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29176648 No.29176648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Your man Michael Burry

>> No.29176797

Damn. Police sure kill a lot of people in the US.

>> No.29176987

Everyone who joins the force does it for the authority. Then the state gives these power-maniacs a fucking loaded gun and the pass to shoot when they want.
What do you expect?

>> No.29177412

Based weaponized autism man

>> No.29177529


>> No.29177699

Cool, now filter for actual whites Dr autism.

>> No.29177704

why do police arrest black people so much?

>> No.29177820

I suppose half breed are classified as "white"

>> No.29177893

>800 people
>a lot
Pick one

>> No.29177960

this. they give guns to completely incompetent retards who peaked in high school and believe that they're above the law. that being said, not all of the cops are bad, but many of them are corrupt or are willing to overlook the injustices that the display on ordinary citizens. Also they would rather go after young black men in a nice car instead of the heroin junkies shooting up in public or the pedofile hanging around childrens parks.

>> No.29178081

>the going after black people rather than white people fallacy
this data proves you wrong nigger

>> No.29178111


>> No.29178130

because they commit a lot of crimes

>> No.29178277

Absolutely based and accepting the reality of numbers pilled.

A whole lot of people resist arrest and try to pull weapons on cops.
Of coruse they do get a few dozen totally innocent people every year, which is inexcusable, but there are bigger issues at hand.

Cope. Cops suck but your take is retarded.

Blacks males are literally too violent to be contained anywhere but prison cells. Our inner cities are hell holes because of blacks. Literally if we could press a button and get rid of them the murder rate would be cut in half. They literally are not people. They literally are incapable of being civilized unless they have significant admixture.

>> No.29178313


>> No.29178346
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> blacks make up 13.4% of us population
> whites make up 60.7% of us population
I won't say anything

>> No.29178393

>Fails to understand per capita

>> No.29178447

the tweet doesn't exist?

>> No.29178479
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he's this close to posting fbi crime stats

>> No.29178503

>Blacks are 13% of population
>Commit equal amount of violent crime as whites
>Get killed by cops half as much

Seems like cops are racist against white people

>> No.29178784

its okay to kill white people, you kill a nigga and citys will burn, sorry huwitey

>> No.29178869

>equal amount
da fuk?

>> No.29178947


>> No.29179001

do you have a 5th graders reading comprehension? if you lived in a shithole libtard city like me, you would understand you cuck. In seattle, cops spend all day in pioneer square where a majority of heroin junkies and homeless are and they shoot up in public with no fucks given. and did I said they would rather go after blacks instead of whites? you're now generalizing that only white people are junkies. this is the stupidest take on this board and i've read about countless retards falling for pajeetier rug pulls. go back to /pol/ nimrod

>> No.29179286

not sure what kind of liberal bubble the man is confined too, but it is common knowledge that if you adjust for the number of police-interactions i.e. arrests, black people are not overrepresented in police killings or any kind of police assualt e.g. tasers.
The reason for the main stream media's focus on police brutality against blacks, are the fact that black commit more crimes, and therefor overall are more likely to be the victim of a police brutality - because their skin colour correlate with crime for some unknown reason.
furthermore, the overrepresentation in crime is only contained to certain crimes e.g. violent crimes, not white collar crimes, pedophilia or drunk driving.
Which also exclude the possibility of "institutional racism" if you exclude the option that police only "discriminate" against black in certain crime category to 'pad the stats'.
the razor seems to be designed for this.

I also want to point out, i haven't browsed /pol/ for years, i don't follow the news unless it pops up in zero hedge, /biz/ or another PM/crypto youtuber.
hence, this is not some niche knowledge, everyone should be aware that the whole BLM is a bunch of nonsense, that everyone that didn't vote for the orange buffoon, voted for incompetence and idiocy for the sake of pandering to some demagogues demented messiahs complex. But most ppl are women..

>> No.29179380

>black males are literally too violent
>your brain on /pol/
go back to your retard containment board. our inner cities are hell holes because cops would rather go after tyrone for being tyrone instead of going after tyrese and jake for peddling dope and shooting up in public. our inner cities are shit holes because they let keith and davonte get shipped from *insert red county/state here* for being homeless retards that gave up on trying to find a way to make it. this shit has nothing to do with race but rather the idea that everyone regardless of their current situation is a victim when in reality they just never gave a shit about themselves in the first place.

