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29294514 No.29294514 [Reply] [Original]

>$40K stacklet

>> No.29294548

if shes solely interested by you because of money then you're going to regret it
if you don't care, well 40K is not enough, grow it to 100k

>> No.29294620

not at all. how you look and flow a conversation does

if you dont have either then you're probably fucked

>> No.29294636

With only the ones who want to take that money away from you. You shouldn't tell women how much you have, unless you're okay with gold diggers. Also 40k is not enough for the good looking gold diggers.

>> No.29294749

meh, you gotta know how to present yourself too, if you're just a fucking autist waving around 10k dollar stacks only absolute bottom of the barrel golddigger whores who need money for meth will flock to you. that's why some pick up artist faggots with less than 2k in their bank account manage to pull legit 8/10 women. they know how to bullshit and present themselves and women are retareded enough to fall for this. also power is a much bigger turn on for women than wealth.

>> No.29294800

Step 1: Be attractive - (I'll talk to him)
Step 2: Be interesting - (I won't feel like shit waking up next to him the next day)
Step 3: Have money - (I wouldn't mind seeing him again)

If you don't have money, you're going to have a HARD time getting to 3. Money is just the EZ mode from 2 to 3. But that's it, it's not a substitute for the other two steps. They come first.

If you want your money to count for more, you have to use it - By nice clothes and get a great haircut. Spend it acquiring an interesting hobby that you can share and visit places that'll give you fun stories.

But it's not a substitute

>> No.29294865


>> No.29294917

yes but only because it makes you more confident

>> No.29294964

Here's the official breakdown by a woman's age:
16-25: Money doesn't matter at all
25-30: Money starts mattering with increasing prominence every year
30+: Money is everything

This is in the West. In Eastern Europe you have to take a few years off because women are less brainwashed into wanting a job/career and care about having kids a bit younger. Money starts mattering at 20 if you're talking about non-pozzed feminine eastern euro broads (the only women worth dating nowadays).

>> No.29295008

Just talk to them and don’t sound autistic. It’s not hard

>> No.29295044

This is dumb. All love is conditional. We are solely interested in them because of their looks and personality. If either changes, we will stop liking them as much. Just stay rich and your fine (and don't get married, obviously).
People berate gold diggers, not understanding that wanting an attractive woman is the male version of gold digging. Evolution is evolution, human nature is human nature. Money is resources is power which is an aphrodisiac to most women (ofc being a beta cuck will turn them off regardless of your net worth, but that's because it shows a lack of inner power).

>> No.29295086


>> No.29295129

Step 3 can be skipped if you are strong in step 1 and 2.

>> No.29295154

lmao this is actually true, but not entirely. you dont need money to fuck bitches man, it just makes the process easier

>> No.29295187

As soon as I broke the 1MM barrier I started to not give a flying fuck. And since I get laid any night I want. Money = +confidence = +fuck any girl you want.

TL;DR yes

>> No.29295192


money is to women what beauty in women is to men

>> No.29295232

>no coiner cope

>> No.29295264

Meanwhile for women:

Step 1: Don't be fat or old
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Huh?

>> No.29295300

No. Use your time to get fit and get a own place. never tell a woman how much money you have.

>> No.29295339

Only up to a certain level
If you have enough money to have a place to yourself, ok clothes, afford dates and maybe a car (I guess isn't needed in big cities) anything more is just a plus. After that you get diminishing returns and you'd better work on your personality, social skills, hygiene/skincare and fitness.

Also take this into account
but it isn't so black and white, because no one knows how much money you have until you start seriously dating, as long as you've got those basics covered (from that point there could be no difference between a wagie with 0 savings and someone with low 7 figures)

>> No.29295345

every increment of 10 million dollars you have in your bank account is a +1 on the looks scale for women. never tell a woman how much you make if you are a millionaire because often she will only be with you for the money, lie to her and say you make under a normal salary 40-50k and if she loves you still your good.

also for women, dress down. don't wear a lot of make up, don't wear tight clothes and act like a weirdo sometimes. dudes who like you still aren't just with you for your looks

>> No.29295508

I guess that depends on whether you meet them through social circle or through an app or whatever.
As far as bars/clubs go. If you've got good money, you're probably hanging out at expensive places with nice clothes and a nice watch. You probably also drive a decent car. But yeah, if she knows nothing about you but your picture and tinder bio then there's no way. Which is why Tinder is for attractive people, not successful people. In the real world, success/power/influence matters more than looks (although looks remain important).

>> No.29295607
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What if, purely hypothetically, someone, not necessarily me, happened to fail at step one?

>> No.29295724

>Not making money to be happy
>Wanting to make a woman happy

I thought this board was for Chads.

>> No.29295926

Fortunate to meet my girl in 2017 about a month after I got my 50k linkies. Married last year baby last week she knows nothing about my linkies and we’re at 2M never sold a single link. Better off not showing off wealth at all unless you have generational

>> No.29296000

what? young bitches love older guys with money and this is in America. I dunno though you're probably ugly so I might be biased.

>> No.29296001

Most wagies can finance a nice car, have one nice watch and blow their money on stupid nice clothes, doesn't mean they're rich.
But yeah, that can be included in the "ok clothes" that I said.

>> No.29296042

Use the money to buy clothing, healthy food, personal trainer, etc.
You dont just need to have the money, you need to spend it well

>> No.29296275

Depends if they're at college or not. If they are, they get shamed for dating older/richer guys. If they're not, they're ready for kids and yeah you're right.

>> No.29296354

wasting money on a personal trainer lmao
but i agree buy good clothes, cut your hair every 2-4 weeks, work out and you are gucci.

>> No.29296411

Yes. With men too. Money attracts, usually the most materialistic people, but it does attract.

>> No.29296674

Actual advice:
You have to have a STRONG step 2 game. Since step one is the path to step two, while you may have a hard time getting there with low stats, IF you can get there, AND your personality, anecdotes, jokes, and general revelry are top tier you might be able to spark something, particularly if you also have a solid step 3 waiting for you.
Aside from what I already discussed to improve your step 1 using money (clothes, haircut) and the obvious 'hit the gym', it's important to note for our brethren who rolled poorly at character creation that there are cheats passed step 1:
Like work - If you have to interact with people, they are going to be exposed to your step 2 game whether they initially wanted to or not. And if they are fascinated with you take on the various pastas of Italy you've been cooking up and bringing in for lunches since your "food and wine" tour of the peninsula last summer ... or the clever way you can turn a phrase at every chance, you have your in.
And on top of that then there's wing-manning. The girl across the way may not respond to you, but she may be responsive to your better looking friend. He talks you up and she starts off playing the game to get closer to your friend but oh shit, this ugly guy's step 2 game is crazy. Funny and interesting... I wonder what kind of car he drives?
Chics can wing-woman you too by the way. Not every coworker has to end with a date or a bust. Even as a friend they can want the best for you and try and set you up, with their own friends or with strangers after hours. Never underestimate how much more attractive you become to other woman, when some other woman (friend or otherwise) is hanging off your arm and laughing at your jokes). Instant +2.

>> No.29296743
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But it all depends on your step 2 game. Practice matters most - not practicing getting women, but practicing being interesting and telling stories, and getting laughs, irrespective of the pants you're trying to get in. You can practice being interesting with family, it works just as well with girls. Can you make your mom laugh, can you tell a story that keeps your sister from looking down at her phone?

Money, as always, can help facilitate it all, but in the end, like step 1, step 2 is it's own distinct thing.

>> No.29296836

Meant to say, DON'T be yourself. But DO be an interesting version of yourself.