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File: 491 KB, 970x984, stakenet-roadmap-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29153359 No.29153359 [Reply] [Original]

finally dates boys! ledger staking by eod of Q1 and dex live end of Q2! this is massive

>> No.29153454

oh . they're 2 years offf


>> No.29154293


>> No.29154562
File: 12 KB, 482x98, DASH FORK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this some piece of shit DASH FORK????

Yep....it sure is a UTXO, can't run smart contracts, piece of shit DASH FORK!!!!


Can someone tell this fucking idiot that it's not 2010?????

>> No.29154723

Ok seriously, can someone tell me what was the point of the roadmap update today? Its such a pointless update to release.

We're all waiting for the DEX release, and yet the only DEX-related item I can see on there is the Simple Swap UI which is still at 80%. I thought that was the main feature they were going to add to make the DEX normie friendly??

I'm sure, like me, most other XSN holders have moved a some money into BSC shitcoins and are making bank.

XSN is forgotten for now. Binance has literally got here faster. I can use the Binance bridge to swap between ETH and BSC. What more do I need from XSN??

Bitcoin holders aren't going to pour into shitcoin swaps, which is where the money is flowing, so XSN is completely pointless now.

>> No.29154738

lets tacobut it

>> No.29154948

today's announcement of an announcement was the final straw for me. if you cannot see the blatant bullshit buzz word goal post moving of this shitcoin, you are just going to bleed out during the biggest bull run we've ever seen

>> No.29154955
File: 366 KB, 632x395, 4yf9pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell now if you that broke

>> No.29154982

Also, reminder that the software they're developing is built from scratch. Aside from the basic DASH blockchain code base, off-chain software that needs the XSN blockchain is built from scratch. These software, as well as the upcoming dApps, will now require the native XSN blockchain.

>> No.29154995
File: 423 KB, 1373x1333, XSN is a SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention the roadmap is total fucking bullshit. These fucking pieces of shit say they're going to run a Stablecoin network on their UTXO piece of shit blockchain???


If it was that simple, BTC would have a stablecoin network on it. Also, the way lightning works, is that any routing has to be done in the currency network that is collateralized. IE, bitcoin routing is done through bitcoin nodes.

That's problem with UTXO shitchains, like XSN. You can't have multiple currency networks on it.

All you need a simple picture to tell you the truth about this piece of shit LITERAL DASH FORK UTXO GARBAGE.

>> No.29155105

Don't know wtf that update was about. They're focusing on all kinds of stuff but nothing is being finished and released.
Dex is definitely not coming in Q1.

>> No.29155205

How in fuck's name do you infer that I'm broke from my first post? Are you actually retarded?

I already sold some and moved it into BSC, did you not read what I wrote? Hello?

>> No.29155219

what are trying to say

>> No.29155323

there is nothing new

>> No.29155490
File: 393 KB, 991x695, 1598627545416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold some
sell it all niger

>> No.29155534

it's a complete failure with a coin

>> No.29155552

This is what happened.

A) It's a fucking scam, see their roadmaps from years ago and PoSW exit scam

B) Price was going down and people realize that this is garbage, so they're not getting trapped in a DASH FORK piece of shit

So the scammers had to release a fucking scam report with both misleading information and complete and utter bullshit.

The question you should ask yourself is why get trapped in this piece of shit while everything around you is mooning?

>> No.29155578

Don’t worry bro’s. AlexITC busy working hard on those scala pull requests in the private repo. Pretty much 80% done now

>> No.29155659

Lightning network dex, thought lightening network was vapor ware, interesting

>> No.29155925

We're in the second half of Q1, I'm not gonna fucking sell all of it now am I?!

I've already tripled my money in BSC anyway so I'll just buy back into XSN once the price inevitably goes down after Q1 ends.

My main point was what the hell was the point of this roadmap "update". Theres literally nothing new there.

>> No.29156416

Bet you still upvoted the post with an emoji tho.

>> No.29156952

Where is the Draper? Where did he go? You haven't seen him for a long time

>> No.29157261
File: 17 KB, 900x843, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I didn't

>> No.29157645

Big demand for pizza at the moment, he's busy.

