre-divorce crypto with your post-divorce crypto. Withdraw on the basis that it was money earned post-divorce

>> No.29325866

I lost my shit at that. Imagine yourself 3 years ago, now imagine that version of you imagining what you just listened to. A washed up roastie divorce lawyer talking about how a woman can get her husband's chainlink. What fucking world are we living in man?

>> No.29325964

She is mad because she's old, no man will ever pay attention at her, ugly, chubby nearing over weight and has a fucked up nose. Never marry or give an ounce of respect to women unless you marry gay.

>> No.29326296

i just make a child and dont marry

>> No.29326699

don't get married you idiot
worst thing a person could do

>> No.29326857
File: 89 KB, 861x1148, 1613880552301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, someone has to say it. women live rent free in these incels head every single day and this is the only way they can bring up women in a /biz/ related way. if you get married you're a stupid fuck not deserving of any empathy anyways. you've been warned by the manosphere since it's inception that divorce WILL rape so why should anyone care if youre still dumb enough to ignore that. bunch of fucking retards itt, i thought you all were going your own way anyway?

>> No.29326877

This is why I plan to go on a third world breeding tour once I make it.

>> No.29327057

>he thinks he can outbreed mass immigration
It’s a cuck mentality to not pass on your genes. Also it’s unlikely but possible to outbreed them. 2nd generation immigrants have below replacement level birth rates. White liberals have even less. White conservative Christians have higher than replacement birth rates. It still depends on closing the borders but if that can happen than long term demographics can change back. Borders might close when the financial house of cards collapses

>> No.29327108

Based lmao

>> No.29327151

Fucking kek

>> No.29327249

Cheers from Kazakhstan

>> No.29327394

Ok goldberg

>> No.29327440

No they can't you stupid fuck, god you weirdos want to be victims so bad. if he never signed any kind of state marriage license she's entitled to NOTHING unless they have kids.

>> No.29327882

Possibly the worst post on /biz/ right now.

>> No.29327919

Already am with 3 kids. Just don't marry city niggers

>> No.29328118

Hahahaha this is glorious

>> No.29328204

>My father got scammed that way ("we'll challenge the tax code and get it declared unconstitutional!") by some "sovereign citizen" scammer. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN.
Unironically fine as long as the money goes to them instead

>> No.29328303
File: 2.05 MB, 3400x5466, 1607199289829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29328314

thank god my wife is retarded and i never cashed out (sitting on 1.2 mil)

plan is to get to 10-15 mil and then leave her and the kids.

>> No.29328419

Lmao fuck off incel larper

>> No.29328547

>Never get married

Ever heard of common law marriage? You US guys are so screwed. Literally forced into MTGOW or poverty

>> No.29328597

Sorry I lost it. Oopsie

>> No.29328668

how could one do this (in minecraft)?

>> No.29328731

The absolute state of newfags.

>> No.29328826

Im suicidal and give my husband money that he invests into crypto. If i die, i hope he will have a good life thanks to that money.

>> No.29328841

Bitch! Is she Jewish?

>> No.29328849
File: 201 KB, 1280x1280, neveragain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the Jew.

>> No.29328855


>> No.29328890

Can I get fucking story on this? Is this the kid who was in the interrogation room where the guy leaned way back in his chair? Wtf is this shit?

>> No.29329039
File: 38 KB, 780x520, colin-bg-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about common law marriage

>> No.29329086

Easy fix for this nigger.

>> No.29329142

>imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.29329386

There absolutely is common law marriage in America.

It may not exist in some states, or it may be called something else in your state, but you’re wrong about it not existing.

All these other people saying
> what if my account was “hacked”
> how will they know I even have crypto

Those big “Coinbase” purchases are a dead giveaway. Even if you think you’re being slick and using other exchanges, it’s fairly easy to find when you have big purchases or transfers from your joint checking/savings account. If your account was “hacked” and you funded that account with joint funds you’re going to be on the hook for it because it was in your exclusive possession/control. You may have an action through law enforcement but that doesn’t really effect your division of assets with the spouse.

>> No.29329399

then you don't have a big dick. I dated a stripper that paid for everything all the time. I knew a girl at work who's boyfriend stole her car and wrecked it, and then knocked up another woman and she still wouldn't leave him or let him pay. Both white. If women aren't yandere for you then you then they aren't really interested in you.

>> No.29329410

Whoops, my Ledger fell of in my pool while cleaning it

Problem solved

>> No.29329414

sperm bank

>> No.29329490

>it would bother me a lot if I fucked someone who really hated what they did

That's most women anon. They use sex as a means to an end.

