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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29289913 No.29289913 [Reply] [Original]

30 fucking bucks is FUD,.....nothing but fucking FUD literally if only you understood what they are ACTUALLY building, scalable, secure, fast, honestly this shit SOLVES all problems within the blockchain industry



WHY THE FUCK if you were a business needing a blockchain, use ETH over this?? why?

>> No.29289958

just sold what I've been holding for 3 and a half years
Prepare for the biggest moon of you guys lives
you're welcome

>> No.29290009

We’re about to pop off

>> No.29290415
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Ark bros rise up, it is finally our turn to go to lamboland!

Thank you

>> No.29290702

People forget that Ark is actually Our Coin. Biz Delegate is one of the highest voted delegates. This is the Biz Coin and it's destined for greatness.

>> No.29291025
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>> No.29291064

I think xsn will have their dex released before this hits $30. And thats really saying something

>> No.29291107
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It is not too late to board the ark, anon.

>> No.29291290
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>> No.29291437
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Btw I am original nemesis of biz delegate.
The army guy :^)
Only old fags remember me
It's only the beginning for ark
Here's breadcrumb :)
I can but a buy wall or sell wall for 5 min for proof

>> No.29291499

Impressive. When are you selling?

>> No.29291524

Koreans has eyes on ark and they want to pump it to 2017 ath in sats

>> No.29291583


>> No.29291641
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>> No.29291689

You shouldn't because of french connection. Informal Eu agenda has eyes on btc America/china mining war and french gov is thinking to push ark while germs iota. I personally on tech would be on ark, but germans could win by pure political pressure.
So to put it simply I don't have idea when to sell. Will hold for 3 months. Also take my info as pure larp

>> No.29291765

Yeah, I invested when I got info, but Koreans got late on info. It's just pure speculation at this point

>> No.29291864

Something strange is happening, it literally spiked to almost $2 for no reason. Ontology/Gas also spiked massively

>> No.29292024
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I killed ontology as retaliation for Koreans fucking me over. Sorry for losses people accrued.
You can cross reference sale off with my trades.
I hope I can help you guys like that fella with chain link in begining

>> No.29292129

Can you pump ark a little further?

>> No.29292270

I am not pumper. I trade on info I have before it gets to press. That's why I bought at around 1200 sats and not selling until press gets a sniff.
The ark price depends when the news reach general audience

>> No.29292393

is 110k ark enough to make it?

>> No.29292433

So do you think 3500-4000sats is on the table or even more?

>> No.29292445
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They have a great team that is appealable to instituional money that is too affraid to invest in btc but a big part of ARK's team investments are in btc so as long as btc rises, so will ARK.
In any case, I love what's happening. Bought when it was 0,42€. Extremly compfy hodl.

>> No.29292564
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oh arkies

>> No.29292566

Very interesting, do you think it would be wise to invest a bit in iota incase the germans decided to ruin europe for the Nth time?

I’ve been a true believer of Ark since 2016 because it always seemed like the Most credible project. Its nice to see it coming to fruition with v3 and marketsquare

>> No.29292687

this was literally the first crypto I bought in 2017, haven't touched it ever since and decided now to look into my wallet. There are no arkies, but I see my transactions and no one transferred it out of my wallet. Wtf?

>> No.29292787

they've updated the wallet many times since 2017. Update to the newest version.

>> No.29292805

Need to load the newest version of the wallet, anon

>> No.29293042

i have the ark client and a mnemonic phrase for ark saved, but i dont know where to put it.
i want to import my account and write the phrase, but nothing happens

>> No.29293321

It depends on your appetite. I personally prefer just doing good trades. For example I bought funfair for 30 sats and sold for 45 but it pumped to 120 sats. I made good trade on trade fundamentals, but I did not account for hype
Yes, but you should thread lightly, if you are not sure wait few days to see market sentiment. If you believe france will push ark, buy and wait until Autumn
I don't understand german iota community and many outsiders also don't. So I personally do not hold iota. I doubt german has interest to push fintech after wire card fiasco, but still never underestimate germans.

>> No.29293461

Thx alot for sharing your thoughts.

>> No.29293620

Then you should know what a huge piece of shit ark is

>> No.29293805

It doesn’t matter. Everyone knows that 30 bucks has ALWAYS been fud.
It is destined.

>> No.29293952

Do you see ARK as a long term hold?
Or should I just speculate on the France thing?

>> No.29294524


>> No.29294576

Omg deluded arkies are still alive

>> No.29294646

Thank you
I don't judge projects on emotional aspects, but ark is tested and has survived 2017 flooding unlike new counterparts which are shiny but has not suffered crash.
It depends on ark team. If they work together with government to push fintech, it may be long term. But in my opinion crypto should be treated purely on information you have, just like perishable food

>> No.29294715

Emotions/price aside its genuinely really bad

>> No.29294911
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>Ark is getting shilled again
>This time there are no hot sluts posting their bodies with Ark logos on /biz/ like in 2017

ngmi anon

>> No.29295066

stay poor

>> No.29295113

that's how you know there is still so much to gain

>> No.29295197


>> No.29295267

What the fuck are those double green dildo

>> No.29295650

We are at $2, who is deluded now?

>> No.29295712
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am I gonna make it?

>> No.29295720

Thank you anon, your sacrifice will be remembered.

>> No.29295863

how are you feeling right now?

>> No.29295878

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam. Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $1.50 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone. Once it shoots through the $1 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all ARKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex. The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in ARK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect. The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10, and most probably sub ICO levels. From that day forward the deluded Arkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages. Deluded ARKies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you ARKies. There’s still time to get out. Sell NOW. Don’t be deluded, don’t be an ARKie.

>> No.29295938

Salty you didn't double your gains in a week?

>> No.29295979
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