>> No.29157664
File: 330 KB, 1330x940, kz2xrh2nb1z01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years

>> No.29158079


You can't even make this shit up!!!!

It says "Sharding" is on their roadmap for 2018.

A). There is no sharding on UTXO shitchains like Stakeshit, which is a DASH FORK piece of shit

B). Not even Eth, with all its developers and the value at risk can implement sharding

Yet, some fucking scammer shit bags with their literal FORK OF DASH, who previously exit scammed PoSW that has the same shitty tech are going to implement sharding on their shitchain in which sharding can't be implemented on????


This shit just gets funnier and funnier every day that passes by.

>> No.29158661

If I was holding this fucking garbage, I would save all this information and contact a lawyer immediately.

Here is the issue with the fucking scammers. Instead of even attempting to be legitimate like every other organization in this space, except for scams, they created two separate legal entities.

Instead of changing from X9 to Stakenet, they kept them as separate organizations. The reason they did this is because they can milk this shit for all its worth and then exit scam once again, with no repercussions. But the issue here is, you need to prove intent. And I think based on their previous history and absolute bullshit they put on their roadmap, you have a case here.

That's just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it, but you aren't getting your money back unless you take action against these scammers.

>> No.29159500

>imagine being this desperate kek

>> No.29160942

honestly feel a little sorry for any newb that fell for this. These "devs" are such ruthless liars that you almost can't believe it.

>> No.29161614

the biggest shill ive seen is the:
ThEy GoT lIsTeD oN bItFiNeX - nO sCaM!

can we all post some scams that got listed on bitfinex?

>> No.29162187

wasting your time fudding some coin instead of shilling your fav coin

life goals reached keks

sell bag stay poor

>> No.29162555

There is no reason to shill a coin that has real utility. It grows on its own. This is a piece of shit scam. Nothing being said is FUD.

Everything being said is the truth. If you can't handle the truth, you should make better "investment" decisions. With that said, it's the responsibility of the community to ensure that people know the truth about obvious scams.

>> No.29162802
File: 58 KB, 600x400, PepeLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29162988

these assholes need to stop with the bullshit roadmap updates. Just announce features that are 100% complete or LAUNCH THE FUCKING DEX ALREADY. As a masternode holder I am voting against releasing anymore funds until they get their shit together.

>> No.29163248

>I am voting against releasing anymore funds until they get their shit together.
>can't finish anything in 3 years
>surely if I vote NO they will get it done!
XSN holders should look up "Stockholm syndrome" on google.

>> No.29163394
File: 169 KB, 1263x638, 20JAN20211 STAKESCAM DEV DUMP!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason to vote anyway. "Team" does whatever the fuck they want to do. Was there a vote when they dumped 300K?

Fuck no.

>> No.29163497

i'm convinced the team holds the majority of masternodes as well, so they can move the vote any direction they want.

>> No.29163705

Just the term "team" is loose in this situation because remember Stakenet LLC contracted out work to X9.

That way X9 can milk these delusional shills for all their worth and then when they exit scam, the new story will be that X9 tried like really really really hard, but it just didn't work out.

Of course, just like with the PoSW exit scam, X9 will be said to have no affiliation, lol. You really just can't make this shit up.

>> No.29163761
File: 187 KB, 912x1084, print_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm convinced the team holds the majority of masternodes as well, so they can move the vote any direction they want.
they minted 7 million new XSN "just because". Guess what happened to those coins?

>> No.29164172

could you explain to me in simple terms why is this update not good?

>> No.29164375

its an update of an update
nothing has changed. they come up with bullshit progress percentages that don't mean shit because other than mining and dumping xsn, it has no use. they are clearly taking their time or don't know what the fuck they are doing. By the time they are done and actually release the product, no one will give a fuck.

>> No.29164719

Because it has literally and unironically zero new information.

Its just the features and their descriptions with arbitrary percetanges.

We're in the second half of Q1 and there's still no sign of DEX release.