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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 242 KB, 747x551, sellsignal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29153569 No.29153569 [Reply] [Original]

take profit or enjoy watching your unrealized gains go down the drain

>> No.29153708

wow some fucking money hungry jew is hyping your coin. who gives a shit

>> No.29153840

nigga, i dare you to post this shit again in 2 years

>> No.29153849

>why did I buy shitcoin? cuz I'm too dumb to understand fractions and unit bias

oh k thanks

>> No.29153916

It's being shilled by literal kikes, just sold my bags.

>> No.29154000

this jew druggie has-been is shilling a different coin every day

>> No.29154178
File: 27 KB, 597x185, lindsay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29154270

How many cryptos to have LL suck my penis?

>> No.29154469
File: 59 KB, 640x900, E6E60C4B-6935-452C-AE4E-E23EB0DB6BFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a meta-shakeout. Their handlers know you see this as a sell signal so they shill through their mouthpieces to make it seem like every celeb in hollywood is in.

>> No.29154548

Now someone put him into Algo

>> No.29154578


>> No.29154636

Cardano and IOHK want to turn the imagery associated with Crypto from Libertarian darkweb pedophiles, into a serious ecosystem

>> No.29154714
File: 78 KB, 500x381, merchant65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Jew knows what he said is moronic, hes trying to scam goyim.

>Gene Simmons: Thats what gentiles are for

>> No.29154716
File: 11 KB, 248x187, 1590981561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real name Chaim Witz

>> No.29154852

Haha if everyone should beable to “afford” it then why would you ever expect the price to go up? Wouldnt you want it to stay the same so everyone can afford it?

>> No.29154872

He tried to shut down his own kikery on jewtube by putting an age filter on it, I refuse to have a jewtube account. Anyways heres the same video on archive. Pretty much said goyim are for doing all the work, why you working on your car son, take that to a goy. Hes trying to trick stupid goyim into buying ADA by making them think its cheap, he knows what a market cap is.


>> No.29155038

Thanks, youtube wants me to send in photo ID or a credit card to certify my age. Funny how more certification is needed for this than to view as much hardcore porn as you want.

>> No.29155045

I got in at .47, do you think I got in before Mr. Simmons?

>> No.29155187
File: 13 KB, 601x170, pornhub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, isnt that funny.

>> No.29155370

I love this. He’s actually not entirely wrong. Both are hard capped non-inflationary tokens but 21 milllion vs 45 billion total supply and market cap is difficult to sell over Twitter and explain to normies with 160?( I know it’s more now) characters.

However — can’t tell if he’s dumb or not. He also said you could buy it on Gemini and coinbase.

>> No.29155643

Lmfao he’s potentially being self-deprecating and saying Jews can’t fix shit with their hands. It’s a 5 second ambiguous clip taken out of context.

>> No.29156672

>implying ADA is more "affordable" than BTC because 1 ADA < 1 BTC
holy shit what a retard.
fuck this blatant shilling of a scamcoin

>> No.29156714

Bullshit Chatzkel, they have an entire religious day where they cant turn on any lights or open and doors because the goyim have to do it for them.

"looks like a mess in here, what is all this stuff.Thats what gentiles are for, you hire them to work on your car"

"Jews pay goyim to do the work, we dont work ourselves. We dont need to know what this shit is, thats gentile business."

"We will sit like an effendi and eat while they work"

Goyim are like cattle, beasts of the field. Says it right in the fucking Talmud. Everyones seen the orthodox Jews in Israel talking about how goyim exist to slave for Jews and that Jews are currently exiled and not is all as it should be, but that Jews will enslave everyone else when its right and as it should be. Thats Judaism. KYS kike.

>> No.29156956

>Pennies compared to other holdings
Why the fuck does nobody understand what circulating supply and marketcap is???
Oy vey, unless this kike is just trying to pump his bags with false hope for the goyim. kek

>> No.29157281

No he isn't you fucking idiot, even if he was, it shows how he's aware of the mindset among his people; yet jews will kvetch all day about "white supremacy" which is practically non-existent for the past 50 years, meanwhile they view non-jews as inferior in the most explicit sense. The leader of the SPLC tracks the decline of the white population in the US by the decade, he tracks the rise of non-white populations in European countries as well, right on his fucking wall. You're just deluding yourself, I used to think this was crazy as well (it is crazy, these people are evil psychos) but the more I like into it the more I find it's the truth.

>> No.29157499

tell him to shill graph

>> No.29157606

I don't understand why they would antagonize the goyim after nearly half their population was holocausted in the 40's but then miraculously hit ATH come the 50's. Do they want to be picked up from their ghetto, loaded on a train, have their hair shaved, receive tattoo that has a number too low to make sense, be given clothing before finally being gassed in a leaky shower room with low grade insecticide? Is that really what they want?

>> No.29158561
File: 65 KB, 600x450, Lindsay-Lohan-Vikram-Chatwal-2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probs less than you think as she's broke. If this guy can so can you.

>> No.29158591
File: 103 KB, 454x639, gassed on the spot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. I had a cap for this exact occasion, some smart ass kike on Jewtube replying some guy who said to gas himself. Jew said "Make me". Literally asking to be gassed.

>> No.29158681

I wonder how much binance and cardano paid him to shill their shitcoins.

>> No.29158801

this guy has brain injuries

>> No.29158848

Jesus christ shes disgusting. Fucking rope.

>> No.29158884

Probably nothing. If you wanted a celebrity endorsement you could do a lot better than Chaim Witz.

>> No.29158999

He’s married to a goy you fucking idiot. His children aren’t even Jewish in the eyes of Israel.

>> No.29159519

>Gene Klein (born Chaim Witz

>> No.29159652
File: 252 KB, 364x363, juden2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm defending Jews and knows about the matriarchal lines. Das ist juden.

>> No.29159707
File: 952 KB, 2070x1270, Who controls your mind 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you lying like that, shlomo?

>> No.29160007

>lindsay lohan supports $TRON
I will never buy tron, thx

>> No.29160175

The biggest reason not to buy Tron is that Justin Sun actually went in on GME with 10 million at the top. Guy is a complete moron, he told Warren Buffet to buy it lel.

>> No.29160178

Not Jewish. Wish I was. Girlfriend is.

How can you look at this chart and Abby Shapiro, Winona Ryder, Natalie Portman, etc. and not want to have a Jewish kid? Getting angry at Jews for being smarter than the average person is stupid — it’s the equivalency of a black person not trying in life and blaming white people over and over again.

Just prove you’re worthy as a human being and upgrade your bloodline. It’s easy being male because you can have Jewish children as a goy.

>> No.29160318
File: 174 KB, 751x973, muh ashkenazi-genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Jewish. Wish I was.
Youre honorary. Jews are 95 IQ morons, they just happen to spend every ounce of that 95 IQ being conniving manipulative fucks who avoid actual work at the least cost.

>> No.29160876

Honestly — you’re unironically describing the neets on /biz/ more than Jews. Jews have lots of degrees generally and are constantly self-educating.

Not working and making money? Sounds great. Sign me up.