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29262211 No.29262211 [Reply] [Original]

your move loser

>> No.29262321

Trade queens

>> No.29262368
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>> No.29262386

The only winning move is to refuse to play their game.

>> No.29262397

Wait, are you white and did you just suicide your queen? Nice one retard

>> No.29262423

Wanna play me anon?

>> No.29262440

I want that white queen BLACKED

>> No.29262477

nice try, racist. such an obvious bait. if i'm black and i take your queen you're charging me with rape

>> No.29262490

queen d6

>> No.29262549

I played chess in gifted class in elementary school and the other spergs always raped me. I’d always end up playing so defensively and reactive instead of making my own strategy

>> No.29262722

Queen takes Kings bishops pawn, check
King takes queen
Pawn advances 1, checkmate

>> No.29262772

Bishop to check, take queen with either bishop or queen.

>> No.29262779

Bishop b4 check
Whites only move is king d1
Queen d5 mate

Too easy loser

>> No.29262847

pawn c3?

>> No.29262899

Then free queen

>> No.29262928

it was already a free queen, now u lose ur bishop retard

>> No.29262941

>not putting up a lichess link

>> No.29262977

he could move his bishop to block the check. yall retarded

>> No.29263024

Let’s play rn shitter

>> No.29263030

i think pawn c3 is the more accurate move, but yes, he could

>> No.29263088


>> No.29263179


>> No.29263189

That's just check, king takes pawn.

>> No.29263230
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I win. Now I'm going to burn down my house and claim reparations!

>> No.29263313

One of you is getting blacked

>> No.29263333

i am black
shouldve asked to put money on this

>> No.29263363

Are you...me? Sucking at chess was what convinced my parents to pump my 9 year old ass full of Adderall.

>> No.29263405
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Fuck this kiddy shit. Let's play a grownup game.

>> No.29263422

Knight d7 to protect my queen

>> No.29263459

flip table and punch in face

>> No.29263467

Fuck yeah love othello

>> No.29263573
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checked and kekd, gg

>> No.29263574

Embarassing for the white race

>> No.29263620


>> No.29263660
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>> No.29263690

Fuck yea i love checkers

>> No.29263785

HAHAHA that wasn’t me btw

>> No.29263822

oh, well you send a challenge link then

>> No.29263853

i have been playing ungodly amount of time of chess instead of watching candles so it can calm my anxiety.

>> No.29263897

That's actually based

>> No.29263923


>> No.29263995

i mean my balance is swinging around 5k daily, its kinda hard to see, so i keep my mind busy.

>> No.29264101

flipping your table and shouting where is my hilux you cunts

>> No.29264112

B8 to D7.

>> No.29264159

and what I mean by this, any day can be my balance plus 5k or less 5k. Never had this amount of money in my life.

>> No.29264165

why not just take his queen with your queen?

>> No.29264295

4D chess anon

>> No.29264416

Be7 to protect the queen

>> No.29264638

You can take the white Queen at no risk as black, if we're playing white e2->e4 then 1f ->c4 and then d5->f7. Assuming that black doesn't flip the situation on you.

>> No.29264716

i think people are trolling at this point

>> No.29264734
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Ok Gary

>> No.29264740

Piss on the board and kill your family
Your move

>> No.29264786


>> No.29265001
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breedy gud

>> No.29265139

I go to take your queen, then they halt trading 12 times and brokerages collude to let you move twice in a row.

>> No.29265445

Kd7 to protect m'lady.

>> No.29265565

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