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File: 91 KB, 863x1024, 758AD4D6-0D72-472F-9D3D-985B65D5A2DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29175786 No.29175786 [Reply] [Original]

Okay listen up GRT bag holders. I sold 5000 grt for a profit around 2.32.
This coin is literally the reddit of crypto. The marketcap, supply, inflation doesn’t make any sense.
In reality there’s a small to medium size of developers who use The Graph as a utility software. The tokens are utility tokens and that means that the price has to be affordable for the turbo nerd virgin developers to afford or else they can just do shit manually as they have been doing FOR OVER A DECADE.
This token is literally the Linux of computers. Ask yourself how many people you know that own a Linux? Compare that to the people who use Windows and you have a clear picture.
No normie will ever be interested in “The Native Token of the Graph Foundation” lmao
The Graph Foundation: it already sounds like a non-profit org for flood relief work.
This token is not a good “Long Term” hold. This token may reach 5 dollerinos and that’s me being optimistic. Please dump these shitcoins like GRT, ALGO, HBAR because nobody’s interested in them but turbo nerds and virgins, aka the Virgins of the Crypto World.
Find a coin that interests normies and whales.
You can thank me later

>> No.29175833
File: 91 KB, 325x339, 1583838828855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark eyes
into the trash it goes

>> No.29175951

t. suicidal dark eyed cripple

>> No.29175965


>> No.29176037

fuck yeah hanna feet!!

>> No.29176095

hanna who

>> No.29176154

stinky hanna feet hahahaha duuude imagine getting a whiff off of that mmhh LOL!

>> No.29176193

great feet

>> No.29176253
File: 64 KB, 400x397, 528646A3-8BDC-42AD-9301-E23B981CB129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir are mentally retarded.

>> No.29176280
File: 319 KB, 500x375, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29176296

shit does IOTA fall into this category?
pls say no

>> No.29176577


>> No.29176613

Retail uses Windows but every server they hop onto uses Linux. Industry>Retail

>> No.29176625


>> No.29176646

Checked n time for ur meds grandpa

>> No.29176840

this. op is a fag once again

>> No.29176942


>> No.29177230

shit taste poltard

>> No.29177247

>The tokens are utility tokens and that means that the price has to be affordable for the turbo nerd virgin
Wrong. The price of the token has nothing to do with the price to use the indexing service. Fucking faggot OP. I'd like to cave in your skull and lying face in with a bat.

>> No.29177437

This looks comfy.

>> No.29177471

fuck yeah bro
are those fat lines or fat doobs?
haha doesn't matter we getting geeked up regardless hang ten for my boy Yaniv
his dad owns the google of bitcoin and he lets him get trashed with sluts at his mansion like every weekend this is gonna be fuckin SICK bros

>> No.29177523

just ignore her entirely.
bury her head in a bucket or toilet or something and put down the lid on the back of her neck. ya know.
then just talk to her feet. and make out with her feet. and then play with her butt. and ask her butt how it's day was, etc. if it got it's nails done. etc. tell it you like it's hair-doo..

and just ignore her face.

>> No.29177595

Based and foot pilled

>> No.29177639

DavoHanna a nasty trap on onlyfans

>> No.29177814

Sum say it be Bollocks Boolocks. Boollocks!

>> No.29177826

Joseph Goebbels was also a dark eye and I know for a fact that his clone descendants regularly try to impregnate non-white women with a feverishly crazy fervor. They are also extremely batshit Christian, broke as fuck and generally useless to society.

We white supremacists need a better role model.

>> No.29177940

Liking feet is the choice of the most brilliant minds I'm pretty sure Einstein, Heisenberg, Tesla, Lincoln, Bismarck, Napoleon and many more were avid feet lickers who enjoyed the ocasional smell too

>> No.29178383

James Joyce was a braaappp enthusiast and there exists notable documentation proving this but it's difficult to say if this was a sign of intelligence or just another quirk of the beautiful culture of the Emerald Isle.

>> No.29178811

Most probably it is a sign of intelligence. I am pretty sure Warren Buffet himself would identify himself as a Feet connoisseur and a Braap enthusiast. Or I am 100% sure Plato was a feet maniac with all the greek qt feet in leather sandals around him.

>> No.29179021

tell me which ones you have on your portfolio then

>> No.29179718

So I guess that puts Hitler out of the discussion, huh?

>> No.29179946

OP is right, you moonboys are missing out on all the gains that are happening right now

>> No.29180245

@tundeka_ on insta

>> No.29180671

I like her eyes but those feet are kinda meh looking

>> No.29180992

You can not FUD this into a 10 dollar coin: nice try. Golden bull is starting. Everything will do well.