>> No.29179414

Ignoring race, cops are 1000 times more likely to shoot you if you are a man. Is it because cops hate men, or because men are far more likely to commit a violent crime? Cops are faggot retards but they are rational faggot retards. Black + Male = more likely to be a violent criminal. Seethe more tranny

>> No.29179439

Half-truth, high-school tier take. A lot of it is the fact that cops have to deal with truly horrible people, especially in cities. Normal people don’t want that job regardless of pay, so you can attract assholes. Both sides suck and mostly deserve what they get, and there really is no better option short of deporting all minorities and re-instituting insane asylums. Your best bet is to just stay out of their way and live in a small town if you can. Small town cops are mostly based.

>> No.29179460
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>> No.29179512

based as fuck

>> No.29179535

>rreeee things are bad because y pipo!
LMAO the fucking cope from you dickloess retards

>> No.29179608
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Yea when the government removed non-white hispanics from the crime data it showed blacks were 27x more likely to violently attack a white person than the other way around, beaners and arabs and north africans and mixed people pretending to be white are all accounting for a lot of the white crime data, which even with them on top is still amazingly low compared to niggers.

>> No.29179709

Holy fucking cope, the people who cry and bitch about the cops are the same people who put the inner cities in this mess, then we have good goys like you who try to cover for them. Kys

>> No.29179785

This is how Burry operates. He deletes all of his tweets, not sure how long he keeps them up but def not more that a day or so.

>> No.29179855
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>> No.29179883

lick the boots, lolbert fag

>> No.29179994


>> No.29180005

Police don't kill Asians huh?! Why are they always left out of these SJW reports? I feel sorry for the ching chongs.

>> No.29180026

>more likely to be a violent criminal
overall my point is that most cops are idiots that are undeserving of their position of upholding law and order because if they actually cared about anything more than raking in a shit ton of overtime pay our inner cities would be a better place. instead they bend over backwards for their gay ass liberal mayor to make sure our shitholes stay shitholes. don't get me wrong, a black man can be extremely violent but there are more important things to worry about like cleaning up our streets so that children have a safe place to be.

>> No.29180045

people get confused about how to treat and judge people, but its really not that confusing. You judge individuals as individuals, and groups as groups. An individual black can be just fine, but blacks as a group are violent retards with stump-faced women.

>> No.29180219

>800 out of 300,000,000 Americans were dumb enough to try to fight off cops during an arrest/search/whatever in 2017
sounds reasonable to me, actually pretty impressed it's that low

>> No.29180329

how am i covering for anyone, i want everyone to be held responsible. cops, the druggie retard, the black criminal, and most importantly our liberal fucking city council members.
go back to your containment board
eat a dick. the number one thing our cities lack is a sense of accountability. everyone just finds someone else to blame
everyday its another fucking sob story, muh they killed tyrese, oh noes keith has an opioid addiction. fuck that shit. it all goes back to incompetent people that blame race because they don't want to hold city/government officials to higher standards

>> No.29180481
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damn for a guy thats kinda smart, hes dumb as hell

>> No.29180523

didn't this twitter account turn out to be an imposter or was that a different twitter account?

>> No.29180547

These reports take awhile to come out.
This is probably pretty fresh info

>> No.29180570

city people are oversocialized. Which makes sense from the perspective that socialization is important when you're packed into close quarters and have to give up bits of your autonomy to get along. The swedes were historically bunched together in communal housing projects, and i believe that's why they're so cucked. If you want free people with healthy brains, you need open spaces.

>> No.29180606

re-read it
Trump just took office in 2017, if we are talking a midpoint I'd look at 2018-2019
again, burry is dumb as hell

>> No.29180611

>p-plz don't laugh at me
Eat a mountain of shit, cuckold retard.
I'm from here. I'll stay here.

>> No.29180625

as you can see the from the data, they commit violent crimes at nearly double the rate of a white man. this is why you never relax around blacks

>> No.29180734

It is an odd stumbling point for most people and a crucial part of any well devised turing test to distinguish NPCs from player characters. Like if I try to bring up with a woman the extremely resilient psychological findings that show that women are generally more interested in people and men more generally interested in things, her first reaction will always be something like, "oh, so you think I'm bad at math?" or similar. Like it is inconceivable for them that members of the group might, individually, differ from the mean. Baffles me that most people conflate this shit.

>> No.29180773

He's seriously the most based man that can get on a mainstream media outlet

>> No.29180999

In the US black people commit murder at a rate that is 8x higher than white people.

Literally, take an average black guy and a white guy, the black person is 8x more likely to kill you

>> No.29181081

i used to think that it was just cradle to grave government propaganda that did this to them. But i think it's always been this way. Most people are just cogs that exist to perpetuate the tribe. Maybe they have souls, but their souls are thinner than real people.

>> No.29181104

30% of blacks in the US are convicted felons. Just shy of 1/3, and most of them are men.
You literally cannot trust a black man in America.

