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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29183911 No.29183911 [Reply] [Original]

>muh partnerships
>muh down the block from coinbase
>muh winklevoss
>muh female dev
rose bagholders btfo'd. uneducated fags haven't even read the whitepaper. shit is legitimate vaporware kek

>> No.29184009
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anybody who watches her interviews can tell she is a weak leader

>> No.29184452
File: 372 KB, 500x282, 1613668391776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the FUCK UP this is bigger than link faggot.

Bigger than the graph and might even be bigger than bitcoin, its PRIVATE. Do you realize how big of an achievement is going on here? Can you even comprehend it?

Stop making these threads if you're not going to buy and be a part of the bloom just IGNORE IT what the hell is your problem????

>> No.29184510

huge buy signal.

>> No.29184553

Dude look at the market cap and token supply. Much much more than Link. It will never go above a dollar.

>> No.29184636

Why is it bigger? How is it private?

>> No.29185112

ITS PRIVATE ETHERUM do you even get it??? the possibilities are endless. google and mastercard will be running on this network and the vcs are going to bring them all in. its the final chain. one more shot. you going to miss it???

LINK doesnt do anything. think on a long timeline not 3 days.... fucking 4chan man.

>> No.29185352

Link does a lot Rose needs Link. I think you are panicking about your bags bro

>> No.29185529

LINK doesnt do shit. Its just a bunch of boys selling deadlines to eachother that never come. It's a pyramid shceme.

Rose is made by a woman (yes thats a plus) and solves a REAL problem, you can run private code on it. Try doing that on LINK!

Im done with this pathetic conversation, just buy some. if youre not in youre not in - END OF STORY - what do you say???

>> No.29185737

You've never read the white paper. Rose literally compliments and needs Link. Link solves the oracle problem. How can you be so clueless on Link when this coin is made to work with Link

>> No.29185822

i said im done here. we'll see who is right.

>> No.29185862

ChainLink is a huge partner of Rose.

>> No.29185918