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29172255 No.29172255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've had sex, my penis is uncut and I've had sex in the cumming in the vagina with my uncut penis without a condom over 2500 times in the past 8 years or so

post good copes

>> No.29172299

me too

plot twist: I'm American

>> No.29172393
File: 19 KB, 128x89, peepo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29172395

Circumcision reduces the risk of invasive penile cancer by 96%

>> No.29172435

Fucking based dude

>> No.29172453

I've never had sex and I'm uncut

>> No.29172520

Omg so the rate goes from 0.000001% to 0.000000001%? THANKS MOSHE

>> No.29172615

And are you fulfilled?

>> No.29172710

No it goes from .17% to .0064%, with half men who are diagnosed dying within 5 years

>> No.29172832

Wow. Your mom has really gotten it in 8 years

>> No.29172876

>Circumcision reduces the risk of invasive penile cancer by 96%
it reduces your feeling when having sex by 99%

>> No.29173035


>> No.29173073

>cutting off your dick reduces your chance of dick cancer
big brain observations here

>> No.29173111

obvious FUD

>> No.29173141

Cut off your ballsack so you never get testicular cancer.

The USA has one of the highest rates of STDs in the world.

>> No.29173148

>just chop pieces off your cock bro
>if you don’t have a penis you can’t get penis cancer

>> No.29173257

Terrible hyperboles

>> No.29173320

This is /biz/
also why bully for being circumcised? Most people had no choice and were just unlucky to get cucked by american culture

>> No.29173421

Dangerously based

>> No.29173432

There are ~460 deaths from penile cancer every year in the United States. At least 100 kids die from bleeding after having their dick chopped off.


>> No.29173479

Condoms were invented in America so nobody can tell if your uncut because American girls (like me) would never fuck a discusting uncut penis with a weird skin hood thing it's gross and full of cheese shit.

>> No.29173483

I'm unironically a tranny and love life

>> No.29173489

Am circumcised, can confirm. My dick goes numb during sex

>> No.29173572
File: 22 KB, 756x532, circumcision and sexual dysfunction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29173732

im ok with being trans

>> No.29173783
File: 5 KB, 225x225, burgerdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut off your legs so you don't get deep vein thrombosis. Cut off your eyelids so they don't get infected. Cut off your arms so you Sonic run through the field in war easier. Circumcision literally causes brain damage and raises cortisol levels to the point where PTSD patients would have it at. Destruction of the foreskin causes unnatural friction during coitus which increases micro tears for blood and bodily fluids to flow through, increasing the rate of STD transmission. It was pushed by Dr. Kellogg who would burn 3 year old girls' clits with acid to prevent masturbation.

>> No.29173792

It doesn’t say that, read the article
>source: these nuts

>> No.29173795

Just because American men don't know how to wash

>> No.29173863

>2 more weeks

>> No.29173922

That's a separate article. I never said it was a source. Use your intelligence. Maybe cut out your brain so you won't keep getting destroyed in this convo.

>> No.29173998

Didn't invent Corn Flakes for the same reason he burnt clits with acid?

>> No.29174056

So you linked an article that had nothing to do w what you were saying, assuming I wouldn’t read and so you’d still keep credibility
I’ve been utterly vanquished

>> No.29174171
File: 451 KB, 882x876, circumcisionNPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29174215
File: 166 KB, 960x1200, No Dick Kellogington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally called Corn Flakes an anti masturbatory meal while experimenting with connecting electrodes to kids' genitals. Imagine cutting off your son's most manly part because of the cereal man.

>> No.29174339
File: 61 KB, 888x894, 779DD44F-7299-4C1C-90B7-68710350CAD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve had fun shitposting with you nervous turtles. I hope you all find joy and fulfillment in your lives and I wish the best of luck to you all this bull run.
Also my penis looks more aesthetically pleasing than yours