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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29170960 No.29170960 [Reply] [Original]

why are gas fees still high if everyone uses bsc now?

>> No.29171032

because smart people are still using Uniswap and won't touch that centralized chink scam with a 10-feet pole

>> No.29171104


>> No.29171180

Binance is keeping them high by doing several transactions in order to pump their Ethereum clone.

>> No.29171192

Poorfags are using bsc, whales still use eth

>> No.29171343

because the entire reason gas fees are retardedly high on eth is not because of traders. Its because of arb bots and big dapps. They fight over blocksize every time, constantly trying to outbid each other to catch the arb opportunity and raising the price for everyone else. BSC is taking trader traffic because no one wants to pay 100 fucking bucks roundway trip for some retarded trade that might dump anyway. Once L2 DEXes take off and avax gets more adoption, bsc train will take a back seat.

>> No.29171949


>> No.29172221

I was gone a week, wtf happened to uniswap lads is it over? I don't have binance or pancakeswap I'm ngmi

>> No.29172403

What about later zero solutions like Constellation and Lattice are working on

>> No.29172546
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Just wait it out.
The chinkchain bubblepop will be glorious.

>> No.29172718

>AVAX gets more adoption
Not gonna happen bro

>> No.29172798

BSC has fake volume. Been proven multiple times now. The entire thing is a shill campaign. Only retards fell for it.

>> No.29173003

I've turned 25k into 150k and took 50k profits so far
I hope I keep falling for more chink scams!!!

>> No.29173519

Sure you did

>> No.29173636

cope, avax is a good chain. Its a top 10 project, meanwhile shitcoins like LTC, BCH, XRP, and ADA the rest of said zombie chains will fuck off to their rightful place somewhere in the top 100.

>> No.29173841
File: 79 KB, 682x903, eggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 1,000 eggs for $25k and sold 500ish so far at 110-130

Seethe harder with your crabbing erc20 dogshit :)