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File: 195 KB, 1080x681, algo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29253915 No.29253915 [Reply] [Original]

I don't feel so good ALGObros...

Why isn't ALGO riding the bull market ffs?

>> No.29253967

buy the dip faggot.

>> No.29254187

descending triangle, ALGO will moon when other alts crab

>> No.29254230

there are ten billion reasons why an entirely centralized shitcoin run by a foundation that wants to liberate people of colour from the shackles of white supremacy is shitting the bed

>> No.29254270

lol sold my algo for dot. c ya

>> No.29254723

>Panic selling a long term hold with staking rewards over a 10 cent dip

>> No.29255406

The fuck are you on about? They’re trying to replace visa for payment settlement.
Anyone who bought more than a month ago is still green. FOMOing zoomers get the rope

>> No.29256757

Hold / Stake my ALGObro

>> No.29256823

2 more weeks

>> No.29256836

I am looking for an argument in that novella but not seeing one

>> No.29256912
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just like link did.

>> No.29257497

Then you obviously can't read

>> No.29258208
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>Up 184% for the month
>Down 22% for the week
>It's over
>Algo will never be $1.50+ again confirmed

>> No.29258311

drop it to $1 i want to buy more lmao

>> No.29258414

are you confusing ALGO and ADA?

>> No.29259286

I've long past made it. I know when to cut ties

>> No.29259540

Fucking hate this pos coin

>> No.29260449

Just sold all my ALGO and moved into DOT. I advise you all to do the same, get out of this shitcoin while you still can

>> No.29260871

If you're not planning on stacking ALGO til at least end of 2022 you're an idiot and should get out immediately

>> No.29260933
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UNIChad here, algo is my next accumulation target. You're all gonna make it.

>> No.29260958

why buy a steadily depreciating coin with no use case and no upcoming adoption

>> No.29260999

We've been in a bear market for a week or two

>> No.29261106

checked. Another 3 years to go kek

>> No.29262384
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How long until it's worth $10? I don't mind waiting a few years

>> No.29262577


is there any truth to this? I have heard good things about ALGO and have been looking for a good entry point but I am not giving a penny to any organizations where leftists have a voice

>> No.29262677

it's not leftists, its glowniggers this coin is the zog coin

>> No.29262690

Ive been following pretty closely and seen nothing about politics or woke shit from them but I’m not a mega autist so I might have missed something

>> No.29262999

It's a long term hold. You have until 2024 to accumulate your bag, build a participation node, or make an app for the blockchain. After that point you've missed the boat and will be playing catchup.

>> No.29263050

You're thinking of ADA you tard

>> No.29263065

checked. what will price be in 2024?

>> No.29263134

If it behaves as it has my wide guess is $15- $22.

>> No.29263190

2024? Okay. I’ll have a stack by then.

>> No.29263196
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BFT protocol

>> No.29263260

Maximum kek

>> No.29263492

I know we bounce between 1.3-1.4 now but if we're this low going into Sunday then I'm scared.

>> No.29263612

is it the next LINK? what makes you believe this? i just wanna make it bros

>> No.29263628

i have 790 randies, am i going to make it?

>> No.29263635

there are already several binance threads up

>> No.29263640

It's shaking you out. Literally at the bottom

>> No.29264399


>> No.29264666

I missed the GRT pump so I all out bought ALGO don’t disappoint me.

>> No.29264836

It's highly inflationary until late 2020s. >>29254270
Ha, same. I like Algo but I'll pick some up again at $.40 in a year or two.

>> No.29265059

LOL they're trying to keep the price low for the time being that won't happen. Maybe in 2028-2029 if they manage to stay relevant as a 2nd generation crypto for the next decade (doubt). I mean basically it's just a fast currency, lots of competition there.

>> No.29266468

Sure there's a lot of competition but the team is solid. What other current projects have that aside their marketers? If it turns out to be shit oh well it was only 15% of my portfolio.

>> No.29266685

I don't understand the point of Algo threads. There is only one thing you can do with Algo if you don't have a brain infested with worms.
>get AT LEAST 10k algo
>stick in the wallet
>leave it alone for at least 2 yeas
Everything else is braindead-tier retardation. This isn't a swinger coin.

>> No.29266742

I'm a dumb newfag just trying to figure out how much I should buy and if I'm going to get fucked over

>> No.29266867

Algorand is a serious project with an extremely solid team behind it. Algo WILL at least reach $10 but this isn't for another few years. The chance of you losing money with this coin are very slim but don't expect Algo to make you rich with the snap of a finger, and you have to sink a lot of capital to get the most out of Algo in the long run. As always, DYOR.

>> No.29266974

>but don't expect Algo to make you rich with the snap of a finger
I don't. I just hope it will get to $10 in the next few years and I don't have to wait a decade.

>you have to sink a lot of capital to get the most out of Algo in the long run
You mean just because of the compounding interest? or is there another reason?

>> No.29266999

>Reach ATH and hold it long enough to trigger huge rewards payout
>ALGO gets massively diluted
>Crabs around 30-40 cents from ATH

It's had to correct and absorb a huge amount of sell off and it's still on track to get a huge boost from March news. I'm glad to see paper hands catching on fire though.

>> No.29267216

>I don't. I just hope it will get to $10 in the next few years and I don't have to wait a decade.
Algorand's timeline stretches all the way to 2030. It is a possibility but I do expect that we'll reach $10 before then.
>You mean just because of the compounding interest? or is there another reason?
Yes, the 8% APY is the sole reason why Algorand is a longterm hold. The official Algorand wallet (and one other wallet that is supported if I remember correctly) gives you 8% APY. At worst, if Algorand is relegated to stablecoin status at 1.30, you will still make ~700-800 Algo a year. Now I'll let you do the math for what this will equal out to if Algo jumps to just $5. There's a lot of potential here.

