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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29214018 No.29214018 [Reply] [Original]

this is the next chainlink

>> No.29214445

except it has a much wider use-case, but I think u meant for the price action!

>> No.29214787

been holding since $1.8, when is the real moon

>> No.29214842

wat is this

>> No.29214937

Still wary that the VCs keep fucking dumping. I just don't see the point on having VCs onboard at pre-sale (they add 0 value in the crypto space) and I also don't see the value in them dumping at these prices. It's pretty clear xDai will be big till ETH 2.0 goes live

>> No.29214942



>> No.29215031

vcs are out for a while they have 137k or sum tokens at all.

>> No.29215083

only 1 vc left with 100k stake, it will be swolled up if we got real volume, to get that though we need to be on a bigger central exchange

>> No.29215507


>> No.29215536

unlike ETH, BNB and other chains the gas on is paid with xdai and not STAKE. More usage doesnt generate more demand for the STAKE token. The only use is governance since theres no revenue generation from this token.

>> No.29215574
File: 23 KB, 357x316, asstake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "shitcoin" of the nr1 eth scaling solution

https://www.xdaichain.com/ cmon DYOR and buy a bag!

>> No.29215653

FUD harder bro! It ll be 500 in this years peak run, at least.

>> No.29215777


>> No.29215778

im not fudding im saying things straight. It will undoubtedly pump, but it will most certainly drop sharply when people realize governance tokens are mostly useless and generate 0 revenues

>> No.29216021

2k token is a node, not just governance and everybody can vote with it for burning mechanism or using the token for fees, etc. Tokenomics are not the best I know, but it can develop easily.

>> No.29216118

and 1 more thing: what do you prefer a shitcoin with staking and ecosystem coming SOON™ or a blooming ecosystem coin with shitty, but upgradable tokenomics?

>> No.29216457

Well STAKE was recently added as collateral for MKR so that's something. It, at the very least, makes it clear that Igor realizes the tokenomics are an issue and is working on making the STAKE token more valuable .