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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29281653 No.29281653 [Reply] [Original]

Just read the sovereign individual - mind blowing stuff. Really puts paying your minecraft taxes in perspective. Looking for some more red-pilled books with unconventional knowledge

>> No.29281886

Democracy: The God That Failed
The Bitcoin Standard

>> No.29282106

I just started this. I can't believe how accurate they were. At least in like Chapter 1 or 2.

I guess this wouldn't resonate with anyone not into crypto, but its a must read for cryptofags.

>> No.29282477

Zero to One

>> No.29282516

ride the tiger

>> No.29282603

this except skip it and put in the work on kant, schopenhauer, nietzsche

>> No.29283139

Nietzsche is one of my favourite authors. His writing cured my depression.

>> No.29283437

Economics Reading List:

>The Servile State
>Economics for Helen
by Hilaire Belloc
>Ethics of National Economy
by Heinrich Pesch
>A History of Central Banking
by Stephen Goodson
>The Creature from Jekyll Island
by Edward Griffin
>Barren Metal
by Eugene Micheal Jones

>> No.29283508


>> No.29283514
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Babies first redpill

>> No.29283584

Basic Economics by Sowell
Road to Serfdom by Hayek

>> No.29283596

what the fuck is that?
ayn rand was a piece of shit autistic roastie in real life

>> No.29283727

Autistic and a POS maybe, but she wasn’t a roastie
Ironically the only two of those which apply to her would also apply to you, anon

>> No.29283756

General Redpilled Reading List
> Plato's Republic
> Aristoteles Ethics
> The Bible
> City of God / Confessions (Saint Augustine)
> Libido Dominandi (E Micheal Jones)
Anything by Joseph DeMaistre
> The book of Chivalry (Geoffrey Charny)
> Letters to Livy (Machiavelli)
> Letters from a Stoic (Seneca)
> Behold a Pale Horse (Milton Cooper)
> Letter to concerned Catholics (Marcel Lefebvre)
> The Great Heresies / The Jews (Hilaire Belloc)
> In Defense of Sanity / Orthodoxy (Gilbert Chesterton)

>> No.29283871

I’ve read a couple of these en Latine desu
Good list anon

>> No.29284009

Small is Beautiful by EF Schumacher
The Jesuits Hostage to the Devil and Windswept House by Malachi Martin
An Exorcist Tells His Story by Fr Gabriel Amorth
Black Helicopters Over America by Jim Keith
Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America by Alex Constantine
Wounded in the House of My Friends
King Kill 33
Storming Heaven
Acid Dreams
Chaos by Tom O Neill
Act of State by William Pepper
Weird Scenes from the Canyon and Programmed to Kill by Dave McGowan
The Giza Death Star, Vipers of Venice and Babylon's Banksters by Joseph Farrell
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey
Junky & Queer by William S Burroughs
The Corpus Hermeticum
Temporary Autonomous Zone and Pirate Utopias by Hakim Bey
Collected Works of William Blake

ya'll are welcome anytime in /xsg/ btw. take the schizopill

>> No.29284129
File: 56 KB, 570x553, bellfoundinstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small is Beautiful by EF Schumacher
The Jesuits Hostage to the Devil and Windswept House by Malachi Martin
An Exorcist Tells His Story by Fr Gabriel Amorth
Black Helicopters Over America by Jim Keith
Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America by Alex Constantine
Wounded in the House of My Friends
King Kill 33
Storming Heaven
Acid Dreams
Chaos by Tom O Neill
Act of State by William Pepper
Weird Scenes from the Canyon and Programmed to Kill by Dave McGowan
The Giza Death Star, Vipers of Venice and Babylon's Banksters by Joseph Farrell
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey
Junky & Queer by William S Burroughs
The Corpus Hermeticum
Temporary Autonomous Zone and Pirate Utopias by Hakim Bey
Collected Works of William Blake

ya'll are welcome anytime in /xsg/. take the schizopill

picrelated: this bell was found in a strata of stone millions of years old. there are many recorded cases of such objects being found in stone, so many that there's an entire category of study dedicated to them: "OOPAs" or "out-of-place artifacts"

Where do they come from? Who put them there?

>> No.29284216

ooh and if we're talking unconventional knowledge, the classic in the genre is 'The Book of the Damned" by Charles Fort. He basically combed through archives of newspapers from around the world and catalogued all the mysterious occurrences, like when it rained frogs or glowing wheels appeared in the sky.

Also, Passport to Magonia and Messengers of Deception by Jacques Vallee and Operation Trojan Horse, the Eighth Tower and the Mothman Prophecies by John Keel

>> No.29284355

> Second entry on the list is already Malachi Martin himself
Anon please tell me where to find best /x/ reading list. If the rest is like this you did some amazing work

>> No.29284369
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>> No.29284417
File: 77 KB, 341x500, Faggots_by_Larry_Kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29284480
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Obligatory history of central banking. Also revolt against civilization: the menace of the underman by lothrop stoddard. Really puts communism into perspective and explains why they are how they are https://pastebin.com/ufS4Gy9S

>> No.29284609

Ride the tiger - evola

>> No.29284619

she seduced one of the other members of the objectivist society with the argument that he ought to chest on his wife because it was the most rational thing to do, destroying his marriage in the process. without the rationalist larp that is peak roastie
also, kys

>> No.29284789

I just ordered shaping the fourth and Sovereign individual, wish me luck

>> No.29285252

A quick google search anon.

There's a few metas out there with books. I'd have to find them.

>> No.29285256

sovereign individual is so based. recommend it to people you care about. ive got shaping the future of the fourth industrial revolution coming in the mail and im interested in seeing what it says.
other than that i dont know much redpill stuff other than the /pol/ stuff already posted. what should i put next on the list?

>> No.29285307

Also, a-lot of free books to be found here:

or here

>> No.29285459
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>> No.29285497


>> No.29285531
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