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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29160888 No.29160888 [Reply] [Original]

howdy /biz/, I'm pretty sure you're all tired of the constant trdl pajeet spamming. however, there is one thing the pajeets failed to point out, and that is THE ABSOLUTE MONSTROUS FARMING APY

trdl's farming apy is made in such a way where it decreases depending on how much vBTC has been minted. currently the staking rewards are astronomical (we're talking about above 1000% APY), so, in case any of you have bought and are seething because you're thinking you bought a pajeet scam, no. you bought a farm token and you're not using it under its intended purpose. for those who still haven't gotten in, that's perfectly fine - now is THE perfect time to get in and start farming before the devs start pushing the marketing and pump the price up for the inevitable dump.

that's the sole reason the price has been crabbing (or a slow bleed, if you can call it) ever since the pump to $15 happened. there is price suppression from whales going on, as it is hugely detrimental to their farming returns if the price either moons or crashes too hard (read impermanent loss). this should keep going on for several days, maybe a week - basically, until that fucking v2 drops and the devs start marketing the coin for normans to buy.

get in while you're still early, shit's like a money printer at this point. and trust me, this'll only get better

>> No.29161040
File: 42 KB, 659x360, gainz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is my farming gains, started staking around 24h ago with a 750 trdl stack. with this apy it should be entirely possible to nearly double your stack until the inevitable pump happens, before which you remove the liquidity and buy back the TRDL with your ether

>> No.29161636
File: 405 KB, 1800x1273, 1613343712926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw started farming last night and woke up to 100 strudels

>> No.29161674



>> No.29161878

to start farming your TRDL, it's very simple.

>if you already have TRDL
simply add your trdl to the liquidity pool in uniswap, you will need to liquidate half of your position if you went all in like a degen. you will receive UNI-V2 liquidity pool tokens in your wallet. after that, you go to strudel. finance/farms and stake your LP tokens there. done.

>if you dont have TRDL
same as above, except you buy TRDL first. keep in mind liquidity pools require 50:50 ETH and some token, so don't forget to leave some ether behind.

oh and of course, this shit eats gas like a motherfucker, so you'll have to leave a bunch of ether in your wallet.

>> No.29162019


>> No.29162296

How many strudels should I stake? How much will i make in a day? I don't really understand farming

>> No.29162465

3500 strudels turned into 73 lp tokens for me. I haven't had a full day yet, but I am up 100 strudels after 12 hours

>> No.29162471

it's entirely up to you how much you wanna stake fren. you should earn back the amount of trdl you put in in about 15 days based on the current apy. it's very simple, just start staking and relax fren

>> No.29162683

Damn il is shit.
I only needed 800 trdl for 73 lp. 5 days ago

>> No.29162720

Don't spill the beans yet retard, /biz/ doesn't need to know about this yet

>> No.29163023

Biz is gonna know, and they’re gonna make a fuck ton of money just like you, fuck you jew

>> No.29163291

hehe, trdl money printer goes brrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.29163383


>> No.29163416

Mfw I doubled my stack in 15 days

>> No.29163428

shut the fuck up baka what is the point of posting this shit faggot

>> No.29163551

fucking pussy i need to make more off farming before it goes to shit, good job ruining it for everybody

>> No.29163590

shut the fuck up stupid pajeet scammers with this worthless scamcoin

devs are retards and probably dogs too go fucking die in a fire

>> No.29163723

in case you didn't realize you fucking retard, your APY is also HEAVILY dependant on the price. wouldn't do any good for any of us if the price dumped to shit now, would it

>> No.29163747

hahahah, don't tell him about farming MEOWTH/WYNAUT and 30% daily gains

>> No.29163757

Devs are European u stupid nigger not pajeet

>> No.29163791

4chan fuds every good project so this is bullish lol

>> No.29163806
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>> No.29163953
File: 121 KB, 1061x357, Screenshot_20210219-132206_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of $TRDL

- discord dead
- telegram bans you for questions
- twitter banned twice
- website links dead or link to suspended accounts
fucking yikes

>> No.29163976

How much gas do you pay? Just one tx to stake?

>> No.29164045

none of this matters because the farming profits are undeniable

>> No.29164081

1 to approve
1 to stake
1 to unstake
also, since you're a newfag, I'll give you a piece of advice: don't buy this shitcoin.

>> No.29164139

2 transactions actually, and 1 spending approval (for UNI-V2 tokens). it'll also be 2 transactions to unstake and to remove liquidity, that's why i mentioned the gas fees raping you

>> No.29164197

Their tg and discord had a rogue admin Apollo who is now gone stfu with ur fud pajeet fag

>> No.29164255

Imagine losing all your money on a bitcoin shredder called turdle

>> No.29164397

>Imagine when v2 launches next week and marketing starts

>> No.29164490

>marketing with no twitter account

>> No.29164639
File: 48 KB, 568x233, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya at $40 next week faget. My strudel stack will double before then farming

>> No.29164712
File: 66 KB, 1280x301, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the /biz/ jews will try and FUD this as hard as possible to stop you from buying, because it'll hurt their farming gains. do not listen to FUD and start farming yourself

>> No.29164731

Screenshotted this thread to make biniggers rope next week.

$TRDL is $40 with v2 next week

>> No.29164791

Biz fudded LINK at $1 lul

>> No.29164894

They already contacted twitter and are in the process of getting their account back, they lost it in an attack.

>> No.29165560

Stop posting this shit on 4chan, jesus.

Let us early holders get rewarded before fomo.
I also like telegram not being overrun with moon tards.

>> No.29166337

Yeah I just got thoroughly ass raped by gas. I have like 5 LP tokens and I can’t stake them cause I’m like $20 short for gas. Fucking ethereum. One more day for my cuckbase ether to be free.

>> No.29166349

I cant wait to post $40 $trdl next week kek

>> No.29166829

The tg literally has like 100 people in jt and its literallly all moonboi chatter.
Shit needs to get pumped here or nothing will happen.