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File: 51 KB, 506x314, 1645649842344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29167646 No.29167646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So the Asians just wait for the west to do all the hard work of innovation then just steal it and use their larger population to dominate without much effort?

>> No.29167798

You don't like it cumskin? Boo fucking hoo. You guys colonized more than half the planet and stole anything and everything you could from conquered people. Think of it as repayment. Stay ass blasted.

>> No.29167802

That’s life

>> No.29167902

Are you mad about BSC?
Maybe don't charge 150 dollar gas fees whiteboy.

>> No.29167951
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sad innit

>> No.29168015

You don't think the west might eventually wipe out and/or conquer your bug people too one day?

t.nigger slave.

>> No.29168038

Imagine having a dick as small as this guy. Lmao.

>> No.29168073

>larger population
no, they take advantage of westerners being lazy and arrogant. ethereum had years to be improved upon but it never happened.

>> No.29168094

Always has been

>> No.29168236


>> No.29168367
File: 550 KB, 1200x1519, 1200px-YuanEmperorAlbumGenghisPortrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, good goy. No other races have ever conquered or pillaged.

>> No.29168426

Cumskin doesn’t hit as hard as it should, not gonna lie. but I mean it’s clear that everyone else envies us so why would
I let the opinions of lesser species bother me.

>> No.29168478

Yes op Asians lack the ability to innovate. They are basically organic robots.

>> No.29168494

I will willingly kneel for our Chinese overlords when the time comes for them to rule the world.

white guy who's incredibly smart to realize China is the future!

>> No.29168530

Just lol @ you. Keep blaming everything on the Jew. White people will only exist to be bred as our sex toys in the next few centuries.

>> No.29168547
File: 8 KB, 380x250, 64828333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Buy TRX if you wanna be rich by end of summer.

>> No.29168583

Nothing but bugmen
*insert souless reactions to death by bugmen.webm*

>> No.29168650

if you mean we are gonna fuck all your women cause they find us way more attractive than you might have a point.

>> No.29168667

whitey losing streak continues
not much longer now...

>> No.29168701

Don't try to demean this strategy when its the operative one of this board (buying shitcoins)

>> No.29168763

Last time I visited Hong Kong I fucked 9 Chinese girls in 11 days

>> No.29168765

The Spanish stole some gold from the America but I think that’s about it desu. Everyone would be living in caves still without the White man.

>> No.29168801

imagine 2/3s of your country being sexually frustrated men, then you to watch some European/American chads fuck the few women you actually have. What a life.

>> No.29168850

Look at your own countries, cucked to the core. There legit is no future for you on this planet. Sad that there are only two sides to the white race, militaristic blood thirsty savages or wimpy cucks. Enjoy having Mohammad, Tyrone, or Juan take over your cities.

>> No.29168854
File: 250 KB, 800x559, Nanking_bodies_1937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course goy, of course. After all, Whitey is (was) the only violent race.

>> No.29168912

Lol this dude actually believes we won’t take the whole planet with us when the try to wipe us out. the chinks are getting cocky boys

>> No.29168918

oh cool, so you were used as a dildo 9 times

>> No.29168935

muh dick

>> No.29168993

pretty much, but mostly the chinks do this

>> No.29169008

I am smart enough to realize who is going to run things so I quickly make friends with them.

>> No.29169019

the hypocrisy of Asians is pretty fun to witness, the fact no one calls you out on it really show how retarded the world has become

>> No.29169049

why are so many traps asian? Honest question...

>> No.29169142

You are mistaken if you think what is scripted in the media is the reality of the west.

>> No.29169161

>That other Anon didn't even mention the Jew
>That other Anon posted a picture of an Asian
>The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

It is all so tiresome.

>> No.29169201

Wonder why a certain someone considered the Japanese honorary aryans

>> No.29169238

kinda explains why they taking over
because you guys are degenerating into fat coomers

>> No.29169255
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>> No.29169305

Who fucking cares? We're on the cusp of the largest financial collapse in human history. Billions will probably perish from the fall out. This board is addicted to suck their owns dicks and obsessing over zombie paradigms that are collapsing as we speak. Accumulate wealth, prep for the fallout, build a solid network of people that you can trust when SHTF.

>> No.29169344

im Catholic, I don’t even have sex. i was just responding to his sex toys comment, faggot.

>> No.29169351

Cum isn't waste and its the source of all human life
So yeah

>> No.29169502
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The only reason you didn't do the same was because you couldn't. You didn't have the industry and the IQ...

>> No.29169627


>> No.29169703

The reason binance smart chain has no fees is because it has the industry and IQ while the white man doesn't.

>> No.29169705

so triggered cant even reply to the right anon

>> No.29169722
File: 1.15 MB, 1242x1233, based things really are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of asian and innovation, has no one here looked into the fact that asia is getting its own version of the binance smart chain? It's called HECO, lots of future opportunities.

>> No.29169765

Like I give a fuck. They're all the way over there while we're all the way here. China's India's problem to deal with in a decade.

>> No.29169917
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>> No.29169972

They use to be a race and country of innovation throughout the ages and now they have devolved to a society of bug like creatures willing to steal lie and cheat and kill on a national level for a dollar.They are very close to a soulless people. And getting closer every year.One day they will need to be exterminated.One day.

>> No.29170006
File: 56 KB, 489x508, 016234933_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unimaginably based

>> No.29170132

Oh sorry, I read Asian as Chinese.Non-Chinese Asians can certainly be innovative and original. But not Chinese...and some others.

>> No.29170151
File: 262 KB, 680x661, 1599617960889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least asians are smart. If i'm going to be dominated by a race, I'd rather it be the actually superior asian race than the race that just REEEEEEEEEEEEs all the time about "gub'mint" while being dumb as fucking rocks (white people)

>> No.29170249
File: 750 KB, 720x1280, 1612231331210.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Chang mean by this

>> No.29170252

This is literally the nigger response

>> No.29170322

the desire for World Domination has mostly been filtered from Western culture, now you reach a certain level of comfort and have to make black homeless transsexuals your #1 focus lest you get beaten with sticks by a group of black-clad invalids

>> No.29170588

>asians are smart
They are not. Do you really think chinks wouldn't fake their IQ test results?
Every somewhat smart Chinese who has some money is leaving the country or at least has a plan B in the west and Korea/Japan have lower birthrates than western Europe does.
Asia wont rule shit, they have their own problems to deal with

>> No.29170686
File: 302 KB, 650x400, family-guy-chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much these skanks were paid

>> No.29170703

Turkey will rule the world. Buy avax

>> No.29170755
File: 193 KB, 1080x1920, Meteor Fall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to nuke China.

>> No.29170781

Turkey fails at ruling sand.

>> No.29170886

Same as it ever was. It's a breathing. When whites are ascendant, the world is reavealed to itself through development, exploration, and technology. When they're not, a few others carry the torch for a little while, but stagnation, pretense, and saving face sets in as is their ways, and they then decline, then whites are ascendant again.

>> No.29170931

It's not important to rule sand. It's important to rule Europe.

>> No.29171023

Fuck off Ping.

>> No.29171137

Hong Kong is the only good (former) part of China. Guess what made it good? Colonialism.

>> No.29171275

After getting rekt in how many wars by russians? Keep dreaming

>> No.29171446
