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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29309733 No.29309733 [Reply] [Original]

We get close to breaching .1 again friday and some ass whale sells 80 eth worth all at once. Are we going to crab around .05 all week again before another pump next weekend? Shill me anons

>> No.29309799

this isn't going anywhere anytime soon, just be patient

>> No.29309878

Yup it ducks, I though this would have been a quicker gain but the decks shitty site gave way too much power to the fudders. Pretty pissed because I put in $1k at like 0.12. Really want to wait for at least .20 but hard to stomach it. Not taking that loss though, I’d rather lose it all than pull it now so whatever.

Thank god my FTM is solid, that thing gave my portfolio an ath so it dumbs the pain.

>> No.29310047

I dropped my phone in water the other day and now it gets a lot more typos than it used to :/

>> No.29310169

what are the improvements coming in upcoming weeks?

>> No.29310730

>site rework
>re-list asko in lend
Hi Askoteers and Askonauts,

As we’re all well aware by now, we’ve recently launched an MVP of AskoLend and our site, asko.finance. Aside from not being able to use Asko on Lend, due to our tax, AskoLend’s functionality is all there, and will continue to improve as we list more ERC20s, and improve the front end.

Based on our estimation, we expect the quality of the site and Lend’s UI to go from passable to good by the end of the month to early next month. The react components are the difficult parts, not web dev. Please trust us to work out the kinks, as we’re working diligently to do so.

Additionally, thanks for all of your feedback, and for being a really solid community, reaching out to us. We understand how much you all want to help, and we appreciate it and think it’s great.

On that note, we’ve drawn up some of the first sketches of the Asko DAO, and it’s now in development. Our DAO will rely on a community that supports one another and believes in Asko. Building that community together is crucial to APY per ASKO held, as we will need to be savvy in choosing the right dApps to build, together.

Asko Team

>> No.29310822

I'm curious if there's anything coming as well.

I want to get back into ASKO, but I'm not going to buy it now just for it to do nothing for a few more months, when I can buy something else I want that is going to do something in that time. If it dropped to 3c or lower, then I'd buy back in, but if its costing more than that, then I'm waiting.

>> No.29310889

imagine still holding this shitcoin lmao

>> No.29310959
File: 232 KB, 1275x1500, 14727438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stake

>> No.29311514

I'm going to clue you in anon, buy WHL. wait till staking drops, and become rich. it's seriously that easy. 3 day old project


>> No.29311835
File: 156 KB, 941x1280, 42B2BD78-C2AB-4010-A128-127067D5BB83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right of course. I always sell the bottom of my investments for literal shittokens.

>> No.29312153

It's going to get dumped on everyone it tries to moon for the next few months. That's just the way it is, whales want out, it's just like early ONE

>> No.29312348

Im personally putting 3 million into it the next time anyone buys anything and uses less than 250 gwei. You are gonna get mounted.

>> No.29312585

this is a freebee because I feel bad for you. go on the site and see how much value WHL has. this is going to $25 per coin in less then a week. your asko is going to zero, don't be a literal retard.

>> No.29313175

everyone in the tg is literally waiting to dump their bags

>> No.29313338


>> No.29313728


>> No.29313964



No listings yet, 3 days old. Creators just revealed they are owners of HTR

>> No.29314040

I’ve been telling you faggots since the abysmal askolend launch. people got in crazy early and staked and now make so much from the dividends that they can and will dump on you from here until eternity. And that isn’t even taking into account just how retarded the devs are.

>> No.29315093

If asko lasts an eternity, I'll be a happy man.