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29294206 No.29294206 [Reply] [Original]

Now that all the obvious shills are asleep, what are the real thoughts on BonFi?
Looks to me like its a TOKEN NOT NEEDED after a brief dyor, but I can maybe see it doing a x2 or x5 short term.

>> No.29294315

Its a legit coin being treated like a pump and dump

>> No.29294338

Good short term outlook with product launching Q1.

Very strong opportunity if product works well long term.

Super cheap and worth a big bag just for the low MC.

Already in on this one and adding more.

>> No.29294507

Its a legit coin, but its not really adding anything revolutionary.

>> No.29294584

i actually dont know as i don't have sufficient knowledge on AI to have a reliable opinion, but i luckily gambled in soon and made already more than 10x, wheter is actually needed or not in long term, i agree that there's still many gains to be made since platform didn't even launch.
at this stage it's 100% gambling

>> No.29294627

Their AI as they explain is unique. They will have to prove that. If it truly doesn't have competitors as the team describes it can be revolutionary.

>> No.29294660
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It has huge potential to be in the 50-100 mm market cap, currently at 2-3mm

>> No.29294706

Skeptical about the AI but it is definitely worth more then the 3~4mil MC is is now.

>> No.29294755

Exactly this, the team is professional and they are announcing shit soon. Biz needs to get in on this before it hits 3 cents

>> No.29294874

The real strength of Bonfi isn't even the AI. It's that Bonfi opens up the option of liquidity mining to normies and poorfags, who can contribute a lot of dough if combined. This thing will help DeFi really take off and grow massive while doing it.

>> No.29294901

>> Now that all the obvious shills are asleep
Isn’t this exactly what a shill would say? Perhaps a subtle shill. Anyway it’d be nice if it went to 25 cents

>> No.29295131

Great point. Looking forward to the Q1 launch.

>> No.29295240

fomo'd in with 0.35 eth

>> No.29295266

BonFi and RBC are my 2021 moon ticket

>> No.29295294

The 'AI' is just a buzz word.
It's impossible to create. It will be just some shitty averaging tool that will barely function.
People have been trying to create a automated intelligent trading system for years and some tiny shitcoin won't be the one to finally make a breakthrough.

I still might buy a bag cause it might be better than most things around lately.

>> No.29295334

It's still so surreal to think I'm gonna be a multi billionaire just from shit posted on 4chan

WAGMI everyone, I have top news, Bot Ocean algorithms will be Q2 2021

don’t use this shitbots that every nigger try to shill here

Don’t follow ref links and etc, ths is STUPID SHIT

>> No.29295415

it's for liquidity mining tho

>> No.29295419

Congrats but what are you saying? I don’t understand. What’s your target for BNF anon?

>> No.29295440

I'm all in anon if that tells you if its a shill or legit

>> No.29295467

Post pic anon

>> No.29295514

I got a bag last night. I mean if they can do the bear minimum and have a clean site with ease of use for normies to auto yield, it's a 100m marketcap easy

>> No.29295616

100m seems a bit high, maybe in the long term
but i can definitely see it getting at least 10m in short term, which is a nice x2.5

>> No.29295649

This was my thinking. I don't have enough to do that stuff right now so I'm hoping to see real gains from this then use those gains on their platform haha

>> No.29295784

Holy shit, I’ve been waiting for this post. Yes. I’ve had my finger on the buy button but was spooked due to shills. It looks so good and seeing it hit .018 last night gave me fomo... woke up to .015 and bought in. Looks prime, anon.

>> No.29295984

Based this one was put well together

>> No.29295996

It’s a legit coin, it is needed, and I don’t think it will do 5x from there, but I’m definitely in for 2-3x

>> No.29296125

Hey I bought $200 of it worth yesterday because you shills seemed invested in it, I'm already up $40 so thanks.
Still not enough to cover the gas fees but we're going somewhere.

>> No.29296286

if a meme token like RBC can hit 50m MC, BNF can too

>> No.29296586

Nice so .25 is in the ether

>> No.29296830

umm guys...
While does the roadmap look like a copy-paste from the $SALE token? Just flipped on the side.
Starting to worry.

>> No.29297187


>> No.29297222
File: 238 KB, 1326x956, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? It's... not?

>> No.29297426
File: 89 KB, 1893x611, Screenshot_2021-02-21 DxSale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dolphin made his 4 eth sell off. He's not back in, dip getting eaten up
U wot m8?

>> No.29298071

token not YET needed mate. you will definitely need it when the liquidity mining platform comes out, otherwise you wont be able to use it. god knows where the coin will go by then but a pump is inevitable

>> No.29298235

The worst FUD attempt yet. Nobody wants your coin.

>> No.29298684

the first battery powered car was invented 100years+ ago. Tesla still skyrocketed, strange huh?

>> No.29298748
File: 69 KB, 1098x693, tokenomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-token not neeeeeeded
never change biz.

>> No.29298822

You are replying to a spambot, report & move on

>> No.29299165
File: 27 KB, 500x387, ad976fcc3a89b4c3ac8ba5b873341ad8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought the top again

>> No.29299226

Why would you pay $0.10 for this?

