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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 550 KB, 256x192, KirbySurfRide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29207388 No.29207388 [Reply] [Original]



Discord server:

There's currently an airdrop for marketing purposes. To qualify, do ONE of the following:
>Make a thread on /biz/ containing a Kirby picture mentioning the website with your wallet associated and repost it ITT
>Tweet & tag @kirbyglobalorg w/ your wallet

The Twitter method while taking the risk of doxxing yourself is better, otherwise jannies will probably delete the thread for begging. Fucking niggers

Each wallet that does the above gets 1 LP token, currently worth $20.

100 Total LP tokens for marketing = $2000
At the time of this post:

Total Supply: 100,000
Market Cap: 30k
Price: $0.03
1000 KBY = 1 BNB

Liquidity Presale:


Here we go Kirby fags

>> No.29207713


>> No.29207726

How is 1 lp worth $20??

>> No.29207831

You're still handing out airdrops?


>> No.29207842

$10 BNB & $10 KBY

>> No.29207901

We are at round 3 which consist of marketing for airdrop.

>> No.29208025
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$10 worth of BNB and $KBY I'm pretty sure it equals to $20, unless I'm bad at math.
This time, the airdrop doesn't really come for free. Well it's only a minute of your time at best - you just have to either create a thread about KBY here on /biz/ or mention the official Twitter page.
Be wary if you create a thread with your wallet, jannies are absolute scum as usual and they ban on sight any post they suspect of being from beggars

>> No.29208796

What does the token do

>> No.29208833

Thanks anon

>> No.29208967

this token is absolute shit, it does nothing. it's capped at 100k supply, and that's it. That's the whole coin. Made with a free version of a token gen software and has no use case. I cashed in all 3 of my LP token air drops and you probably should too

>> No.29209215
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keep seething

>> No.29209290

name 1 thing that kirby does that no already established token does

>> No.29209418

>Airdrops for early shillers
Wow I really want to jump in and get fucked in the ass by the first 300 holders with that much fairness in the early process.

>> No.29209489

Okay I admit that at this time there's nothing but that's no reason to ditch the project
I didn't even buy or anything yet but angry posts like yours serve no purpose

>> No.29209625
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Roadmap is on the way.
The presale is still ongoing, and the marketcap remains awfully low. Besides, the amount airdropped in previous threads is insignificant if you're afraid of the potential sell pressure. This is nonetheless a valid concern to have, but as you can see you have a fair chance with everyone ITT. At worst, you can apply for the $20 airdrop and GTFO, no issues.

>> No.29209677

I mean there's no reason to stay with the project either. If this project is legit then dev should have waited for an actual incentive to stay with it and provide liquidity rather than cashing out.

>> No.29210429
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You're talking as if the project is already dead when the pre-sale isn't even finished yet
At the very least, you should wait until it's completed before making these assumptions.

There still are LP tokens available to be claimed. So go out there and spam the catalog poorfags, don't wanna miss out on those $20

>> No.29210642


>> No.29210817
File: 38 KB, 570x540, me_on_the_left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't post your address out of the blue without nothing. Where's your thread or Twitter handle?
Airdrop doesn't come for free, you know.

>> No.29210874

miss me with this tranny shit

>> No.29211234
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I suppose you'd rather be a trannygram pajeet?
Rudeness aside, a TG group is also in the works. Marketing, interest gathering and reaching out have only just started.
Claim your LP airdrop and stay comfy for the time being
I know it's often used way too often for bagholders to cope with, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

>> No.29211331

Discord is for anime trannies and weebs

>> No.29211405

Aren't you opening yourself up for lawsuits with these Nintendo coins?

>> No.29211417
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anime website

>> No.29211484

not an argument tranime enabler
kill yourself with your pathetic vaporware scam

>> No.29211595

first day in crypto?

