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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29225656 No.29225656 [Reply] [Original]

Retail behemoth Walmart (NYSE: WMT) suffered its worst stock price drop in over two years after its failure to mention Black History Month during its quarterly earnings call. Investors are now, more than ever, placing value on empty virtue signaling in company performance disclosures and Walmart’s failure to mention either Black History Month or even a hint that Black Lives Matter was seen as a critical oversight of the management team. Analysts worry that the gaffe may have been unintentional, an even worse signal in a market that is now de facto requiring companies to firmly pick a side in the American culture wars.

“We didn’t expect Doug [Walmart’s CEO] to come out in a dashiki and do an eight-minute moment of silence for people of color affected by police brutality,” said Senior Deutsche Bank Retail Analyst Lloyd McGuffy, “but we were expecting a least a passing remark about the stunning bravery of Colin Kaepernick or a mention of a black inventor no one had heard about.”

The omission of anything related to Black History Month suggests that Walmart may be losing its grip with the elitist millennial demographic – the only stateside customer bloc with double-digit demand growth.

Financial twitter skewered Walmart with criticisms and the stock fell further as the company fumbled damage control efforts.

“Walmart executives sincerely apologize to the community about the lack of Black History Month recognition in our earnings report,” said Walmart Director of Public Communications Cheryl Torrey. “We as a company respect all people, including those of Black, Asian, and Hispanic/Latino heritage. Our core company belief is that all employees are equally expendable and that all union efforts should be violently subdued equally, regardless of race.”


>> No.29225663

Racial equality leaders were not convinced, and many felt that the clean up efforts actually added to the suspicion that Walmart was not actually committed to repeating vague platitudes or supporting ineffectual movements.

“Did you hear their ‘apology,’” exclaimed anti-racism activist Tobias Jackson, “They may as well have come out saying ‘All Lives Matter’ with that dog****. Then, to top it off they use the gendered ‘Latino,’ instead of LatinX. I think it’s time that we acknowledge that Walmart is now a pillar of Nazism in America and treat them as such.”

The events have significantly impacted the long-term outlook for Walmart’s profitability. If the brand falls into the MAGA side of the culture wars, whether by choice or by being forced there by twitter, worst case models show that the company’s revenues could be halved by as early as 2023. Products and services in the MAGA space drastically underperform their peers in the Woke space as they are stuck chasing after a declining customer base (due to guns and methamphetamines) whose mostly welfare-based income has been threatened as Governments look to cut budgets in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The next few months before Walmart’s next quarterly earnings report is likely to be a vital pivot point for the company’s future.

>> No.29225760

this is satirical... right?

>> No.29225838


>> No.29225861

You wish it was.

>> No.29225934

This means it's just a good time to buy. Virtue signaling fags want to dump to stroke their egos, while the true value of WMT stays the same.

>> No.29225940

Yes it is. Walmart stock tanked a bit due to their earnings report and while not bad fell short

>> No.29225970


what do you think retard

>> No.29226091

This is why China will win, jesus fuck, I wanna go back, Chinese don't give a fuck about this globohomo bullshit. I'm so sick of this shit

>> No.29226150
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Take a look at BAEX (#baex), wanna know your opinion about this platform. They offer various optionslike crypto/fiat, NASDAQ, Microsoft, Disney, tesla indices, and I think about using it. Is it hard to get rewards with binary ?

>> No.29226271
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Wow fuckin weird how walmart is down 5% after news came out that they just give you a free refund without accepting the item back due to covid. Surly this wasn't exploited massively

>> No.29226411

>[MAGA market is a] declining customer base (due to guns and methamphetamines) whose mostly welfare-based income...
Am I wrong or do gun violence, drugs and welfare describe blacks a lot more than Trump supporters?

>> No.29226613

No you are right

>> No.29226761

>suffered its worst stock price drop in over two years after its failure to mention Black History Month
American culture is centered around niggers etc etc

Someone post it pls

>> No.29226809

Jesus, is this for real

>> No.29226877

Imagine being a fucking AMERICAN lmao you guys are OBSESSED about fucking joggers

>> No.29227011

jfc, WMT dropped because it had a dog shit ER that missed by like 10%

>> No.29227187
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we live in hell don't we anons?

>> No.29227358

Theres two Walmarts near my house and literally no blacks work at either one of them. All of them work and shop at Target or Meijers.

>> No.29227875

Is now a good time to buy?

>> No.29228595

based, fuck racists and fuck witey

>> No.29228609

I added some Sept calls. With WMTs push to go online like AMZN theyll be good long term, especially when half the small businesses finally close in the next few months