>> No.29299272

anon it's been a day. Still at 4m marketcap

>> No.29299379
File: 70 KB, 1267x927, D170C6C6-17C0-406D-A1E6-DA99C8C243EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, BNF has a professional team with an actual good product, this is going parabolic over the week. Only 3M mcap...

>> No.29299671

Thanks anon I should’ve realized from the writing style but I’m just waking up

>> No.29299680

Worth a punt, especially at this low valuation

>> No.29299889

this meme is unironically why i bought

>> No.29299975
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>Got my first 2x

Am I dreaming, biz?

>> No.29300043
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Based dark souls bro

>> No.29300080

Me too, are you comfy anon?

>> No.29300105

Team tokens are not locked

>> No.29300160

hey you should try to at least read into my post before shilling, pajeet. do they not pay you enough or something? can't understand why are your shills so low effort

>> No.29300184

Proof? I'm pretty sure they're locked

>> No.29300242
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Super comfy fren

>> No.29300271

I was until these sells are coming in.

>> No.29300348

That's to be expected, I think. Dumps usually coincide with fudposters, which means people are looking for cheaper bags. Bullish no matter which way you put it

>> No.29300411
File: 2.16 MB, 3000x1818, owBNF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very real.
Settle by the BonFire and get comfy.
I hope you brought marshmallows.

>> No.29300468

does comfy have a special meaning on this board?

>> No.29300506
File: 561 KB, 640x403, 1613916670627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen such an obvious pajeet scam coin.
If anyone really wants to make money they can invest into Union.

Bounce chk chk Bounce chk chk Bounce.

UNN is the most undervalued De-Fi protoocol in the space.


you can't.

This is RUNE at 5 cents. If you do not have at least 20% of your portfolio in UNN, you are fucking blowing it.

Bet more. Main Net is coming.


>> No.29300586

rajesh, it's the wrong thread
i am not paying you for this post

>> No.29300641

Shills vs shills shilling shills, don't think I've seen that in a while. Why don't you make your own fucking thread, faggot?

>> No.29300754


>The absolute state of pajeets

Bro if you hate shills go make your own thread, holy shit no body wants your scam coin

>> No.29300793

0.02 pnk has been deposited in your wallet

>> No.29300802
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LOL looking for new blood for your dying project?

>> No.29300863

Just hold the fuckin thing man. This isn't a PnD nor is it a swing trade. Buy early and enjoy your 5x+ in a few months.

>> No.29300881

My BonFi stay comfi

>> No.29300911

Token is definitely needed, seems like you gotta do some research sirs>>29298748

>> No.29300922


>> No.29300969
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1611009925176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will this 2x?

>> No.29301046
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You'll find out soon

>> No.29301116

2x is fud

>> No.29301327

How is this anything like a pajeet scam? Non-anon, white team, professional looking website, white paper etc. The team is also delivering Mainnet two quarters early. What a fucking pajeet bag holder you are with UNN kek, make your own thread.

>> No.29301329

BNF has approximately 1300 holders and growing. If you want to 100x by tomorrow, then go buy gorillacum or some jizzpancakes on the BNC chain and go spam in telegram with the Chinks and pajeets. We're not here to PnD

>> No.29301435

Kek ahahahahhahaaba

>> No.29301491


Pretty much this.

>> No.29301599

man if its already dipping now, imagine the dip when amerifats wake up

>> No.29301650

Yeah, might be a good idea to wait for that time before buying in.

>> No.29301742

euros dump, burgers pump. such is the duality of /biz/

>> No.29301784

I’d say based but eh kind of dumb

>> No.29301872

It’s gonna pump once they wake up.

>> No.29302448

amerifats don't think
they just buy, having a boner for that AMERICAN DREAM

>> No.29302456

LOL, are you me anon ??

>> No.29302638

The duality of man

>> No.29302990

This is not FUD because I have 2 ETH at 0.014 but this coin reminds me ETN, any old fag here ??

>> No.29303334

So we’re going straight to .18 cents?

>> No.29303361

I know of ETN but what’s the comparison? Why do you think they’re similar?

>> No.29303624

Mining revolution for normies, back then it was shilled because people could mine on mobile phone

>> No.29303766

Oh yes anon I hope so, but don't forget to sell, ETN never recovered..
I still have a bag deep in my portfolio

>> No.29303834

Sounds good, I’m ready to go see ya on the moon anon

>> No.29303925

AI is just another way to say a computer can finally beat a human at GO, which is useless game made to beat humans.

>> No.29304055
File: 50 KB, 381x380, 1598621345011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf does this even mean

>> No.29304141

reinforcement learning is a meme, only supervised and unsupervised ML are useful

>> No.29304746

Infinite monkeys button mashing and then pseudo randomly exporting the key to el dorado kek

>> No.29305085

the only monkey here is you if you cant see the value of ML
in healthcare alone it proved its tremendous value

>> No.29305234

what the fuck did i tell you, once americans start waking up this shit is dumping
always the same story

>> No.29305236
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>> No.29305277

I mean what value does it bring. I'll throw some money i can easily see a 2x maybe 3x but that's it.

>> No.29305489

if eurocucks dump
and amerifats dump
then how do the coins pump?

>> No.29305643
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>> No.29305794

Amerifats use MAXIMUM ENERGY