>> No.29211635
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The same could be said about WYNAUT who's thriving, as we speak. Many other meme tokens managed to be successful despite using Nintendo's and other copyrighted IPs.
They can go fuck themselves at any rate, nothing will stop me from pirating, making edgy flash animations with Nintendo sprites and so on. Money don't care about these things

>> No.29211718

why are you ignoring me tranny scammer

>> No.29211895
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Because I don't care you fucking normalfag tourist trash
at least be useful instead of shitposting I'm starting to think you're baiting now
Make a tweet or post a thread and you have $20, free of charge. How difficult is it for you turbonigger

>> No.29211945

Are you going to do the rugpull before Nintendo sues you, or after?

>> No.29212028

my goal is to prevent scammers like you from making money
saged and reported
And I won't stop until this thread is deleted

>> No.29212353
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Depends on if Nintendo takes notice. Also I'm not the dev I'm just someone enthusiastic about the project shilling it here for free™
I got the airdrop in a thread earlier and I have a personal interest in seeing this project thrive since I love the games. Dev seems to be honest even if he's staying anonymous for now.
>announcing reports
wtf are you doing

>> No.29212431

No, but this shit is nevertheless a powder keg more likely to explode every time you tards keep naming your shitcoins after trademarks. Imagine some kiddo grabbing mom's credit card and buying KIRBYCOIN, that shit tanks and mom runs to CNN to talk about NINTENDO STEALING HER KID'S MONEY

>> No.29212547

It is about type intellectual property goes into the garbage as a concept.

>> No.29212597
File: 96 KB, 1200x673, Laughing_Dedede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo is already stealing kid's money with the outrageous anti-consumer practices and numerous ports on the switch anyway. Not like it would make a difference

>> No.29212617


>> No.29212668

just stop bumping this thread

>> No.29212814

You don't get that it is not your effort that will prevent this sort of thing from happening right?

>> No.29212860
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keep seething anon

>> No.29213048

this thread is weird
I don't detect the usual pajeet tricks but it's a fact that this token offers basically nothing unless I missed something. Is this trying to be like DRC, or a meme like Doge instead? Kirby is cute but I wonder if he's enough on his own.

>> No.29213093

We are in the shitcoin era. Every day 20 new shitcoins like this one are shilled here.

>> No.29213151
File: 57 KB, 540x540, 1613822976979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words from the team:
"We are building a system in bsc, utilizing the low fees and mass adoption to create the first community store of value built on Binance Smart Chain."

Interpret that as you will

>> No.29213367

I interpret it as bullshit. You still can probably profit from it nonetheless

>> No.29213595
File: 116 KB, 800x776, listen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on BSC after all. Small portfolios will flock to this with a little exposure.

>> No.29213697

Why is the presale still going on bounce if we can trade the tokens already?

>> No.29213797

Lol good question

>> No.29214001
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As mentioned in the OP, the presale is for adding liquidity on pancakeswap for the KBY-BNB pair. Where do you think the LP-tokens for the airdrops come from, anons? Also the advantage of buying on bounce rather than using pancakeswap is because the price remains at a fixed rate of 1 BNB = 1000 KBY. Right now there's no discrepancy in price since there's little to no interest so it's as if it didn't launch. Fun will really start once presale is over. Hope this explanation was satisfactory/made sense because I was doubtful of this myself, so I asked the dev earlier.

>> No.29214145

Yes it was. Thanks anon

>> No.29214150

A little weird to be honest but I suppose it'll do

>> No.29214447


>> No.29214614
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If you're asking if it rugged now, no it didn't.
If you're wondering about if it'll rug in the future, I'm convinced it won't since the dev is honest. But there's no guarantee, as with any high risk investment.

>> No.29215685
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>> No.29217066
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>> No.29217113

Please kill yourself asap anon.

>> No.29217143

sorry, I've already gone all in on Star Fox coin. Eat shit

>> No.29217223
File: 114 KB, 960x540, 1613828308673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe nigger
Smelly melee fox mains not welcome. Only Kirby chads are allowed ITT