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29311024 No.29311024 [Reply] [Original]

So, my boss is invested in crypto. He wanted to learn how to use defi dapps. I explained to him how aave worked, and how he could borrow USDC on his ETH collateral and buy more ETH.
He was very interested and created a wallet(coinbase wallet app) and sent 130ETH to his new wallet. He sent the ETH to AAVE and borrowed USDC and bought more ETH.
He calls me this morning and said he couldn't access his wallet, that it was asking for a recovery seed. He said he didn't remember the app prompting him to write down a seed phrase. He said he feels sick, and is shaking.
I kind of feel responsible for encouraging him, but what else could I have done?

>> No.29311100

Haha what a fucking dingus

>> No.29311126

Time to start looking for a new job

>> No.29311157


>> No.29311207

I’d quit even if you don’t get fired

>> No.29311209

It was nice knowing you OP

>> No.29311222

Based and insubordinate pilled

>> No.29311229

Maybe he shouldn't have been impatient?
How do you not remember to write it down, it literally uses big fucking letters and screams in your face "RETARD WRITE THIS DOWN OR YOU ARE FUCKED".
if you warned him to pay attention not your prob man, but he will still blame you.

>> No.29311230

kek you just made the next peter schiff, hes gonna fud the shit out of crypto now

>> No.29311234

wait you were supposed to write down/remember those words?

>> No.29311235
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>Don't invest what you cant afford to lose

>> No.29311244


>> No.29311264

Mate if he was retarded enough to ignore something like a seed phrase prompt with that much money on the line then he was fucked anyway. I got into crypto with literally $50 years ago and spent hours researching in advance. For $200k I would've been researching weeks in advance.

>> No.29311288

Yeah, I agree

>> No.29311302

even i would work for that kind of boomer retard

>> No.29311316

>He said he didn't remember the app prompting him to write down a seed phrase
Well either he has dementia or he's lying to you. He's a fucking demented monkey and yeah, you shouldn't have introduced him to it

>> No.29311349
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>> No.29311357

Tell him you can recover his wallet, but you want him to wire you $200,000 first. When the wire goes through, never communicate with him again.

>> No.29311368


>> No.29311431

I'm probably going to quit soon

>> No.29311485
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that's why i told my mom that if she gets into crypto i'll beat her with a stick

>> No.29311491


>> No.29311493
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>He said he feels sick, and is shaking

>> No.29311503

I have a friend I brought into crypto... JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HE MAKES ME MAD. Thank you OP, it makes me glad that these incompetent low iq PIECES OF SHITS get what they deserve. Fucking dumb cunts, they're dealing with money and won't even make sure everything is correct. Jesus fucking christ dude, jesus fucking christ

>> No.29311570

"Cant i just call the wallets it support?"

>> No.29311606

so now there is 130 ETH somewhere, lost forever

i wish he would have bought rubic instead

thanks based boomer

>> No.29311630

This is why there will be no mass adoption for defi. People don't actually want to be responsible for their money, they want a big bad bank they can call to shout at a clerk

>> No.29311744
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>being so greedy that this isn't good enough

>> No.29311755

I agree 100%
Most people don't want the responsibility

>> No.29311888

I am still surprised by how therr are still stupid anons that keep on spewing their investments to anyone in their life. Just shut the fuck up and hold, retard. holy shit.

>> No.29311938
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>> No.29311956

I would quit. I wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt, even though it's not really your fault. Nobody should start diving into DeFi shit the week they get into crypto.

>> No.29312097

i hope this isn't larp.

>> No.29312150

No larp fren

>> No.29312175


Boomers fault for wanting to jump right in to crypto, wallets, etc. Seed phrases are common w a lot of non crypto apps, but guessing he's never done anything like that either.

Ask him if its possible he saved it in a text document or emailed it to himself. You never know.

>> No.29312258

pls be true, kek

>> No.29312297
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>> No.29312346

Tell him us chan bros thank him for his contribution.

>> No.29312448

boomer should just let their on coinbase or some institution, unironically

>> No.29312497

My parents can't even understand buying and selling stocks/index funds on vanguard. So they pay someone at bank of America to handle their funds. Until banks make their own exchanges crypto won't see mass usage.

>> No.29312665

Now you know what true "diamond hands" actually are.

Boomers who forget their password.

>> No.29312903

I have a solution for him and you:
You need to check his computer if it takes daily images of his computer as a back up.
If it did have an image of his hard drive prior to the seed phrase request, he may have access to his wallet using his password only.
That if he was using a hardware wallet, if he used online wallet, he is fucked royally and so are you for not training him on crypto 101 seed phrase management.

>> No.29312978

checked, and this, ffs

>> No.29312994

>alzheimer hands

>> No.29313085
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>He didn’t even do a $3 test send to his wallet to verify that it works

>> No.29313170

He created the wallet on his phone, I explained to him the importance of seed phrases

>> No.29313214

This. Fukken coinbase wallet literally hounded me until I completed the backup procedure
Also checked

>> No.29313306
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Don't even try to help normies get in crypto. They will either
a. fuck themselves over and blame you, not themselves
b. Win big, but will completely forget to say thank you

>> No.29313399

Aren't you required to confirm your seed phrase by filling in certain words before proceeding?

And why would it reset within one day and require seed backup?

>> No.29313439

You can skip over these prompts and still use the wallet, until you sign out. I think that's what he did.

>> No.29313674

The coinbase wallet app will let you use the send/recieve function without confirming seed phrase, I just tried it

>> No.29313773

Lesson learned.
Normies are gonna have to fend for themselves