>> No.29267273
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I think Algo is going to be extremely successful. I think XRP will be more successful because you can put little diamond Xs on grills and thats more aesthetic than little dollar signs. Hell people will be signing X instead of their names before this has run its course.

>> No.29267351

Checked. What march news?

>Algorand's timeline stretches all the way to 2030
What are you basing this on?

>Yes, the 8% APY is the sole reason why Algorand is a longterm hold. The official Algorand wallet (and one other wallet that is supported if I remember correctly) gives you 8% APY. At worst, if Algorand is relegated to stablecoin status at 1.30, you will still make ~700-800 Algo a year. Now I'll let you do the math for what this will equal out to if Algo jumps to just $5. There's a lot of potential here.
I'm hodling in the official algorand wallet. Don't I have to log in every few days or something to make the earnings take effect? I only have like $700 worth but I'm gonna start buying more. Is this a good time to buy?

>> No.29267426
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1591388614381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is SMA15 trampoline that will work nice, just watch it

>> No.29267675

>What are you basing this on?
My ass. I'm fairly certain that I read somewhere on their docs that they will continue to dump supply until all tokens are spent, which will happen in 2030, but I can't fucking remember where I read that. This is why it's so important to DYOR. I'm just a retard on the internet.
>I'm hodling in the official algorand wallet. Don't I have to log in every few days or something to make the earnings take effect? I only have like $700 worth but I'm gonna start buying more. Is this a good time to buy?
If you want to be mega optimal about it, yes, rewards are only dumped into your wallet after every transaction, so if you want, I believe you are able to send yourself 0 Algos and it will count as a transaction and update your balance. However, at the amount you have, I wouldn't worry about doing that as it really won't be worth it. And yes, now is a great time to buy. The price is going to stick in the ballpark of 1.20 - 1.40 for quite some time.

>> No.29267994

>My ass. I'm fairly certain that I read somewhere on their docs that they will continue to dump supply until all tokens are spent, which will happen in 2030, but I can't fucking remember where I read that. This is why it's so important to DYOR. I'm just a retard on the internet.

>If you want to be mega optimal about it, yes, rewards are only dumped into your wallet after every transaction, so if you want, I believe you are able to send yourself 0 Algos and it will count as a transaction and update your balance.
There's got to be a limit right? Like what if you do a transaction every second for months?

>The price is going to stick in the ballpark of 1.20 - 1.40 for quite some time.
Hate to ask, but is this based on anything?

>> No.29268047

The Algorand foundation dumps supply whenever the price goes to far past the 20 week EMA. It’s literally designed not to moon, so thank your poor fag stars and buy 1k of it now

>> No.29268270

What is the 20 week EMA price now?

>> No.29268563


>> No.29268700

Alright dumping this shit then

>> No.29268744

I’ll buy them off you for 1.25 each

>> No.29268784

Each transaction is 0.001 algo. Do it once a day and it's better than leaving it on coinbase.

>> No.29268790

Ok send me your private key and we can work this out

>> No.29268865

Read the docs
Plan to release 20? billion coins in total
Look at coin market sort by coin circulation; find a coin with that much in circulation worth more than a few pennies.
I made money on this shit coin; dropped my bags to your needy hands at 1.71 tho

>> No.29268971


I’ll Venmo on receipt

>> No.29269125

algochads, should i listen to the fud?

>> No.29269155

based. wagmi

>> No.29269161

Ho guys do not buy this coin it destroy my village do the needful and sell

I hear black people like this coin

>> No.29269182


>> No.29269939


Around 50:00-53:00 in they mention news coming that will demand attention.

>> No.29270108

He might be wrong on when they do it but they do release in order to keep it from pumping.

>> No.29270417

the amount of fud in this thread is making me feel real comfy for loading more during the dip, remember the ides of march

>> No.29270788
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Time to settle debts fren

>> No.29270849
File: 463 KB, 2514x1406, m3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about binary projects? Do you know any good one on the blockchain? Found BAEXdefi (#baex), a lot of tools, fiat, crypto, stock indices. I'm interested in their referral system, looks like a good option to get passive income for your wallet. blockchain open-source code can be safe imo

>> No.29270998
File: 351 KB, 1416x672, bigsteakcomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29271254

>no use case
can you not read?

>> No.29272894

it's fud, algo is already the underlying infrastructure handling the liquidity of USDC and tether.

>> No.29273295

>source: my ass

>> No.29273567

it's right there in the official website, Circle and Tether

>> No.29273652
File: 148 KB, 750x598, 47D12D17-A2CF-4785-A4E9-33BA749D3389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stash

>> No.29273895


>> No.29274136

High energy thread theme


>> No.29274365

>4chan guy
we call those anons, you have to go back

>> No.29274381
File: 167 KB, 750x585, 52769F86-29BE-426C-A256-AB6BEF73CF30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mine better

>> No.29274599

I am financially ruined because of this scam

>> No.29274641

it's not false but anon is undervaluing the project

>> No.29274853

he's right though about the other coins like that being worth pennies

>> No.29274904

Whatever, the point is I can see he FOMO'd in on February 13th after the spike and just cashed out.
> buy high, sell low

>> No.29274909

Just sold all my ALGO for ETH at a loss. (350-250 so a 100$ loss). Ah well. At least I know I'll make it back with ETH.

>> No.29275053

then sell and cry later idgaf

>> No.29275227

This is what you were explaining + more

>> No.29275358

Imagine hearing all the potential tech and hype around this coin, buying in, and then seeing it drop only to realize its built to keep itself from mooning lmfao

>> No.29275469
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lel, classic /biz/ move, see coin moon, ape in, buy high sell low, get mad, spread fud.