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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29217544 No.29217544 [Reply] [Original]

5 years from now. You've invested in crypto in time and made a really nice amount.

Now what? What are you going to use this money for? Are you going to buy that Ford Mustang you've eyed with since you were a kid? Are you going to buy a house? Or are you going to continue and invest in something else?

If everything goes right, I'm planning to buy a flat or two in a city with university and offer them for rental.

Why? Because the worth of the estate itself won't be less than I have invested in it AND also the monthly rent payment is a steady income source. This is my current plan, but I'm thinking hard what else could be a good investment with minimal risk as in case of a flat/apartment there is virtually none.

What would you guys invest your money in? Apart from more crypto and stocks. Do you have a viable alternative in mind?


>> No.29217590
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>> No.29217624

I'll diversify into real estate and stocks I guess but mostly stay in crypto. Take a little care of my parents and otherwise just indulge every hobby that comes to mind.

>> No.29217625

stop being whore

>> No.29217772
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>Now what?
BUYBUYBUY HOUSES, get a private bunker, get a tranny gf
in other words,
>prepare for the great reset

>> No.29218059

Get a bigger house, but that’s possible with me and wifes wagecucking anyways. Atm I don’t feel like I ever want to cash out, maybe to just have a big fucking buffer to lean on. Always gonna have a sizeable chunk in crypto because it enjoy so damn much, being retarded with /biz/ brings me so much joy

>> No.29218114
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I did a horrible thing as a child.
I can try my best to justify it, i blame anti deppressants for causing me to have a mental break because i dont even remember doing it. Once i stopped taking the meds (that i was forced to take) my life became much better.

I stole my parents life savings and managed to loose is somehow? Within the span of 2 days. I only have a vauge memory of this happening, im not sure how much i took. Its somewhere between 400k to 700k. Its very surreal, i had no justification for it, my parents are awesome hard working people. I love them. Even through all this, they managed to find it in them to forgive me, their only son. All i want to do in life is to repay that money + interest. Its my goal that i will 100% see through by any means nessesary.

Ive never typed this out before

>> No.29218151

I'm infertile so I'm just going to build my wealth until I die so my nieces and nephews can fight over my wealth.

>> No.29218215

Look at options for cosmetic surgery (I’m transracial).

>> No.29218644

Good luck, anon. The joy and love in your parents' eyes will worth everything for you. I'm rooting for you.

As far as I know I'm fertile and I don't plan to reproduce as of now. At least you don't have to wear fucking condoms, mate.

I hope you're kidding, bro.

>> No.29218706

Invest in my future seed