>> No.29329616

just commit murder suicide in minecraft

>> No.29329678


>> No.29329718

Marriage or no marriage it doesn’t matter. The roastie will take you to court and win

>> No.29329810

Congrats on your 5 STD’s you insect fucker

>> No.29329881

Why would anyone marry in 2021?
I married in 2008 and for divorced a few years later and this was long before any redpill wisdom that you find in almost every single fucking thread on biz or pol.
I just don't get why marriage still happens. It's totally beyond me. Men get nothing except pain and loss from marriage.
T. 41yr old fag who recently paid out the stupid cunt a ridiculous amount in one-off alimony

>> No.29329891

Use KeePass, and keep redundant USB sticks with the password dictionary

>> No.29329907

nigger this thread literally has screencaps of a video of an attorney saying exactly what you claim people are larping about. what is your thesis here, that she is a paid actress for fiverr? that this is an elaborate shop? get real

>> No.29329978

>if a girl like this tries to divorce you and fuck you over, it is your fault
Kill yourself, you pathetic weakling.

>> No.29330001

Just no. You dumb cunt. These have no power anymore.
No marriage = no cash and prizes for the roastie.
>Muh 6 months cohabitation
Don't live together then, there solved that one.
Even then you would put it all in crypto and don't talk about it.

>> No.29330004

you're the "weak man" part of the cycle. your son might be the "strong man". or perhaps your bloodline is weak and you not reproducing is for the better. either way it works out

>> No.29330017
File: 119 KB, 960x960, 1530990604746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a bunch of NIGGER coins
>get divorce raped
>in court
>insist on ex-wife and lawyer hag to name the assets by their name
>because they are greedy cunts eventually they say NIGGER
>contact media, get them cancelled

>> No.29330126

t. his race dies out while a trillion nigchinkos roam the earth

>> No.29330155

You are still coming out ahead in that case. Get a heloc on the home and max it out. She can have the home but there will not be any equity in it. Not sure how to hide the stocks

>> No.29330192

Hopefully no one ITT is fucking retarded enough to even consider marrying the modern woman. Do yourselves a favor and look up MGTOW.

>> No.29330318

THIS. Have a long-term relationship if you want (Be careful of common law marraiges in places like Canada and some US states), have children if you want (get tested to make sure it yours asap at birth, don't wait until the child support hearings). But I beg you, never get married. There are zero advantages for men and it makes no sense for men to chain themselves to a losing contract in this day and age.

>> No.29330347

>implying there are female crypto millionaires
Let's be fucking real here kek

>> No.29330351

Should’ve been redpilled on women way before that man, all women are whores, you learned your lesson the hard way unfortunately

>> No.29330493
File: 80 KB, 640x478, 1613783327398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gotta spread your genes to the next generation.

Do you really, though? I mean really ask yourself that, do you really. You'll be dead and gone, making more people isn't an accomplishment, i'd rather enjoy my life with as little financial burden as possible.

>> No.29330502

Kys already faggot

>> No.29330653


>> No.29330678

>what are concubinate laws
lmao you're fucked

>> No.29330702


>> No.29330705

Mgtow is cope, I’ll still impregnate and fuck thots but I’ll never marry them so that they could run off and take my money

>> No.29330793

Seed Phrase? Sneed Phrase?? Sorry Hun I just want my dodge charger and the last few years of my life away from you.

>> No.29330856

Smoothbrain take. You will still be made to pay child support regardless. You delusional anons who still cling to traditionalist horseshit need to wake up to reality.

>> No.29330994

use a NFT platform like OpenSea, make a NFT with address A, buy it with address B, ensuring address A and address B have never interacted directly or indirectly before
no withdrawing from the same exchange to these two addresses, for example, and ideally no using an exchange with kyc. binance requires no kyc
if you don't want or don't trust yourself to keep address clean from each other, you could use something like tornado.cash. but participating in tornado.cash at all might be shady, so who knows

>> No.29331008


>> No.29331025

Maybe if your Muslim

>> No.29331106

>getting married

The ultimate cucking. Never in this life.

>> No.29331156

agreed anon, im deep in the collapse / climate change hell hole and i am not having children, we are all gonna die within 30 years.

>> No.29331203

oops lost my keys in a boat accident

>> No.29331227


Very few states have it, and of the ones that do, there are a bunch of specific things that need to be fulfilled for it to count. Even the most lenient states require the couple to represent themselves as husband and wife. The idea that, at least in america, just living with a gf for a given amount of time makes you automatically married is complete and utter bullshit.

>> No.29331260
File: 41 KB, 337x500, 14bd90344991c11d3fd4b1f004bb80f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't married men who are about to get their shit taken by divorce don't just leave the country?

