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29226016 No.29226016 [Reply] [Original]

TIred of (((coinbase))) fees, even (((pro))) is full of fees and the interface is shit. Been waiting 7 weeks for final verification on binance. Fuckin' hell lads, what exchange is reputable and fee free. Was looking at Kucoin but I dunno. I need more shitcoins! Suggestions?

>> No.29226134

Was worried about okcoin but been there a few wks now and no complaints and fast verification

>> No.29226156

Literally coinbase ate most of my gains in fees starting out. Just fund a Binance with crypto so you don’t need to verify your personal shit. Seriously, funding my Binance with crypto bought on cashapp instantly was faster and cheaper than coinbase and took no verification.

>> No.29226186
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I've been using coinbase to onramp fiat to buy eth for shitcoins and let me tell you I worked it out to be about a 10% fee! I was told to apply for coinbase pro but I'm not sure how much that is going to help. I'm not trying to onramp currency very often but every once in a while I may need to in order to cover gas fees or whatever, and 10% is insane(not including gas fees) so I am thinking instead of being lazy and throwing away 10$ out of every 100 I should secure a better onramp process

>> No.29226321

What are the fees on coinbase pro? I am pretty new and just dropped $100 into GRT, but i didnt get any fees. Is it just when i cash out?

>> No.29226356
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that's sort of what i've been doing, using cashapp to instantly buy bitcoin and send it to my cashapp wallet, convert to eth and send to metamask. The one time I bought eth directly in coinbase it took two fucking weeks before I was allowed to send it :( Cashapp takes like 2-3%, coinbase takes another 7% or so in between just converting the btc to eth and sending it to metamask. 1-2% fees would be much more reasonable..

>> No.29226477

>just dropped $100 into GRT,
No, you bought $96.06 worth of GRT and paid $3.94 in fees. Look closer.
Was thinkign about this. So I just send ETH or BTC to my binance wallet? I feel stupid.

>> No.29226512

Poorfag tier on Coinbase pro has a .5% fee on transactions.
I don't see the big deal, sure it sucks but there really isn't any other alternative (for me)

>> No.29226681

Sorry, didn't see you said, pro, you still paid a fee, its like .5% or 1% iirc

>> No.29226898

You send btc to it. I prefer to send LTC as cheaper to send, but cashapp only does btc, so just I just send that. Then you can send btc or ltc from Binance to whatever to cash out.

>> No.29227219

Thanks, fren.

>> No.29227400

is that a cardassian pepe?

>> No.29227473

He's going to build a wall around Bajor and make the Federation pay for it all!

>> No.29227558

Ohhh. So do the fees change based on how much i put in or cashout? I was honestly probably going to do like a 5k or so transaction after testing the waters with this first one, but if the fees do actually increase to some stupid number i may look for a different exchange..

>> No.29227862
File: 39 KB, 1310x476, fees coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you have the less the fees are

>> No.29227890
File: 18 KB, 715x209, fees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fee free
Impossible, only low fees, they gotta make money somehow
Try https://coin-metro.com/

>> No.29228033

extremely based and genocidepilled
bajorans had it coming

>> No.29228091

Helpful stuff, thanks frens

>> No.29228182
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>> No.29228398

I use Gemini ActiveTrader as my Fiat onramp, 0.35/0.25 maker/taker fees, its not as bad as coinbase but fuck all the fiat onramps have fucking jew fees. KuCoin and Dexes for my shitcoins, if you cant afford ETH fees now you can go gamble in the chink casino to get a bigger stack first

>> No.29228463

0.25/0.35 maker/taker fuck im retarded

>> No.29228535

Also to add the only good part about Gemini is they dont charge any fees at all for withdrawing crypto, so basically i get fucked by BTC/ETH miner fees 1 less time

>> No.29229176

don't you need verification to withdraw cash though

>> No.29229355

Been using Probit the last month and it's been great. They only need an email to verify for trading and their fees are way lower especially if you're using their token to cover transactions.

>> No.29229560


>> No.29230046

lmao nigga is that a referral link? 100% of your credibility just disappeared.