>> No.29181174

as much criticism as that phrase faces.
everyone who has a tolerable time when needed to deal with them knows to follow it.

>> No.29181181
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>> No.29181295
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>> No.29181319

i agree with the oversocialization, and i believe thats the reason for the refusal to hold anyone accountable. but instead these libtards would rather focus on stuffing their pockets and letting incompetent police officers run wild and make 2x what a regular cop would make without improving the city in anyway, shape or form. i hate the direction things are going, my tax dollars are being given to people that don't make our city a better place. this isn't even equality anymore, its about feeling sorry bc a person lives a certain way and then look in the opposite direction

>> No.29181360

you don't get a free gun for being a cop retard. Everyone has a loaded gun here.

>> No.29181410

technically they have police encounters related to violent crime at twice the rate of whites, whether or not that translates to actually committing twice as much violent crime is an unknowable. Maybe whites are just as violent but do it behind closed doors or don't pass the average person's theshold for calling 911 as often. Basically agree with you, but don't mischaracterize the data.

>> No.29181754

well the issue with seattle is that the drug epidemic is big business. And not in the sense of trafficking. i think seattle alone spends 1.5 billion per year on charities and ngo's that run soup kitchens and needle exchanges. The ngo's donate to the politicians, and they're from the same social class so many are relatives, married, or otherwise associated with local politics. Its a business, so they try to expand it. That's why seattle doesn't enforce the law and gives out bus tokens to stranded homeless in yakima to come to the city. Every year the problem will get worse and require more and more money (in the form of salaried sinecures), so shit will get worse and your quality of life will drop and you will pay more taxes. Until it reaches a tipping point where people flee, sell their real estate for cheap, and then a developer (also politically connected) will come in and buy the land up for cheap at which point political reformers will show up to restore law and order because its time to increase the value of the developer's investment and lure middleclass people back to the city. It's a cycle that repeats itself everywhere.

>> No.29181784

Sure, you can try to dissect and compartmentalize the data like that, but if you look at it by region, by county, the racial data shows a more detailed picture. Whites simply do not commit murder at the rate that blacks do. Whiter areas have less murder on average. This holds true virtually everywhere. The poorest majority white areas have lower murder rates than inner cities. Totally impoverished and illiterate white people are not murderers and rapists like blacks are.

Anyone into crypto should be of the mindset to critically absorb data free from poltical bias. Crime stats are no different. If a person can't accept the reality of crime stats they can't be successful in any market.

>> No.29181817

this autist forgot to add that there are 5 times more whites than blacks in us

>> No.29181859
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>> No.29182032

There is a row in the spreadsheet for percentage of population retard.

>> No.29182148

the goal of the government is to find ways to spend as much money as possible so that more money flows back to them via kickbacks

>> No.29182668

oh boy im sure hes got lots of PROOF™ too

>> No.29182925

>our inner cities would be a better place
holy shit, the mental gymnastics you perform just to avoid admitting "our" inner cities are shitty violent places because of the shitty, violent people.

there's no statistical significant correlation between poverty and crime or education and crime, but there is with racial distribution, go figure.

>> No.29183030

maybe asians commit as much crimes as niggers, but we just don't find out.

>> No.29183080

the stats for 2017 include all of 2017, meaning half the time during a 2016-2020 tenure has elapsed. Imagine nitpicking like this and being fucking dead wrong anyway lmfao

>> No.29183099

ya its a racket

>> No.29183407

>whether or not that translates to actually committing twice as much violent crime is an unknowable
it's not unknowable; there's a reason we do the national crime victimization survey and analyze it in conjunction with the raw non-standardized crime report data. (the surveys basically confirm the data, btw)

If anything, black crime goes underreported in the U.S. because the black community is so unwilling to work with police (right or wrong, doesn't matter). Snitches get stitches, etc.

>> No.29183468

precisely what i noticed, grew up in seattle, went to the east side for uni, came back and the entire city was filled with druggies and homeless. I knew there was some funny business going on bc of all the people i spoke to while driving for uber. I guess my only opportunity is to wait for the market crash in the seattle area bc a shack is going for 1M atm. i appreciate the insight on the inner workings of these ngos and other charitable organizations. the whole CHAZ fiasco in 2020 is what was really mind boggling to me.

>> No.29183723

Lmao imagine your critical thinking skills being this stunted

>> No.29183751
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>CHAZ fiasco
whaddya talking about man it was a Summer of Love, baby

>> No.29183839

Exactly the police are these rat bastards, they fly blue lives matter flags as if they should get some reward for doing their fucking jobs. It’s pathetic how cucked they are