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File: 54 KB, 640x557, E9BD6674-AF67-4273-B4D8-70E281979173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29195795 No.29195795 [Reply] [Original]

The gains are good and all but I was still a retarded loser in high school.

>> No.29195972

Now you'll be a rich, slightly-less-retarded winner (because rich people can't be losers by default) who doesn't have to work anymore, while the majority of the popular kids in your school are now either poorfag wagies or have decent jobs that they still have to work hard at to maintain their lifestyle

>> No.29196023

The gains are good and all but Blake still put a slice of ham in my 7th grade Science book during lunch and it was just never the same.

>> No.29196043

>rich people can't be losers by default
if only this were true

>> No.29196085

don't worry anon, give it a few years and you'll be a graduated retarded loser

>> No.29196096

All teenagers are retarded losers parents, teachers, doctors and family members confirm. We asked an expert and he said 'YES'

>> No.29196200

I like to think of it like you're just playing a late-game build that ramps up

>> No.29197398

Forgive yourself and move on, no one else is thinking about that shit.

>> No.29197422
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Who cares how you were in high school? The past means nothing. You will forge ahead into the future in a blaze of glory. You will reach your maximum potential. You will find love. Everything will be alright.

>> No.29197462

The past will never change. You are what you are

>> No.29197925
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I'm 52 yo

>> No.29198764

Don’t care, still applies. Anon, you give up too easily. Go back at it again. Until there’s tears streaming down your face. Until you think you’ve hit rock bottom but you sink even lower. Keep going. Because it’s the only life you’ve got. So get your ass moving forward.

>> No.29200235

I had friends in high school now I have nothing. 7 years of isolation

>> No.29200368
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yeah so was I but I did something about it started lifting at the gym and came inside over 100 women and tallying 2500 vaginal creampies over the past 8 years or so

I think I about made up for the 4 years of high school hell....
I'm 35 now high school is like 60,000 years ago

>> No.29200948

do you have social anxiety?

>> No.29201295

I was actually pretty popular in highschool. Just with the other side: burnouts, alt kids, emos, ravers, etc. Unfortunately this means I am an extreme underachiever. I miss emo girls

>> No.29201375

The fact that I'm richer than every single person that ever bullied me for being an autist brings me great joy. They are all going to be wagies forever and I get the comfy life.

>> No.29201550


>> No.29201906

Look into avoidant personality disorder.
>t. have this and close relationships are insanely difficult for me

>> No.29201999

I was pretty cool in high school. Not super cool, but I had a lot of friends and a sports car and a hot gf.

Now I'm a fucking loser.

So enjoy your time in the moment because it might not last forever

>> No.29202413

Make them jealous with a cool car and hot trad wife

>> No.29202431
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I think I'm probably a schizoid

>> No.29202517

lol that's bullshit, psychiatry is a jewish lie, I hope you're not being medicated for it

>> No.29202529

delet that image

>> No.29202569

My highschool crush asked me out and I said no. What the fuck was wrong with me?

>> No.29203062

I actually also have mild schizoid features as well. There’s nothing wrong with us anon. It’s probably related to the way each of us was raised if I had to guess. It is simply a different way of experiencing the world from the norm.

>> No.29203146

I’m not on any meds. Sounds like you should be on some if you really think theres some grand conspiracy where Jews control every aspect of your pathetic life. Maybe try taking some personal responsibility for your failures instead of blaming muh jooz. Only then will you make it.

>> No.29203194
File: 42 KB, 637x516, pepe apu cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life falling apart at home
>fragile runt baby
>kids bulli me, make me cry every time
>putting up with it ok
>one day teacher sees and is laughing
>takes me in the hall
>asks me if mom or dad is at home when I'm there
>i say no they're usually working until late
>they're actually doing double shifts so we wouldn't be homeless
>she thinks my mom is a stripper
>kids continue to be shit
>FF high school
>it's shit but this time I'm just angry as hell, definite shooter candidate
>drop out, coast
>1400 SAT, didn't even want to take it
>wanted to join the army so I could die
>also learned investing and bought btc
>eventually get over it and go to community college to try and not be poor
>needed to take remedial courses. Literally pre algebra
>turns out I was a good student who hated school
>get into a university, transfer
>high value internships
>crypto moons
>body develops, unironically chad tier
>becoming rich
>confidence remains destroyed
>constantly feel like I'm destined to be nothing in life

>> No.29203206

If you think psychiatry has nothing to do with jews, you are on medication, blue pills

>> No.29203283

sounds like the whole time your problem was you're a fag

>> No.29203344
File: 9 KB, 255x253, pepe apu cryhide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

>> No.29203508

it's all right bro don't cry, read some books or something to stop you being such a pussy. Maybe clean up your diet, stop gaming etc. You can drag yourself out

>> No.29203563

its okay im a retarded loser at 33

>> No.29203631

age check'd

>> No.29203662

Don’t give me the redpill bullshit. Hating jews is the ultimate faux-redpill controlled opposition brainlet take. Jewish people are scapegoated by capital owners. You wanna talk about red pills, let’s talk about the fact that almost all of us exist as cash cows for the very few who own very nearly all the wealth in the world.
>next you’ll say most of those capital owners are jews
False, and even if it were the case, that doesn’t represent Jewish people at large in any meaningful way. Most Jewish people are wage slaves just like you and I.

