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29309543 No.29309543 [Reply] [Original]

How are you feeling today BAKE bros?

>> No.29309642

For what?

>> No.29309969

for newfags to get eaten by whales and p&d

>> No.29310001

Cope ethfag

>> No.29310837
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>> No.29310948

Reason to ape in ?
What’s the APR on farms ?

>> No.29311189

buy on binance or pancakeswap

>> No.29311296

Pretty sure he can already buy it since he has 500
He's talking about farming.

>> No.29311355
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>BAKE is at $10?
>Nope, still not selling

>> No.29311395

I don't know how to farm

>> No.29311537
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Yes I meant the farming thing, I've never bothered with it that's why I'm asking. I've also seen some thing coming tomorrow morning so I got interested

>> No.29311776

Got my BAKE, CAKE, BURGER, and BNB bags locked and loaded.

>> No.29312414

pretty bullish
I was expecting it to dump below 1,50$ this sunday, but instead we are already getting up

thinking about holding it until next thusday or friday at least

not sure about really holding it for long term though

>> No.29312708

Wanted to do a big phat swing today but I don't think there will be chance now though

>> No.29313652

how much are you swinging?

>> No.29313785

1500 so not loads but enough to gain a nice amount of bake when done right, I swung and make a hundred in the week but took them out to buy smoke

>> No.29313841

burger is pretty based too

>> No.29314096

will it be a dip or a taking off?
I made -5% loss because of swinging on bear and still holding fiat

>> No.29314425

Hope so, but it looks like it's gonna take off starting tomorrow at the earliest. Basically needs btc to crab and bnb to pump.

>> No.29314494

you click on Pool and add liquidity, then add whichever token matching pair for the farm. in that pic I guess they're advertising a new aETH-BETH farming pool, so you'd add both aETH-BETH you're holding into the pool, receive aETH-BETH LP token pairs, then park them inside the aETH-BETH farm to receive whatever output it spits out.
Read up on impermanent loss before you do any of this, of course.

>> No.29314569
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>so you'd add both aETH-BETH
meant to write you'd add your separate aETH and BETH tokens from your wallet, in-case that wasn't obvious. not the actual pair itself.

>> No.29314877

Thanks, I've tried to understand it myself and it seems I wasn't that far off. Is it actually profitable? It says that I can withdraw it at any moment but if I'm gonna earn pennies I won't even bother

>> No.29315045

the APY% is listed for all farms, so as long as shit doesn't go tits up and you hodl then yeah it will. especially since you can get out at any time for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.29315506

Seems like a pain in the ass, I don't think I will bother even this might not be optimal. I'd rather just hold since I don't have spare fiat to buy those pairs

>> No.29316373

is this even dipping anymore?

>> No.29316448

Come ooooooooooooooooooon bnb do something.

barely. It just follows bnb around.

>> No.29316951
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better bigger things

>> No.29317160

I swinged. Should i wait for 2$ to buy again or it will never happen?

>> No.29317292

Same boat, its crabbing so much

>> No.29317389

i would wait some hours, if btc suddenly dumps a few k$ as it often does this will reach 1.6-8$

>> No.29317599

Fuck i’ll miss the spaceship to the moon

>> No.29317697

Then just buy and check again tomorrow?

>> No.29317836

Sleeping is so hard when you're doing the trading all alone, especially during these times. I wonder how to mitigate this, as I'm losing sleep constantly waiting for the best moments.
It's mostly psychological from the constant fomo on a pump.

>> No.29318722

Am I missing a lot, just holding BAKE on Binance?
I am newfag and this is my first investment so I don't know about stacking and liquidity stuff.
Appreciate any feedback

>> No.29319382

stacking might only be worth it if you already have a decent amount of tokens

holding vs swinging - depends on how good you are at timing the markets and whether or not you already have a comfy entry position,
if you bought lower than 2$ I think at this point it's safer to just hold

but I am a newfag too, so you can probably get better advice elsewhere

>> No.29319410

bump question

>> No.29319451

I'm holding 4000 CAKE, fuck BAKE

>> No.29319753
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Fuck you nigger don't diss my boi BAKE like dat

>> No.29319848

thanks for the stacking mention. As I understand this is for people who got in very early (may be even on presale(?)) with huge amounts

I bought in 500 BAKE (whole portfolio) at 1.5$
Still thinking about selling at 3$ but it is probably have potential for more so idk really may be it is worth it

>> No.29320353

Kek'd at the filename

>> No.29320406

Why is this board so cultish about BAKE?

>> No.29320529 [DELETED] 

Its not cultist but this is making people serious gains and whenever we talk about it people say we are sanjays and pajeets

>> No.29320597

Its not cultist but this is making people serious gains and whenever we talk about it people say we are sanjays and pajeets and we don't have poo hands

>> No.29320608

How is it making people serious gains? Unless you just mean swingers?
I mean I doubled my money on fucking Banana yesterday, i dont see how Bake is any different than any other BSC coin

>> No.29320747

what's bake even used for?

>> No.29320875

DeFi cookie cutter #42145

>> No.29321197

some whales are obviously accumulating crazy while forcing weak hands to sell. you see them hold low sell walls and just buy everything below it lol

>> No.29321396

But what does that mean for the future price? Are they hoping to moon it at some point so it becomes a top 100 coin, and they end up with a ton of it in staking?

>> No.29321515

Lots of anons also claims it's bots/whales etc To me it sounds lika a complete schizo rambling. How can you be so sure of this? Do you have any proof to that?

>> No.29322219

no idea, they could easily supress it it if they're feeling like it, or that's how it feels like

I mean, I'm not 100% sure but looking at the books make me think that. 1-3k sell wall, everything that's going out below gets sold pretty much instantly. and since it's not a "big" well known token, it'll hold up with a smaller wall.

>> No.29322405

>go to binance
>check orders on cake
>tens of thousands in buy order at exact price, tens of thousands in sell order at some price close above
>orders move a few cents just as bnb moves around

>> No.29322693

I'm poor as fuck, I put half of my bnb into BAKE. I just broke 200cad last night, slow ride is slow

>> No.29323099

this except BAKE
also just look how they drove it under 2$ to trigger sells and now it is flying up again

>> No.29323408

I mean would that be even possible? I guess it is determined by volume right? If so then there are many other coins with much lower volume, why bake exactly? And if that's the case, shouldn't I try to swing it once it is around 2,6?

>> No.29323466
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>> No.29323520

i hope this moons pls i dont to work in MCcucks

>> No.29323711

these are called market makers you shambling fucking newfag. the top truly is in and you're all going to get fucked, I hate to say it but it's true.

>> No.29323947

flying up is a bit optimistic. guess if you want out get out before they drive it to 0. but I'll just keep it. either it does a 5x or whatever, or goes straight to zero

>> No.29324182

I sold at 2.56. Thank god I got out of this shit

>> No.29324387
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Am I financially ruined?

>> No.29324477

I might kill myself :(

>> No.29324519

Weekend drop, wait for tomorrow.

>> No.29324526

true. the changes in volume are a bit suspect but idk just a retard like anyone here. this could go to 0 or it could moon who knows. this thing is a bet that bnb/bsc wont shit the bed
fair enough but none of those were on bsc / listed by binance or had anythind other going for them

>> No.29324668

Kek you are the anon who I recommended to sell dot. Don't worry it will probably go up. I'm gonna dump my bag above 2,6. I'm done with this shitcoin doing 30% fluctuations in one day

>> No.29324874

Haha I think it’s the 1.87 that gives me away. But yeah thanks for that, I’m retarded and new. But I’m also gonna dump the bag at 2.6