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29273813 No.29273813 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>50,000 in USDC from $4000 original investment (Rubic to AVAX to Zero)

So what do I do from here? throw it in another coin? or wait for a market correction?

I’m thinking about throwing all 50 in either LINK or AVAX which is the better alt?

>> No.29273954
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I’m thinking 75% LINK 25% AVAX

>> No.29273977

Go 50/50.

>> No.29274150

put it back in rubic

we're set for take off

>> No.29274176
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How many years should I hold wise one? should I never sell?

>> No.29274188

same exact position as me. i want to throw it into one project.

>> No.29274253

LINK Monday morning but not before me pls

>> No.29274285

50/50 or 60/40, and probably about two years for VERY nice gains, anon. Short term, as in within the year, you'll see a huge bump too.

>> No.29274638

Both are good long term holds. IMO, Link is slow but steady climb, while Avax is a higher risk, higher reward type compared to Link. It skyrocketed when Pangolin was released, and quickly fell when the bug shitshow happened.

>> No.29274831

Expect to hear March 9 unlocking Avax FUD, while the shillers will spout about the Apricot update. Personally, I'm an Avaxfag, but I want to play it safe and wait til the 9th of March.

>> No.29275268

Validator stack here, same. Got in at $5 average. Want to buy more. Waiting for post March 9th shenanigans. Posting fud in all the AVAX threads til then. Must acoom. I have $100k across my other shit coins I plan on DCAing into AVAX over the next few months. AVAX is a top 5 coin

>> No.29275671

I'm trying to decide whether it is worth swinging my avax stack for March. The majority of stakers finishing their stake just before looks like everyone's getting ready to dump, but at the same time it could just be a self fulfilling prophecy where people dump because they think everyone else will, but hoping to buy back in at a better price.

>> No.29276152
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Union before main net you brainlet. Christ.

>buys 300x bags and hopes to get rich

>> No.29276471

Is there a downside to delegating AVAX other than not having access to it for a while?

>> No.29277330

How do I move AXAX from metamask to the official wallet? I went through all this trouble to dodge CEXs and now my avax is "stuck".

>> No.29277498

What do you mean? Why don't you just send it to your wallet's x-chain?

>> No.29277710
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I bought avax the hard way though Pangolin, so it's on Metamask's C-Chain right now. Usually it's as easy w/drawing to your x-chain from an exchange. I know I can send from X-chain to C-Chain, but I can't do the reverse. If I had the option to use a CEX, I would have done it.

>> No.29277753

All in 1 year for me.

>> No.29278042

I didn't set the fee to 470. Braindead.

>> No.29278053

just send from metamask to your wallets c-chain address

>> No.29278088

Send to C-chain?

>> No.29278126

Throw it into Vesper, then just let it chill in the vsp pool for a year.

>> No.29278184


>> No.29278251

The honest truth is that FTM is the best project but has the worst marketing. However, it will continue to moon off pure fundamentals. AVAX is a close 2nd though and has more hype, so that's why I bought it.

>> No.29278488
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Dont do the same mistake as me by buying Link.

Link has been the most underperforming coin of the bullrun. ALL coins had more gains than link, including Bitcoin.

Link will continue to crab and dump at every “pump” possible and then dump hard when BTC crashes

You will absolutely hate this

>> No.29278986

unironically this m8, I've chased BSC shitcoin pumps, only to increase my RBC stack.

>> No.29279744
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was going to rebut your points, but you can't argue with those digits

>> No.29280803

10k ersdl
will pop to 35c this cycle

>> No.29281612

The amount of fud on this project tells me it is fucking huge.
There seems to be an organized, paid, chink shill campaign to fud AVAX into the dust - I think its CZ/Binance organized. Then of course there are the Biz fudders just looking to accumulate more...

>> No.29281638
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>> No.29281712

You should get
25% in each

>> No.29281714

Also guys should I withdraw liquidity from Pangolin? Impermanent loss fucking sucks - the prices are too unstable I think at the moment. Need crab season for PNG and AVAX not dump season.

>> No.29281751

can you redpill me on AVAX? what improvement does it offer over other coins?

>> No.29281976

FUD is priced in bro. This is the most fudded coin on the board. The price will actually take off after March 9 when nothing happens and everybody who was afraid to buy rushes in

>> No.29282008
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>> No.29282171

defi as intended
almost no cost to send
future proof
can save eth
amazing tokenomics
consensus is perfect

>> No.29282284

I'm pretty similar to you OP, bit larger in size but wanting to make a 5x or so. Right now I've got 3.3k LINK and 200k HBAR. I don't really see any coins that scream future big gainers right now personally. HBAR has some potential to maybe reach $1 and LINK of course is safe but always guaranteed to go up. Once I see something that looks like a sure thing I'll probably go all in.

>> No.29282317


The upside is tremendous. In fact as the Pangolin price continues to drop and ZERO keeps rising, it could be the perfect trade.

>> No.29282604

I almost went one thread without having to read your shit. Fuck you

>> No.29282842

Chill, you sound like a mentalist.
I bet you p&d Pangolin too. Kekekek.

>> No.29282889

Did AVAX release any positive news related to their network failure?

Thanks to the anon who posted about that when it happened. I sold my entire ~3000 AVAX stack at $53.

>> No.29282918

Voyager Exchange, you retard.

>> No.29282969

Turns out it was mostly down to Pangolin fucking up the network.
It worked out well in then end, a tricky bug was located and fixed and this board started to learn about the better DEX which is Zero.Exchange.

>> No.29283420

Brutal. I want to ape back in but it keeps dumping. AVAX is the only "ETH killer" I believe will stick around.

>> No.29283808

It wouldn’t worry me if AVAX pulled back to $30 for a time. ETH fell back repeatedly to comedy prices over the years and look at it now. Still not fit for purpose, yet it hit $2k.

>> No.29284383

Well at least we know the zero team is british now

>> No.29284507

I mean it’s not like British TV is seen all over the world, is it? It’s not like Ricky Gervais is one of the most famous comedians in the US and Canada?
All we know about the Zero.Exchange team for now is they are the best on AVAX, which is pretty impressive, ngl.

>> No.29284559

Both, 50/50

>> No.29284618

wtf is a validator stack?

>> No.29284930

2000 AVAX for now but there is a plan to drop that to 500 when a governance vote is taken.

>> No.29284967

Enough AVAX to run a validator. Currently 2k, with apricot release, will likely go down to 500. You can earn staking rewards, plus delegation fees PLUS you can earn tokens from subnets. Basically a retirement stack

>> No.29285032

It's afraid

>> No.29285125

It’s hard to say man. With my stack of AVAX and ZERO growing daily, reverse correlated to your IQ, you might be the one shaking with fear.

>> No.29285785
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kek, you just described my entire portfolio.

>> No.29285799

The late star shine the brightest anon.
Link 250$ eoy

>> No.29286312



>> No.29286723

Man union looks like a cool project and has a great name

>> No.29286758


>> No.29286818

>this bull run
Elon musk tweeting about retard doge and then buying 1.5bn usd worth of Bitcoin is not a bull run