>> No.29203693

I eat clean and don't game and the only thing that makes me feel confident is fucking whores. Which wears off in 3-4 days

>> No.29203750

you'll find something. Something wholesome and worthwhile

>> No.29203774

Add them on fb, invite them for a awesome super fun bbq that will have free beer and entertainment for their kids, and when they all rsvp cancel on them the day of.

>> No.29203798
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The only way you can repent and stop being loser is to teach yourself maths.

>> No.29203802

>in high school
and now
and tomorrow

>> No.29203821

yes it's not every single jew in on it. But there are cliques of jews behind everything evil and fucked. And they're the ones who gave you your bullshit made-up mental disease

>> No.29203926

Did you just graduate? High school doesn’t matter at all Lmfaooo

>> No.29203951

Hwat the fuuuck

>> No.29204001
File: 68 KB, 380x349, 31CFB1E2-1DB6-4D6F-A275-E526C7A013F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a retarded loser in high school too, I no longer give a fuck though because it was 15+ years ago, most of the girls are now blown out roasties, single moms, fat, etc. I’ve at least managed to stay the same weight, aged fairly well, and worth more than half a million in crypto. 5 years ago my friend went back to our 10 year reunion and said everyone was basically a loser with few exceptions.

>> No.29204056

This should be everyone's first math book.

>> No.29204068

stop putting shit in boxes. none of this is relevant you can literally be whoever you want to be if you actually step outside

>> No.29204105

Point me towards a source for your claim that Jews impose mental illness on people or I’m calling bullshit. I’m honestly inclined to agree that “personality disorders” being classified as mental illness is a little silly because it’s more to do with the nature of one’s personality via the environment around them than brain chemistry. However therapies can still be effective to help these people live better lives ultimately. Not sure how you could argue against that.

>> No.29204164

You didn’t make these games because you are smart but because you had luck

>> No.29204221

>because rich people can't be losers by default
A statement only a nonwhite third worlder would say

>> No.29204256

I actually agree with you. I originally mentioned AvPD because there are specific therapies for treating these kinds of disorders that can actually help people live better lives and interact with others in a safe and healthy way.

These things are not fuckin Pokémon cards to collect like so many idiots like to believe. They’re merely categorizations of traits that cause issues in one’s life. And many people have features of these but wouldn’t qualify for the disorder because it doesn’t significantly impact their life in a negative way.

>> No.29204268

there are no sources, they don't just release incriminating evidence. But you know they're involved in big pharma, and big pharma direct universities and research, they're all in on the gravy train

>> No.29204307

Everyone's a retarded loser sometimes, bro

>> No.29204351

The gains are good and all but I still have deepset trauma and diagnosed PTSD from being consistently abused by my multiple different family units and relationships.

I wish I coulda bought a Mom who wasn't a meth whore bros.

>> No.29204384

Borderline checking in kek

>> No.29204472

Checked and chill pilled

>> No.29204620

lmao ok buddy. yea, big pharma profits off of a horrible mental healthcare system, the war on drugs, and the opioid crisis so they can go fuck themselves with a rake for all I care. but whether it’s Jewish people or anglo trust fund kids who are pulling the strings is irrelevant to me.

>> No.29205112

Please post a warning before posting that image next time, friend

>> No.29205218
File: 355 KB, 1000x1000, 1596532176948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29205295

don’t panic, anons. first, schizoid personality disorder traits can be found in a very large amount of people. It’s only classified as a disorder if these traits cause you significant issues in your life. second, it probably sounds scary because the name is similar to schizophrenia which is actually a pretty terrifying mental illness. The truth is, schizoid personality disorder is quite different and unrelated for the most part. Some people have crossover between the two, but it’s not necessarily a common thing.

>> No.29206131

only a white beta would think otherwise. stupid cumskin nigger

>> No.29206573

the problem is that i don't want a mirror held to my fucked up personality that only causes pain

>> No.29206643

assume responsibility for yourself and fix that shit for once

>> No.29206751

Lol guys this shit is like horoscopes

>> No.29207007


Yea and it seems like im every month of the year, lol