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29198042 No.29198042 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29198095

oh shit. almost forgot i had uni. thanks anon. that's nice

>> No.29198136

look at uni/eth chart, still lots of room to grow.

>> No.29198217


>> No.29198240


>> No.29198253
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>> No.29198258

It dumped a lot after pancake decimated it yesterday so now butthurt metheads decided to purchase the gay unicorn to make it seem like they'll survive the chinking

>> No.29198272

We're getting what we deserve. I've never sold UNI; only bought it

Enjoy playing vidya on a PS5, nerds

>> No.29198281

uni almost flipped binance like 2 weeks ago kek they were withi 5% mcap

>> No.29198321

When Eth moves the peasants follow
Fuck chinks

>> No.29198323
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Vitalik had enough of CZ talking shit on Twitter and pumped the Unicorn

>> No.29198322

thank god i thought about selling before because of the binance craze
never fucking selling my free uni

>> No.29198419
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V3 when?

>> No.29198436
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Guess it happens to everyone at some point. A bad trade. Swapped my UNI for LINK today because I just felt like it was finally losing steam, combining all the technicals and all the shit going on. But of course, it then goes on to have its largest green candle ever. Bog truly is real. I'm sorry UNIbros, I shouldn't have done this. Go on without me.
Worst part is I didn't even feel proud of myself making the trade, I wasn't remotely pleased about it. I felt sad, sad that these tokens I had so much faith in had seemingly changed so much, with stupid fucking sjw twitter posts and ags fees out the ass and competitors showing up at every corner. It was like cutting off an old friend. I didn't want to do it but I thought I had to, but I guess everyone who uses this site needs to make a bad trade at some point. I know LINK is just about the best place I could have possibly parked the profits I took from this coin, but I didn't even want to take them. I felt backed into a corner, and my instincts failed me. I won't go on to shit up your threads with bobos like some who sell early do, I just hope you learn from me, have stronger hands...

>> No.29198445
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the good thing about uni is that distribution is set up in a way that the makers get almost nothing if it shits the bed now (minus some 400 uni distros they might have distributed to their addresses). so they're hopefully working on v3 & l2 hard

>> No.29198502

i was almost you >>29198322
it happens man happens all the damn time

>> No.29198593

Sold my 400 uni for 2k I wanna die bros

>> No.29198616
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fugggggggggggg almost sold $1k USD worth earlier, uni frens
the bsc shit is making me go insane
>do I take out a bunch of my uni to throw into bsc shitcoins
>do i risk the ETH ecosystem going the way of the dinosaur or hodling through the chaos and making ridiculous gains
I'm up $11k from being a complete moneyless poorfag... I don't want to lose it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.29198631

Pumping with this much uncertainty over gas prices and competition? Take profits asap anon...

>> No.29198726

I was all in Uni and sold it for CAKE a couple days ago. Would have done slightly better keeping the Uni but I'm happy for you guys. WAGMI

>> No.29198737

Get out of ETH right now. BSC adaption hasn't even fully started. We're so early.

>> No.29198901

The feeling (aot spoilers ig):

>> No.29199268

why would you swap a free coin?

>> No.29199293
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Man, I was lucky enough to get EGG and CAKE early. Bought some Panda Yield yesterday. Still, I feel like it's a bubble about to burst. Have people forgotten about ETH 2.0 and UNI V3? Absolute game-changers. The devs aren't retards; they're working in a multi-billion dollar industry. I'm going fucking insane
I might still take out $1k worth of UNI and stick it in some low Mcap shit, but honestly this is going to give me ulcers HOLY FUCK

>> No.29199301

had a feeling this was forgotten about and due for a pump

>> No.29199644


>> No.29199683

HAHAHAHAAHAA see u fuckers back on BSC

>> No.29199846
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400 UNI = 14 PS5

>> No.29199895

angry ethboomer lol

>> No.29199953

dude it's fucking insane
I'm making bank everywhere. I've already made half my yearly earnings this year off of shitcoins lmao I fuckin love you frens

>> No.29200034

>“back” on BSC
We never left to that centralized trash run on a few Chinese validators. All it takes is for the CCP, Interpol, or Feds to raid the server farm and then it’s all over. If they don’t shut it down, they’ll take it over for their own use.

>> No.29200035
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Bro you were in that thread I made earlier? Truly bogged

>> No.29200086

we did leave grandpa its okay we will come back later with our gains and pump up whatever shitcoins are still cool

>> No.29201039
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>> No.29201253
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>Bog truly is real.
Bog is real

>> No.29201334

Of you were the anon asking “what are your biggest losses” yeah I was. It’s a shame, but at least I didn’t put the money in some shitcoin or even worse fiat. It will surely do well in LINK at least, even if I ended up being the wojan in a bizonacci video

>> No.29201365

Did you guys forget about how fucking ridiculously rich uni is? I've never been given a 6k handout for fucking free. Of course this faggot diverse pink unicorn company has some shit up their sleeve. I just regret not buying more

>> No.29201496

I swear these pumps are coordinated, how in the fuck are you supposed to follow them