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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 300x318, Drevil_million_dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29214521 No.29214521 [Reply] [Original]

What was your initial investment /biz and where are you now?

I've just been doing some maths on my initial investment. I've made 10% on £300 just by sitting on it and I plan to add another £50 on a four weekly basis and Hodl whilst it matures. By my (very optimistic) calculations, 10% week on week, with £50 added every 4 weeks for the first year will net me almost 6.4 million in two years.

If I make even 100k I'll be amazed. AIGMI?

>> No.29214752

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.29215190

Well obviously. Work with me here!

>> No.29215382

>10% week on week for 2 years
Yes sure bro easy 29500x

>> No.29215571

imagine being happy by having £300

>> No.29215922

Yeah man, enough for a couple of grams.

I'm in lockdown though so there's no point in that at the minute. I may as well put the surplus money to use.

>> No.29216037

I got sacked and went all in with 2k from last paycheck, kept suicide away for a few days when I got to 12k

>> No.29216149

Started with $0 3 years ago. Now at $500k through 401k with work and personal trading account. Going for $1mil in the next 2 years.

>> No.29216270

That's it guys, success stories. Enough of this nay saying. WAGMI

>> No.29216294

$5500. Portfolio this morning is $153k. bought in to BTC 2013 and HODL'd this whole time. and picked up 6ETH at $400.

>> No.29216309

650$ to 350k$ rn, could have been a million and a half dollars if i held grt

>> No.29216322

200 dollars in 2017. Around 3M now.

>> No.29216335

My initial was so many years ago incant fucking remember. But im 7 figs finally

>> No.29216483

also took me <6 months

>> No.29216638


Good to hear you're all making it financially.

I'm in the other boat where my life is all sorted (house, wife, kids) and now I'm looking to increase my wealth for retirement and to give the kids a leg up.

>> No.29216860
File: 6 KB, 319x134, crypto records.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poorfag who only got back into crypto after hearing people go on and on about the WSB thing in January. Here's the numbers I've been recording every now and then.

>> No.29216883
File: 39 KB, 640x409, photo_2021-01-08_01-43-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was 1000 usd at december. I holded INJ 3 months and made 15x. Now I diversify my portfolio but still the biggest portion of it is INJ. I am waiting more legs up because of the strong partnerships like huobi, avax, etc.

>> No.29216992

use blockfolio

>> No.29217068

Started with 100 euros, gambled on Uniswap, got the airdrop, I'm at 5k euros now

>> No.29217166

lol what the fuck nice maths bro you might want to add some variables to your linear equation something along the lines of

>y(net worth)=b0(initial) + b1(10%)X1(weekly investment) -b2(rate of interactions with pajeets)X2(investment in pajeet scams) -b3(loss of portfolio to dumps)x3(amount invested in projects that are going to dump) - b4(impact of market crash)x4(amount not in stable coins)

>> No.29217290

50k. About to hit $1MM, started in 2017. Could be a lot higher if I traded at a few key points

>> No.29217354

just in the nick of time

>> No.29217360

my initial investment was a oracle project and it gave me 300%. Now I am waiting for keyTango cuz DeFi hype is growing again like last summer. newbies need some kind of easy-DeFi thing

>> No.29217458

Can't argue with the maths bro. I'm not retarded enough to actually believe I'll get 10% week on week for 2 years, it's just a pie in the sky pipe dream.

Tell me your initial investment and where you are now. You're quite obviously winning at life if you have to come here and tell me about how I'm not going to make it.

I'm surprised you didn't try to shill me some of your shitcoin that you're holding bags of.

>> No.29217528

Was one of the first investors in the $Shib project at 500, has made me 25,000. People call it a shitcoin but the community is great. I could see them siphoning off the doge hype.

>> No.29217780

About 25k last year. Maybe some more. Now worth 230k. Watching sentiment like a hawk.

>> No.29218225

Almost 10x in a year. Not bad at all. Another year of that and you'll have made it.

>> No.29218344


>> No.29218352

In total about 25k cash investment over the years. Started out around 2016-2017 buying 100 dollars a week.. between eth btc and ltc. At 84k at the moment.

Not insane gains, but I only touch established long term coins. No gambling on shitcoins means lower rewards but also lower risk and greater piece on mind i think.

P.s. a word of caution to all the small fries reading about peoples huge short term gain on this thread. Survivorship bias is a thing. For everyone that made a good call, many other made wrong calls an lost what little money they had. Like that guy 100x shorted etherium yesterday because he was so sure eth wouldn't break 2000.

Its desperate out there, I know yall gotta do what you gotta do. Im justbsaying be careful frens.

>> No.29218801

25k to 84k still pretty good! Imagine you just left it in the bank with their shitty interest rates. That's why I've started. I'm at the point in my life where I have a surplus of money, and my savings are doing absolutely nothing. I may as well stick a small amount into crypto and see if it makes something, and if it doesn't I haven't lost anything that I wouldn't have spent on crap.

>> No.29218839



>> No.29219567

7k investment
profit 4k
finally starting buying less than a month ago
made some mistakes but i've learned

>> No.29219692

Yes, I'm retarded.

>> No.29219834

In with 5k. Went up to 14k with some failed privacy coins tanked it down to 4k. Put all that into LINK in 2018 and never traded again. It is sitting at 140k this morning.

>> No.29219917