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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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292552 No.292552 [Reply] [Original]

>not being an Actuary

What's your excuse?

>> No.292561

That shit is for boring autists and I can make more money doing other stuff.

>> No.292567

I'd rather be a loan officer.

>dem awesome hours
>dat $65k/yr starting salary
>dat lack of tests and exams
>dat 30% commission on mortgage loans
>dose chillax feels where the most stressful part of my job is making sure I don't wear the same tie two days in a row
>dat paid lunch and doing 3-4 hours of actual work per day and spending the rest dicking around in excel or shitposting on /biz/ about the stock market and precious metals

>> No.292579

But I just passed my second exam?

>> No.292586
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God dammit son, you ain't shit until you've landed your first job. Now get back to studying.

>> No.292610

>art not negative

Bullshit. Artists either hate what they do or don't make money

>> No.292619

You have to admit, it sounds fun just painting most of the time.

>> No.292621

Does designing webpages count as art? If so that could be pretty fun. Making jewelry and pottery and stuff like that could be fun, too.

Painting pictures sounds meh.

>> No.292664

how does one become an actuary?

do you need a degree for it?

>> No.292674

yes, and you need to pass about 7(?) professional papers and 3 year work in a relevant field

>> No.292709

i don't think there are any other actuaries on /biz/

>> No.292738

This board is absolutely overrun with jews, isn't it?

>> No.292745

I'm a quant. That's good enough for me.

>> No.292791

I know a couple actuaries at my firm. They basically just look at paper all day and play with excel.

If you like drone work and sitting on your ass, I guess it's okay.

Also the math they actually use is pretty simple, I dunno why their exams are so complex.

>> No.293328

Any undergrads will work to become an Actuary.

>> No.293339

The exams are artificial barriers to entry put up to keep their salaries high and job markets less competitive. They guarantee that only people above a certain minimum threshold of intelligence can become an actuary.

>> No.293341

I know actuaries who have a great deal of job satasfaction.
Actually, I only know one actuary. But he's really enthusiastic about econometrics and seems to genuinely love what he does.

>> No.293434

Should I try to become an Actuary when I finish my degree? :3

>> No.293527

>Actually, I only know one actuary. But he's really enthusiastic about econometrics and seems to genuinely love what he does.
economtrics is the shit doe

>> No.293548

>all these replies to a troll pic

>categorizing jobs and making generalizations
why are people so stupid?

>> No.293577

>tfw actuary gets all the best job press
>tfw you are saturated by plebs who want to do this field
Call me a hipster but Entry Level is shit, students get (minimum) >3 GPA, 2 exams, and 1 internship or you'll have a bad time

>> No.293626

How about

>professional athlete

>> No.293629

being an athlete makes you the scapegoat of the proletariat

>> No.293675

>dat pay and enjoyment scale

>> No.293686

you're one injury away from losing it all. But if you don't spend your money like a nigger/rockstar you can make it good

>> No.293916

pay is only good in the most popular sports, in smaller sports you earn fuck all. Competition is fierce and your professional career will almost never exceed 15 years. Plus injuries and governing body politics will always haunt you, not always striking but always existing as a worry in the back of your mind

>> No.295421


No, You pass the exams while in college?

>> No.295624

you know op I have considered this in the past. I have a strong math background. when you pass the first exam are you offered a job or how does it work?

>> No.295636

Isn't the job extremely repetitive and boring? I'm trying to decide between a career as a data analyst / database developer / actuary and I was almost convinced that I would be a great actuary until I started browsing ActuarialOutpost and saw all those bitter old members complaining about their lives.

I know that basing my decision on just a few people is not very smart but I do not know any actuaries and additionally I live in a Eastern European country so there are not that many in my country either (I don't plan on staying here for very long).

Could you tell me if all the studying is actually worth it? I mean I get that the hours are nice if you're not in consulting or reinsurance and the pay is very good but is the job satisfying? I don't care if I will get the feeling that I've saved a small business or a family thanks to their insurance I just want to know if it is interesting. Is it challenging on a day to day basis or is it something you do for the money.

>inb4 basing your career choice on 4chan advice is retarded

>> No.295691

The major is full of idiots thinking they can get rich fast. It's a joke of a major.

>> No.295750

>15 years

Try 3-5, m8. At the highest level of competition, most athletes in most sports last about that long before being injured or getting cut.

15 years happens for the absolute top 3% of players in a given league. Maybe not even that high. You don't have to be a superstar to have it last that long, but whatever name you give to the tier below superstar is the only other tier that has some players pushing 15 years.

>> No.295752

*Maybe not even that low

>> No.296717

bumping for advice

>> No.297315

I just read this:
Sounds pretty OK to be an actuary, why is it rated as 'no fun'? How is being an accountant more fun?

>> No.297907

My job is exciting. Not "fly to exotic locales and fuck bitches" exciting, but exciting enough. I don't just hole up in a cubicle all day and do the same shit.

Never go to actuarial outpost. that place is like /r9k/.

I got through exams in about 3 years after school. i finished 4 in college and the rest after. i get paid almost $200k a year to do math puzzles all day.

>> No.297914

Math and Finance (real finance, not what MBAs think are finance) don't appeal to the average person.

Then again, the average person is poor and stressed out.

>> No.297934

How is being an accountant more fun than anything there?