Are you going to take my rubles you cunt? Try it

>> No.29331327

>burn everything
>kill myself

Take that you dumb bitch

>> No.29331359

Not really a good argument, These same end of USSR kids are fucking mentally unstable gopnicks who spend the majority of their time pissing in stairwells and drinking

>> No.29331399


>> No.29331562

>muh child support
I’d pay for the child support of my white kids, of course I would. Mgtow is genetic dead enders coping, they got redpilled on women, so they decided to ingore them, instead of the proper way, which is to use them as wet holes and wombs for the future of white children

>> No.29331750

I’ve been with my gf for 5 solid years, we’re still young and we’ve been through some financially hard times.
I have a decent crypto portfolio now just shy 250k so things are starting to look good.
My gf has been into crypto just as long as me and her portfolio is almost 50% more than me.
Gf is based and would marry her purely because we’ve been through it all.

>> No.29331811

>prenup gets adjusted for being unconscionable

>> No.29331818

Kys then gay coward

>> No.29331962

She would get the house anyway faggot

>> No.29332096

actually pretty based. i can just imagine that fat roasties angry tears as she realizes she gets nothing

>> No.29332444

AAAAHHHHHHHH NOT MY GAINS . Im literally never getting married because Im afraid ill lose my gains and be accountable to pay child support or some shit

>> No.29332534

what a fucking unit

>> No.29332766


>> No.29333019

you literally just cum inside anon
we did it for millions of years without marriage

>> No.29333101

that single image? or is there a video / set?

>> No.29333249

Take the nigpill

>> No.29334288

Prenups are worthless, they exist only to feed lawyers your extra money. You cannot sign away your rights; a piece of paper saying that you agreed to sign away your rights means nothing.

>> No.29334474

Actually serious question. What if I am already married? I'm married to my best friend, if I were to co-habitat with a woman for several years, could the judge say that I'm still married and steal half my shit to give it to the roastie? My spouse and I speak a few times a year, so I don't believe we are legally separated or anything.

>> No.29334574
File: 72 KB, 250x250, 1561685281384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great work

>> No.29334654

> Wikipedia

Remember when I said some states have different terms for it? For instance, the state that I practice family law and handle divorce cases in, is not listed there and you can 100% do what is commonly known as “common law” marriage. Although we call it something different.

And yes you have to meet certain elements to establish the marriage-like relationship, but it’s not all that difficult in long-term unmarried relationships

>> No.29334800

If you're not enjoying life just kill yourself dude. It's not hard

>> No.29334918


why did she mention LINK (ticker: LINK) ?

>> No.29334951

I was brought up largely without much internet access. In a way that helped because I didn't get too Influenced by the kind of cucked shit I see these days literally everywhere online including 4chan. But yeah it left me with some serious blindspots.
Also brought up by a single mother. I'm basically the fight club generation.

>> No.29335018

>could the judge say that I'm still married and steal half my shit to give it to the roastie?
Yes, and you'll also be charged with polygamy.

>> No.29335260

Based, I will have kids via surrogacy technology to counter subvert the roastie, the jew and the tradcuck /pol/ poster at the same time.

>> No.29335576

Can you answer my question plz
thank you in advance

>> No.29335668

Yea but I'm not married to the person I'm co-habitating with. Can I not just make the argument that we are strictly roommates who happen to be romantically involved with eachother?

>> No.29335849

This is your brain on burgers. I don't blame you since you are right. America is an hell hole

>> No.29335943

You probably could use the prior marriage as a defense to the establishment of a common law marriage since one of the elements is typically something like “holding yourself out as a married couple” or something like that.

But, judges can also do pretty much whatever the fuck they want in the name of equity. So, if you fuck around with some chick for a few years and comingle assets and all that other shit you probably aren’t going to be able to say “but I’m already married lol”.

Also, polygamy probably isn’t a concern. Prosecutors would have to bring that charge anyways, but it would be a stretch to charge you with being married to two different women (a crime) when one of the marriages isn’t technically a legal marriage (hence the need to establish a common-law marriage, or marriage-like relationship)

>> No.29336151

>1921: I wonder what the future holds
>2021: Hand over the Dogecoin criminal scum!

>> No.29336257


spouses aren't entitled to assets or gains from assets that were acquired before the marriage.
I'm not going to paste the legal precedent again, it's sullivan v sullivan 2014 if you want to look it up,

but basically, the marriage doesn't contribute to the increase in value of the asset, so they aren't entitled to it. Unless your spouse is the founder of or significant team member of a cryptocurrency.

>> No.29336469

>two different women
yea about that

>> No.29336918
File: 336 KB, 828x464, D2988A82-3812-421C-B8D1-30D76AA3A536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marriage was invented by - the people who wrote the Bible

>> No.29337225
File: 121 KB, 392x348, 1612280163706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have decoy wallet with like 1 or 2 eth
>she can't even transfer it becuase of the gas fees

>> No.29337288

why not just be a homosexual?

>> No.29337910

>two different women
Did you really think he married his "best friend" and that friend was a woman? That's worse than actually marrying a woman you want to have your kids with.

>> No.29338070

that's really sad. checked. how old are you, about?