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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 701x900, ebf70a200bee421da62e7dbc2758d589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29230428 No.29230428 [Reply] [Original]

Biz bros are early as fuck for once
-Dev actually locked liquidity
-Dev is based
-Already up 5x since presale despite barely any of /biz/ noticing us (I'm one if like three shills)
-Has wynaut chads
- Great Meme fomo potential
- NFT marketplace

Digital artists collaboration

NFT sale's TX fees for $GOAT holders.

Max supply : 999 $GOAT

On Binance Smart Chain
Liquidity Locked for a year

TG: @Goat_c
twitter: https://twitter.com/Goat_coin
Website: https://Goatcoin.xyz
BSCscan: https://bscscan.com/token/0x7c67dccb04b67d4666fd97b2a00bb6d9b8d82e3f
Who else is GOATing?
goatcoin.xyz website got upgraded

>> No.29230532

999? :O 50k soon

>> No.29230581

You tryna say I could buy your mother with 1 goat

>> No.29230664

I'm on it? Is this the new SOCKS? Target?

>> No.29230700
File: 78 KB, 975x1024, photo_2021-02-20_12-19-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im actually impressed by this one, I like the chart aswell, looks very bullish and Im pretty comfy with this one. Waiting for the stacking pool tho

>> No.29230740

Looking legit may be heat any target sooner than expected.

>> No.29230768

Thread master. You forgot something important to tell. This can go parabolic like ‘Unisocks’. I am glad I found by accident this. Got some portion of goats and can’t wait to use the nft’s to farm. Big win $$$

>> No.29230836

Having that kind of chart while every BSC shitcoin is dumping is seriously impressive.

>> No.29230858

Personally I'm looking for 10k
If it hits there I might take some profits but leave majority for a moon bag. We're still not even ten x so getting to 10k would be the first big jump that I find feasible. After that no fucking idea.

>> No.29230883

Charts looking promising

>> No.29231002

GOAT is one of the few legit BSC projects

I can't wait to farm goats

>> No.29231189

Was about to sleep till i chance on this, guess i just found myself a new gem

>> No.29231229

Got my bag

>> No.29231230
File: 59 KB, 800x785, IMG_20210220_123128_279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got so many images to push in here and sprinkle so here's the main one. We still need to get the farm which makes it a risky play but on every move the dev has held up his end of the bargain. He could've rugged us at the beginning but willingly is allowing us to grow by locking liquidity. I can't wait to see what happens once farms come out and risk basically goes to 0. The distribution of wallets is amazing since everyone who brought presale like myself had an immense rug risk. Glad he didn't do it.

>> No.29231246

this is actually one that has been pretty stable can't wait for the fuckin NFT farming and staking

>> No.29231377
File: 75 KB, 859x960, IMG_20210220_123112_608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A goat is not too dissimilar to the Bull. Horns, the charging. The ever presentable gains. Only few understand.

>> No.29231587

fucking low supply

will be 100k

>> No.29231595

Where do you guys see a chart?

>> No.29231644

how do you know if the main wallet is locked?

>> No.29231680

moooonnnnn carajooooo

>> No.29231786

>how do you know if the main wallet is locked?
It's not)))
Devs "promised" it's the fund for farming etc.

>> No.29231825

chinese link. Dyor.

>> No.29231830

What are some cute and funny coins?

>> No.29231846

is this an ad

>> No.29231858

Looks legit. Bought a half goat hopefully whole a car in a few months

>> No.29231941

NFT lolis?

>> No.29231943

I bought every single bsc shitcoin shilled on /biz/ and I've made money on every single one

I wish we could get more normies on reddit/youtube into these coins

>> No.29232068

I understand the risk personally. It's the one thing that could go wrong. However personally I'd still profit if he sold according to pancake swap.

The thing is, he didn't rug at the start. Locked liquidity. Listened to the community about fixing the website and logo. It's in my risk tolerance and I'm leaning towards him holding his end of the deal. After all it's not hard for his dev stack to be worth FAAAR more if he just does things right. People were selling on him when he was initially adding liquidity and he had to buy it up. Sacrificing his own money. I'll choose to believe.

>> No.29232093

Wait until this gets on wechat....

>> No.29232150

Wynaut is on a good dip right now and I know something super small called toad
@toadnetwork on tg
Ok honestly I don't even want you guys to know about toad yet lel

>> No.29232177


>> No.29232236

I fucking hope so. I'd buy everything. Doubt that tho. The devs don't want NSFW in main chat I think they're more wholesome.

>> No.29232275

>Already x5
>early as fuck
Pick one and only one, pajeet.

>> No.29232816

newfag nigger, have you heard of unisocks?

>> No.29232892

How long have you dabbled with bsc coins. This is a legit good project and you could make a coin called "ishitmyself.finance" And get 50x in a day with next to no looks nor website

>> No.29232907

Have you heard of bagholding, you shilling piece of garbage?

>> No.29232978

No, because I DMOR, only retards get rugpulled.

>> No.29233126

So why would anyone buy in now just to get the rugged pulled on them?

>> No.29233270

This Project actually looks fun tho, not gonna lie

>> No.29233313
File: 28 KB, 356x426, IMG_20210220_130233_513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a genius newfag.
As said a 5x is nothing. I know because this is one of the first threads that's even gotten a sprinkle of attention. The other shit I've joined has performed far better because they got the ball rolling. The ball is only beginning to spin on this one. You'll just win if you get in now.
You could've made 600$ if you bought the dip.

>> No.29233415

>only market is p*ncakeswap
no thanks

>> No.29233774

Get a VPN

>> No.29233828
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1697, 1a171f001a1080e05350b3cd7ed4832e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fud even is this lel

>> No.29233908

kek, land of the free

>> No.29234552

Goat Tier list

▪10+ Goats - Afghan Herdsman
▪6 Goats - Farmer
▪4 Goats - Butcher
▪2 Goats - Milk man
▪1 Goat - Pet owner
▪ 0.5 Goat - Chef
▪0.1 Goat - Curry goat enjoyer

>> No.29234733
File: 33 KB, 400x400, Scary_Goat_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Chef aspiring to be a Pet owner

>> No.29235256
File: 2.87 MB, 1254x1213, goatcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit we are fucking pumping