I went to externships at 3 of the Big 4 a couple years ago, and it's pretty much the worst job I've ever heard of.

>> No.297940

I mean audit specifically, maybe the consultative jobs they have are good.

>> No.298092
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I love you.

>> No.298108

Engineer should be much higher on the fun scale. I would argue the same level of fun as a designer.

>> No.298110

im having a tough time trying to come up with an excuse for being an actuary. traders/investment bankers/analysts at decent firms all make a lot more money, do more interesting work and you actually get to work with some fun people.. actuaries are some of the most boring people around.

>> No.298151

have you considered working hours and job stability?

>> No.298285

if you don't have the desire to be an actuary, you're going to be a shitty actuary anyway.

If i get a whiff in an interview that someone is not 100% committed to the profession and thinks the work is boring, into the trash it goes. Your resume, that is.

i want motivated people, not "hurr durr i passed calc 2, 100k starting plz!"

>> No.298299

the worst is that there are many of those poor artists and musician wannabes and they dont even have interesting lives to compensate

>> No.298381

If you've got the math skills to be an actuary, you should go into data science instead. Everybody with a stats or econ degree who doesn't know what to do with themselves is trying to be an actuary, so the competition is pretty fierce. Plus their are those genuinely difficult exams. If you're smart enough to pass those, you're smart enough to figure out machine learning and data mining. Slap hadoop on your resume and somebody will pay you low 6 figures starting to do maffs for a living.

>> No.298413

You're a very highly paid bitch. No career upside.

>> No.298418

Boring as shit and you'll never make more than 300k

It's like a shittier version of becoming a doctor

>> No.298423

pretty much this. fuck going to school for 14 years to potentially make $280k, while likely ending up being paid shit with half your life spent in mind numbing classes.

>> No.298432

In truth I consider actuary in the same sort of tier as doctor/lawyer/etc. A career for the marginally intelligent and highly risk averse.

Provides a comfortable living
Easy enough to do if you're smarter than 3 out of 4 people

I didn't pursue it because for the truly talented there are greater opportunities to make more money or apply one's talents in a meaningful manner.

And if I happened to be ridiculously risk averse to the point where I wouldn't pursue those grander opportunities I'd go to the doctor route just because I'd be making 500k instead of 200k and I believe they do more good for the world.

>> No.298453

>Implying you're anything but a steaming pile of 19-year-old NEET shit

>> No.298456

Doctors require twice as much school. And debt. Doctors are not rich.

>> No.298484

I know some extremely smart dudes who still fail those actuarial exams and retake them over and over. They're just tedious as fuck.

>> No.298485

A lot of doctors are legacy doctors whose parents were also doctors and who put their kids through school.

I know a lot of kids graduating med school with zero debt.

>> No.298488


The ones that specialize make a ton of money and the insane schooling requirements/boards/artificial caps on # of people getting residencies in that speciality basically guarantee you a job.

Medicine is a pretty decent field to be in. You won't be mega-mega-rich, but you'll be solidly upper middle class and insulated from the regular job market.

>> No.298516

Don't listen to the other guy, you need a top class degree in maths/phys/eng, and from that you can start as a 'student actuary' at many large firms. As for the UK, this is then true -> about £35k starting, 4 days work a week, 1 day off for studying toward your current exam out of the 15 you have to pass to become a fellow of the institute and faculty of actuaries

>> No.298524

I don't know where you guys have got these misconceptions about actuaries from, I am a training actuary and we get a lot more client exposure and actual communicating with different people than most people seem to think.
The exams are fucking hard, mainly because you have to study them on top of an intense job.
The pay is great, I earn more than most of my friends, who are all also city types.

I think at the end of the day it comes down to how much you enjoy the maths behind it, because if you enjoy the tough shit, (which I do because the work is pretty challenging and varied) complemented with having to discuss your findings and ideas with clients (sometimes CFOs) or high management, then its a pretty great field to get into.

>> No.298529

In the UK at least, you pass the exams whilst on the job, over about 6 years

>> No.298530

dis response.

>> No.298532
File: 400 KB, 1631x1108, 2013-actuarial-salary-graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you'll never make more than 300k
Well on average if you work for around >30 years...

There aren't many professions where you have this relatively low level of stress and earn this sort of money.

>> No.298553

so, NSA or CIA?

>> No.298558

I wish people stopped talking about actuaries. fuck. like i need more competition. now every fuck head who passed calculus and thinks he is a genius is going to want to get in the field. at least more people will fail the exams. nothing wrong with being an autist. not everyone can be a banker or trader.

>> No.298580
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I live in an Eastern European country where the profession isn't very popular however we have actuarial exams. According to this http://www.actuaries.org.uk/members/pages/mutual-recognition-qualifications I can work in the UK after a 1 year training period however do you think that this will be a big disadvantage?

I have not started taking exams yet but I plan to do so after I finish this semester.

If I go for the local exams I will be able to be ready with them by the time I finish uni and I'll probably land a few internships in the mean time.

If I start taking the UK exams it will take me more time but they will be more credible in the eyes of employers (I guess?)

Do you guys have any experience with actuaries who passed their exams overseas. Are they viewed as less skillful?

>> No.298640

Waste of time you could be investing. It would be better to have a job like engineering or maybe even management while you are investing.

>> No.298644


they probably think the same thing about you