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File: 45 KB, 1024x642, Charles-Hoskinson-in-Hong-Kong-on-the-Future-of-Cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29209793 No.29209793 [Reply] [Original]

How will he make a crypto that's both decentralized and cheap at the same time?

>> No.29210073

already done.

>> No.29210128

Well he also managed to be 33yo and look like 50 at the same time. Can do anything.

>> No.29211056

The way I figure it.
The fees will always be low. But you have to pay fees in ADA, and that's a very limited supply.
Even if they minted more it will always be at the benefit of the stake holders because they voted for it.

>> No.29211200

Supposedly you will eventually be able to pay fees in the same native tokens

>> No.29211203

his team already has

>> No.29211253

>But you have to pay fees in ADA
false. you will be able to pay a portion of the fees in the native token.

>> No.29211293

so people will have to use a different token to pay for gas?

>> No.29211297

It's in the best long term position atm.
ADA's future is looking bright.

>> No.29211338


>> No.29211351
File: 385 KB, 1046x915, 12697332348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the beginning it will cost ADA. They/we still haven't decided how to solve which native assets gets to pay their own fees. It will probably be a voteable event in the future. Or native assets/tokens can come with proposals to pay their own fees, which ADA holders vote on.

>> No.29211352


Yep, but to create tokens you need ADA.
Don't quote me though I haven't been reading the specs.

>> No.29211412

he will make a free and decentralized crypto for the unbanked nig- I mean africans and afghanistan refugees

>> No.29211519

it sounds like he's really pushing for being able to pay in the native asset in his last few videos. Goretzel pointed out in his bigpey interview that you'd still need to pay some portion in ADA to reward the underlying Cardano infrastructure.

>> No.29211564

My view is top down.
To play on the platform at some stage youre going to need an ada to participate.
Cardano is not going to let side chains bloat the system with out contributing to the cost of maintaining the chain.
My limited view is that If you build a native token ecosystem with it's own fee structure go for it. As you said though work in progress.
The system/platform is pure win. From any angle you look at it it seems to have everything covered.
Who knows what the future will bring though.

>> No.29212230

>Cardano is not going to let side chains bloat the system with out contributing to the cost of maintaining the chain.
I agree. That's why it should be a voteable event. Let the community decide what tokens has value to pay their own fees. That ADA holders will receive a portion of.

>> No.29213013

Which it is
for others watching.

>> No.29213025
File: 899 KB, 551x683, charles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga spending your money on prostitutes
worse than xrp

>> No.29213058

Holy fuck I'm buying more now

>> No.29213168
File: 68 KB, 480x480, 1613214050589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao wasting your money on girls is the most retarded shit ever
you can get girls without having to waste money on them, getting a girl that requires spending money means you've gotten a low tier girl
Why bother with a girl that you can never have kids with & a stable family? they are just a hole with a nice face & not only that, a used up hole

Save your money faggots

>> No.29213231

what will be the purpose of the cardano chain if people are not allowed to make pajeet scams on cardano?

>> No.29213298
File: 17 KB, 350x306, 1603966117696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my time is worth less than my money

earn more, faggit

>> No.29213432

>I can't afford you.
>"I am NOT a hooker!"
>Oh, then I *really* can't afford you.

>> No.29213497

Unironically seems like the kind of guy I would trust to make a lot of money. Also, how do you know they're hookers?

>> No.29213531

I'd rather have kids than bang some slut
sluts are everywhere, you can get sluts when you have no money

>> No.29213634

I bet Charles gets somuch pussy

>> No.29213669
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, 15678643458987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29213711

Based and correct-pilled :)
Theoretically, if all fees were paid in the native token, would ADA tokens have any value at all?

>> No.29213810

>How will he build something that isn't even as good as Avalanche which already exists and is technically superior to even the most optimistic development trajectory of Cardano

Can't wait never to find out

>> No.29213883

kek absolutely based, I'm buying more

>> No.29213949

He's 33? Thought he was mid fifties